I have a lot of back pain but I’m afraid to take the medication my doctor prescribed. It’s really strong and I’m afraid of getting addicted.

Addiction to pain medication concerns many people, from those who make the drugs to those who take them. However, some pain can’t be managed without the type of medications, called narcotics or opioids that can be addictive.

Studies have shown that people who truly need pain medications have a very low risk of developing an addiction. Their body knows that they need the medication and uses it accordingly. The key is to use the medications as ordered as often and for as long as they were prescribed.

So, if you are prescribed to take a medication every 6 hours for 10 days, as needed – that means do not take it before 6 hours are up, and after 10 days, stop. You may feel that you still need it and be tempted to take it if you have a few more left. Don’t. If you feel you still need the pain medications, it’s best to speak with your doctor about your options.

If you are concerned with addiction, discuss this with your doctor.