I have hip osteoarthritis on the left side. I notice I can stand on that leg and balance much better than I can on the other side without arthritis. Does this make sense?

Standing balance depends on a variety of factors. Muscle strength of the hip and leg muscles is important, but so is strength and control of your core trunk and abdominal muscles. Standing balance also depends on vision and your inner ear function.

Balance is much easier with the eyes open. Try balancing both ways (eyes open and then eyes closed) and see the difference for yourself. Make sure you stand next to a wall or chair in case you lose your balance while doing this exercise.

The inner ear (vestibular system) has a lot to do with balance. The structures inside the ear signal to the brain the position of the head. The goal is to keep the head upright
over the body. It does this while the head is moving, whether fast or slow.

If you find you are losing your balance, it may be a good idea to have your physician or a physical therapist test your balance. Finding a problem early can save you from falls and fractures later on.