I had one breast removed from breast cancer when I was 45 years old. Now I am 55 and in the middle of menopause. It’s very tempting to take hormones to stop the hot flashes and other symptoms I’m having. I’ve heard there’s an increase risk of breast cancer with the hormones. Is that true?

There is strong evidence to show hormone replacement therapy (HRT) increases the risk of breast cancer. In a landmark study, women were on the HRT five years and showed a relative risk of 2.5 for breast cancer. This means women who take HRT have a 250 percent greater chance of getting breast cancer than if they didn’t take the drug.

There are other risks of taking HRT as well. The same study showed women at increased risk of gallbladder disease and blood clots. It’s best to sit down with your doctor and assess your risk of breast cancer recurring before taking HRT. You can also take a test on-line to find out your risk. Go to:
. The results are estimates and should not be used to make medical decisions.