I had my first baby six weeks ago. I had back pain all through the last trimester. I thought by now my back pain would have gone away. Does this mean I’ll have it the rest of my life?

About half of all new mothers report low back pain after childbirth. Another 25 percent report problems with leaking urine called incontinence. Both of these conditions are caused by pelvic and abdominal muscle weakness.

There may be motor control problems too. The muscles may contract too late for the motion. In normal muscle function, some muscles start to contract as soon as the person thinks about doing a movement. The muscles start stabilizing and preparing the body for movement before the person starts moving.

Most of these symptoms go away for first-time mothers. Women who have had more than one pregnancy are more likely to have chronic problems with back pain and pelvic dysfunction.

New research shows that an exercise program to restore muscle strength and motor control can help take care of these problems. You may have heard of core training, Pilates, or stabilization exercises. Ask your doctor if you are safe to begin such a program.

A physical therapist can help you get started and then you can continue on your own at home. This type of exercise program is especially important if you are planning on having any other children.