I injured my back two years ago and had a disc removed at that time. I’ve been reading up on the importance of core strength. How can I improve my core strength without risking more disc damage?

The core as it relates to the spine refers to muscles around the hip and lumbar pelvic region. Stomach muscles are a key part of the core, as are the trunk and hip muscles.

Exercise specialists are busy studying the effect of muscle weakness on back and leg injuries. They’ve found that athletes with weak core muscles are more likely to be injured while playing. This is true for many different kinds of sports.

Studying the effect of exercises on each muscle group will lead to more specific exercises for patients. In time we will know exactly what program to suggest for a healthy athlete versus someone with a back injury.

For now, you may be better off having your muscle strength tested for a baseline first. Once the physical therapist knows how your core muscles are working, an exercise program
can be designed for you. You’ll be able to learn the program and do it on your own at home or at the gym.