I am a senior citizen in a retired living facility. We put on exercise programs for one another on a monthly basis. Next month it will be my turn. I’ve decided to talk about the importance of exercise for knee arthritis. Can you give me some tips or pointers I can use with the audience?

These was a recent article published by a group of physical therapists who took the time to review all the studies published on exercise and knee osteoarthritis (OA) up through the year 2011. Exercise recommendations from that study for people with knee osteoarthritis include the following:

  • Strength training and aerobic exercise reduce pain and improve function when knee osteoarthritis (OA) causes pain.
  • There are very few reasons why patients with knee OA should not exercise.
  • Exercise therapy for OA should be specific to each patient and prescribed by a physical therapist.
  • Exercise has been shown effective for knee OA even when X-rays show bone-on-bone at the joint.
  • Sticking with the program is the best insurance that the desired results will be achieved.

    Other recommendations were also posted such as the importance of exercise on reducing the worsening of knee OA and the need for lifestyle changes along with exercise for the best results. Being overweight is a major risk factor for knee arthritis. Exercise can help with both weight loss and muscle weakness.

    Muscle imbalances, weakness, and atrophy (wasting) are major contributing factors to knee arthritis. Which came first (the muscle impairments or the arthritis) remains unclear. But one thing is clear: exercise DOES make a difference. So you have chosen a good topic that will really benefit those who take the role of exercise in knee arthritis seriously.