As you probably already know quite well, physicians keep up with the rapidly changing discoveries in medicine by reading journals. Sometimes it’s just a matter of browsing various journals to see what’s happening. In other cases, a specific journal title may catch the physician’s eye as being worth the time to sit-down and read it page-by-page.
One of the services the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) provides is a specialty update on various topics in orthopedics. In the June 2010 issue of The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, updates are provided on a wide variety of pediatric orthopedic conditions that might help you with this project.
If you are located anywhere near a hospital (especially a pediatric specialty hospital), the hospital librarian will have subscriptions to journals on line that you can browse. There is a journal devoted to pediatric orthopedics by that very name.
Our own website has a series of Patient Guides that provide up-to-date information about various orthopedic conditions and injuries. Scroll down on the home page to Topics and click on Children’s Orthopedics. You’ll find everything from Blount’s disease and scoliosis to Osgood-Schlatters and Perthes disease and much, much more. That should give you a head start!