I like to get down on the floor and play with my grandchildren. Lately I’ve been having trouble getting back up. Are there some tricks to help me with this?

One way to approach this problem is to change the way you get up. Go from a sitting position to lying down on your back. Roll to your side then get your knees under you. Use your arms to push up onto hands and knees.

If you have enough strength and flexibility you may be able to go from a sitting position right to a hands and knees position without lying down first.

Once you are on your hands and knees, crawl to a chair, couch, or other sturdy piece of furniture. Hold onto the furniture for balance and support. Move to a half-kneeling position using your stronger leg first. Use your hands against the thigh of that leg to
push up or keep hold of the furniture and pull yourself up while transferring your weight onto the foot.

It seems like a simple task but it’s not one people think of when they feel stuck on the floor. The important thing is to use solid, unmoving items to help steady you. Don’t let your grandchildren help you, if you can avoid it. It’s very easy to overpower a small child and lose your balance and fall.