I recently hurt my low back. Now the pain flares up every time I try to get going again. Could I be trying to do too much?

Getting back to your normal activities quickly is important. However, you should use pain as a gauge of what can be done safely, and how much is too much.

A group of researchers in the Netherlands suggested that not being aware of your physical capabilities and limitations may lead to low back pain. These researchers tested a program that aimed to improve the physical, mental, and social functioning of patients with low back pain. For the small group of patients tested, the treatment was very successful. Patients saw big improvements in their health and ability to do daily tasks.

The researchers didn’t think this result came from the physical training alone. More important, they felt, was the fact that the program improved patients’ awareness of their own capabilities. After the program, patients were better able to tell if they were doing too much, or if they could safely do a little more. Responding to these kinds of signals may help patients lead more balanced lives. This, in turn, may help them avoid low back pain in the future.