I was in a car accident six months ago and dislocated my hip when my knee crashed into the dashboard. Everything was coming along fine until I started putting more weight on that leg. Now I’m having knee pain. Could this be from the accident or is it just from being inactive for so long?

It could be either or none of those explanations. It’s best to have it checked out before
further injury or damage occurs.

A study done by orthopedic surgeons in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, showed a high rate (93
percent) of knee injuries after traumatic hip dislocation. Most of the patients in the
study were in a car accident. A few had other traumatic injuries.

The knee injuries ranged from microfractures of the bone (bone bruise) to ligament
injuries to meniscal tears. Bone bruising will likely heal on its own. Ligament damage

It could be either or none of those explanations. It’s best to have it checked out before further injury or damage occurs.

A study done by orthopedic surgeons in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, showed a high rate (93 percent) of knee injuries after traumatic hip dislocation. Most of the patients in the study were in a car accident. A few had other traumatic injuries.

The knee injuries ranged from microfractures of the bone (bone bruise) to ligament injuries to meniscal tears. Bone bruising will likely heal on its own. Ligament damage can lead to an unstable knee. Serious meniscal tears may need repair to prevent osteoarthritis later.

Make an appointment with your doctor soon and find out what’s going on. Early treatment can prevent long-term problems later.