I had a total hip replacement six weeks ago. The doctor warned me about avoiding certain positions to prevent dislocation. My husband is interested in resuming sexual relations, but I’m too worried about the hip coming out of the socket. How long should we wait before it’s safe?

Some doctors say you can engage in sexual activity as early as four weeks after a hip replacement. Most advise between one and three months. The longer you wait the better your chances are for good wound healing and recovery of the muscles and other soft tissues.

Most tissue is healed within six to eight weeks although age, poor nutrition, and smoking can delay healing time. Healing can also take longer if you have other health problems
such as diabetes or heart disease. Pain and stiffness from arthritis affecting other joints can also make a return to sexual activity more difficult.

Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor to give you some guidelines. Ask him and her how long to wait and what positions are best at this point in your recovery.