Lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease. It can present in one of two forms: the systemic form or the discoid (cutaneous) form. Systemic lupus affects the joints and organs, but can also affect the skin. The cutaneous form just affects the skin.
Skin changes vary from discrete, round, raised lesions that look like coins in a small area of the body to a rash-like skin lesion over a large area of the body. About 15 to 30 per cent of the patients with the systemic form, also develop the discoid form.
In a small number of cases, the person actually develops the discoid type first and later develops symptoms of the systemic type. Most of the time, the individual is diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and later develops discoid lupus.
A classic first sign of SLE is a butterfly-shaped lesion across the nose and cheeks. This rash may be flat but can also be raised and slightly bumpy. The discoid lesions are more often present on the ears, scalp, V-area of the neck, and back of the arms around the elbows. They tend to be round, disc-shaped lesions.
If you started out with the facial butterfly rash, you may not develop any further skin lesions. But you can expect to develop other areas of involvement such as the joints and organs.
That’s why it’s important to keep your follow-up appointments with the clinic staff. Recognizing early progression of your symptoms can help plan and direct treatment.