I never see any kids playing outside like we used to. Is that why we’re seeing more of them getting sick with diseases that used to be only in adults?

Children in North America do seem to be getting less exercise than they did a generation or two ago. The society has changed in many ways and there are many reasons that are put up when people discuss why children aren’t as active any more. That being said, this inactivity is having an impact on health and health issues.

Children are now being diagnosed with illnesses like type 2 diabetes, once called adult-onset diabetes. More children are obese, more have cholesterol problem, and more are seeing doctors for aches and pains they may not have had if they’d been more active.

In one study, researchers found that children who were highly active had a lower risk of developing back pain as teenagers. Perhaps this, too, is another indication of how inactivity is having an effect on health.