Low back pain is a major problem for employers — especially where the job involves physical activity or lifting. Studies show that about one out of every four workers is unable to return to his or her previous work level. Sometimes they don’t return to work at all.
Researchers in the Netherlands have been studying this problem. They have found three things that keep workers out of work:
What can be done about turning this around? Patient education is the key. Teaching patients about their back and how to take care of themselves is the first step. Helping them get past the fear and worry is part of a program of behavioral therapy.
Psychologists and physical therapists work hand in hand to guide patients through this process. Making a visit to the job site or talking with the manager or supervisor is often part of the therapist’s job. Adapting rehab to match the patient’s activity level and needs on the job is essential.
You can be a part of the solution by working with your employees’, their doctors, and their therapists. Many times, employers expect workers to return to the job at full power and that just isn’t possible. Light-duty for a short period of time may be a very helpful tool offered by the employer.