Bones are living tissue, much like skin and other parts of the body, although because they are so hard, they may not seem to be living things. Because they are living, they produce cells. When a bone is broken, blood clots like it does if your skin is broken in a cut. As the blood clots, it sits between the broken parts of the bone and new tissue begins to form. If this tissue is allowed to be undisturbed, then it starts to seal the broken parts together. The important part is keeping this healing spot stabilized, so that the fracture can heal and this is where the brace or cast comes in. While most casts or braces are kept on for about 4 to 6 weeks, they can be kept on longer if the bone doesn’t seem to be healing properly.
When your cast is removed at 4 to 6 weeks, the fracture is not yet completely healed; it can take anywhere from 3 to 18 months for a bone to get back to its earlier strength. However, the bone is about 80 percent healed in most patients at this point.