I went to the emergency room at our local hospital over the weekend for severe, severe neck pain. They did an exam, gave me some pain medication, and sent me home without so much as taking a single X-ray. Does this seem right to you?

Most people with neck pain have a nonspecific cause. In other words, all the imaging and testing in the world wouldn’t show anything wrong. That doesn’t mean X-rays and other tests aren’t needed at times. It’s just that in today’s high-cost health care environment, doctors are careful to order expensive tests when there is just cause to do so.

How can they tell? They use the information gleaned from both the history and physical exam. They take into consideration your age, general health, and risk factors for significant disease.

The major causes of serious conditions leading to neck pain include infection, tumor, and fracture. Anyone suspected of these three things would automatically have further imaging testing done.

Other risk factors for neck pain that doesn’t go away include the use of tobacco products (or exposure to second-hand smoke), poor health, and psychologic distress. A history of car accident or other trauma leading to whiplash and whiplash-associated disorder (WAD) is another risk factor for chronic neck pain.

Hopefully, the history would have brought out the possibility of car accident, domestic violence, or other trauma suggesting the need for further imaging or testing.

Hospital emergency staff are trained to warn patients what red flags to look for. These warning signs suggest the need for a return visit to the emergency department or a follow-up visit with their regular doctor.

If you develop visual changes, dizziness, numbness of the face or down the arm, or slurred speech, don’t wait. Get to a doctor or medical facility right away. These are symptoms of an impending stroke. Immediate attention is needed.