Can you tell me what naprapathic treatment is? I have a cousin in Sweden who swears by it for his neck pain. Can I get it here in the U.S.?

Naprapathy literally means to correct cause. It’s a hands on method of reducing pain and restoring function of the muscular and skeletal systems. The connective tissue around these two systems is the focus of treatment.

Naprapathic treatment combines manual therapy with nutrition and modalities. Manual therapy includes massage, joint mobilization or manipulation. Modalities refer to treatments such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and laser.

Naprapathy was first started in the United States in the early 1900s. There are many more licensed naprapathic practitioners in Sweden (935) than anywhere else in the world. But there are approximately 250 licensed practitioners in the U.S. The National College of Naprapathic Medicine is located in the Chicago area.

Common problems treated by naprapathy include neck and low back pain, sciatica, sprains and strains, headache pain, and shoulder pain. Other conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic pain disorders, tennis elbow, and fibromyalgia may also respond well to naprapathic treatment.

The American Naprapathic Association (ANA) provides a directory of licensed practitioners in the U.S. You can get this information on-line at the ANA’s website available at