I’m a little bothered by my recent doctor’s appointment. I saw an orthopedic doctor for a shoulder problem I’m having. I’m 66-years old and very active. The doctor asked me lots of questions but never asked about sports activities. Should I try to find someone who is a sports medicine surgeon?

Not necessarily. It’s a new world out there even for doctors in sports medicine. Older adult athletes are new but becoming more common. Doctors, physical therapists, and chiropractors may just need a little reminder from time to time.

Bring the topic up yourself at your next appointment. Let your doctor (and any other members of your health care team) know of your interest and activities. It’s always a good idea to make your goals known.

Perhaps you want to get back to 18-holes of golf or compete in tennis tournaments. The treatment and rehab might differ if everyone knows what direction you’d like to head.