I am a busy executive with a large corporation. And I’ve been handed a diagnosis of fibromyalgia syndrome to explain my chronic muscle and joint pain. My physician has given me a treatment plan that includes medication, vitamins, nutrition, and exercise. How long before I can expect to get on top of this problem?

Fibromyalgia syndrome is a collection of wide and varied symptoms including tender points, depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, cold fingers and toes, fatigue, loss of sexual desire, headaches, and much more.

Approaching fibromyalgia with a plan of care much like a business project may not provide a quick and easy fix. This condition does require a long-term management approach. You should expect to see some change in how you feel (especially your pain and fatigue) in the first six weeks. Many patients continue to report gradual improvement during the next six weeks.

Getting on a daily exercise program and improving sleep go hand in hand with reducing pain and enhancing mood. You may want to consider attending a local fibromyalgia support group. The advantages are that patients have a place to find out what others are doing and compare notes on what’s helping people with similar symptoms. Support groups also give folks a place to share frustrations, challenges, and victories.