I’m slowly recovering from a long period of low back pain. My doctor wants me to go to a vocational rehab center. What can they do for me?

Vocational rehabilitation sometimes referred to as “voc rehab” is an employment program for people with disabilities. A vocational rehab counselor will help you make career plans, learn job skills, and get a job.

Services are designed to meet the needs of each person. The rehab counselor will try to match the services to your goals for employment. First the counselor will find out about your skills, abilities, and what you want to do. Together you’ll come up with an employment plan.

Your skills, abilities and interests will be matched to the needs of local employers so you can get the job that best suits you. If you need special devices or a specific type of workplace, the vocational rehab counselor will help with that. People in wheelchairs or with limited physical abilities may need some changes in their work station to do the job.

As part of the job placement process, the voc rehab counselor can instruct you in job seeking skills. In other words, you’ll learn how to sell yourself in applications, resumes, and interviews.