I get frustrated with my older parents when they visit the doctor. They don’t ask any questions and just blindly follow instructions they are given. My sister thinks they get better faster and we should leave them alone. Is there any scientific proof to this?

The placebo effect (getting better without any “real” treatment) is present to some degree in almost everyone. This has been proven in many studies. Scientists don’t know why it’s stronger in some patients compared to others.

Older adults, women, and nonwhites tend to have the best results. They expect the treatment to work and it does. Most likely, these patients are responding to the doctor’s “authority.” Patients who have had pain a long time are less likely to expect good results.

Scientists are studying this, trying to find out what makes it happen and who’s most likely to respond. Maybe there are certain conditions that respond the most to the placebo effect. Maybe personality traits decide who will have the strongest placebo.