I’m a bit of a science buff. After having my spine fused last year, I’ve been following all the studies on spinal fusion. I heard about a new manmade substitute for bone used in fusions. What is this called?

Recombinant bone morphogenetic protein or rh-BMP-2. Recombinant means that DNA from 2 or more sources is combined to make one. In other words, DNA that is artificially made. DNA is the carrier of our genetic information.

This is done in a laboratory. DNA is made up of two chains intertwined with each other. Four substances combine in pairs to make up these chains. A scientist takes a piece of DNA and splits the two chains apart. Then, the pairs are matched up differently to make new chains.

Scientists found the bone proteins in 1965. It’s taken since then to find a way to use this information to make new bone. Studies were done on animals first, then humans. Rh-BMP has been used to treat bone fractures. New studies on spinal fusion are being reported.