I heard on the news that the government has released new guidelines for exercise. What are they, and who are they for?

The American College of Sports Medicine along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have announced these new guidelines for improved health. Every adult is encouraged to accumulate at least 30 minutes of moderately intense physical activity. This should be done every day or nearly every day.

The activity can be as simple as household chores, gardening, or grocery shopping when done at a moderate intensity. Basically, this means any activity you do that is not slow or leisurely for you. What seems slow to a 25-year-old adult may be moderately intense for a 75-year-old. The activity can be five or 10 minutes long, but with all the activities added up, there should be at least 30 minutes a day on most days.

Exercising for 30 minutes without stopping is also an option. This can be a walking program, bowling, cycling, or more vigorous activities such as jogging, tennis, swimming, or other exercise.