I injured my thumb while snowboarding. Apparently one of the ligaments in the thumb is ruptured completely. The doctor is recommending surgery, but my thumb doesn’t hurt and I don’t want to miss the rest of the season. How long can I put off surgery?

Injury to the thumb ligaments is common in skiing and snowboarding. When the snowboarder lands on the hand with the thumb out wide and pulled back, the ulnar collateral ligament on the inside edge of the thumb joint can be torn.

If this is the case, surgical reattachment of the ligament is usually necessary. Immediate surgery is best, though surgery can be delayed three or four weeks after the injury. Waiting longer can result in the need for more extensive surgery. This happens when the ligament gets scarred down and loses its ability to steady the joint.

Continuing to ski or snowboard with an injury of this type is risky. Any further falls or injuries to the thumb can complicate the recovery. Follow your doctor’s advice to avoid complications.