I hurt my back a long time ago and every time I think it’s better, it starts to hurt again. What can I do to keep this from happening?

Unfortunately, many people with back injuries end up suffering again when the pain returns. If your back pain comes back, see your doctor to be sure that it really is the same back pain as before.

To help prevent your back pain from coming back, it’s important to treat your back properly. If cleared by your doctor, you should begin an exercise routine to strengthen your leg, abdominal and thigh muscles. Strong muscles will keep the weight off your back. Be sure to always use good body mechanics when picking something off the floor, even a piece of paper. Remember to always bend at the knees when picking something off the floor, no matter how small. This way, your leg muscles will take the weight of your upper body and the object you are lifting. If the object you are carrying is heavy, bend at the elbows and hold it as close to you as you can. This, again, prevents your back from taking the weight of the object. Finally, always move in straigh-ahead fashion while carrying something, do not turn at the waist. If you want to move a heavy object from a table in front of you to a counter beside you, pick up the object as described earlier. With your feet, turn your body so you are facing the counter and then lower the object on to it. If you must put the object on the floor, you must bend your knees as you should when lifting something.