I think I might be prone to knee injuries. Would wearing a knee brace during volleyball practice help prevent an ACL tear?

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries are a problem for many athletes in noncontact sports. Volleyball players are at increased risk because of the landing, turning, and pivoting required. Female athletes are up to eight times more likely to injure the ACL compared to male athletes.

Many studies have been done trying to find out the specific cause and ways to prevent ACL tears. Researchers have looked at weather conditions, playing surface, and footwear. They’ve examined hormonal differences between boys and girls. They’ve compared anatomy from head to toe as a possible reason for differences in the rates of ACL injuries between the sexes.

So far no single factor has been linked to ACL injuries. Bracing hasn’t been proven to prevent knee injuries either. Balance training and improving the joint’s sense of position seem to have the best record so far in preventing these types of knee injuries.