Do children really get back pain like adults? I read that if my child is more physically active, she’ll have less of a chance of getting sick or having back pain later on. What can I do to get her active?

It is true that physical activity helps lessen the risk of becoming ill or injured, as with a back injury. It used to be that children would be just sent outside to play and they’d be gone all day running around and exploring. Today, not so many children can do that. If both parents work, the children are usually in a daycare setting or even if they are home with a parent, there often aren’t children around to play with.

If you can’t allow your child to play outside because of where you are, you can still do things with your child, such as taking hikes, riding bikes, playing in the park. Physical activity can be had playing on a sports team but if you can’t afford that, there are many other options, like the ones just mentioned.

If you restrict the amount of sitting-activity time, your child will have to find something else to do and he or she will likely be more willing to do it if a parent does too.