Is it safe to stretch my leg muscles after a knee replacement? Will this damage the implant in any way?

Stretching is safe and encouraged. Stretching helps keep the muscles around the joint flexible. This is important for getting your motion back and for performing daily activities. It also helps should you twist or turn suddenly or lose your balance.

Most rehab programs following a total knee replacement include a series of stretches for
the whole leg from the hip to the ankle. Many surgeons have their patients begin
stretching the first day after the operation. You can continue with these as long as you
are comfortable and not having any problems.

It’s also important to strengthen the muscles around the hip, knee, and ankle. These exercises progress as you gain strength. The exercises you will do will change a week, month, or year after the operation. Usually a physical therapist will help you find just the right exercise program. This is based on your age, fitness level, type of surgery, personal goals, and length of time since the operation.