I notice many people exercise with another person. They are often walking and talking at the same time. Are they getting any real exercise this way? I need to work up a sweat to feel like I’ve gotten a good workout.

Exercising while holding a conversation is called the Talk Test. It’s a simple tool that can be used no matter what form of exercise you engage in. If you can exercise and talk at the same time, then you are exercising at a level that’s safe. This is especially important for anyone with health concerns and problems.

For example, people with high blood pressure or heart disease need exercise. They may not need an expensive test to find out how much exercise. Using the Talk Test keeps the person within a range of intensity the body can handle.

If you’re in good health, exercising at a higher intensity isn’t a problem. You can work at a level where you’re breathing hard and unable to talk at the same time. You’re probably exercising at or above your target heart rate.

Studies show that regular physical activity and exercise has many benefits. This is true even if the person doesn’t breathe hard or sweat profusely. Exercising beyond the Talk Test has other benefits as well. Not everyone can exercise to that level or intensity.