Does complex regional pain syndrome have anything to do with any other illnesses? Can some illnesses make you at higher risk of developing it?

This is a question that researchers are working on now. Since doctors don’t know what causes complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), if they can find a connection to other illnesses, they may be able to figure it out. A recent study has found that there may be a connection between asthma and migraines, and CRPS. In both asthma and migraines, there can be swelling inside the body – and doctors are thinking that this may be one of the issues in CRPS as well.

Interestingly, the doctors also noticed that there may be a connection between osteoporosis and menstrual problems, and CRPS, but they don’t know why yet.

At this point, they aren’t saying that if you have a certain illness, you may be at higher risk of developing CRPS, but this is something they are working on.