I live in California and work at a nursing home. We’ve noticed that some of the patients here call themselves “Latino.” Others say they are Hispanic. What’s the difference?

Good question. Statistics are gathered from 23 different countries that make up the group we call Hispanic. This means there is a lot of diversity among Hispanic Americans.

The United States Government uses Hispanic to describe anyone who speaks Spanish as his or her first language or native tongue. This includes Americans from Latin America. It also includes Spanish-speaking people from other parts of the world. Latino is the
name preferred by people of Latin American descent living in the United States.

People of Latin or Spanish origins don’t all agree on the use of these terms. Some people want to keep their heritage by identifying themselves separately. Others feel the term Hispanic includes everyone no matter what their religion, color, or national origin.

In general, the combined groups living in the US are the fastest growing ethnic group in the United States. The 2000 Census predicts by the year 2050 Hispanics will make up 25 percent of our population. They currently are at 12.5 percent.