I’m concerned about my aging mother. She sits so much of the time. When she walks she often sways from side to side. I’m afraid she’s going to fall and break something. Is there any way to have her balance tested?

A physical therapist can help you with this. There are several different tests that can be used to measure balance. For example, the therapist can measure how far a patient can
reach or sway without moving the feet. The result is compared against a standard to give some idea of impairment.

The step test is another tool often used. The patient puts a foot up and down off a block without hand support. The number of times this can be done in 15 seconds is recorded and
compared to norms.

Other tests can be used to look at strength and function. A falls prevention program can be started for your mother. Studies show fewer falls and fractures occur when adults
exercise and practice falls prevention.