As technology improves surgeons are doing more and more operations with smaller and smaller scars. Is a smaller scar really worth all the money it takes to buy the necessary equipment?

It’s true there are extra costs with the new minimally invasive surgery (MIS). But MIS doesn’t just reduce the size of the skin incision. It also decreases the physical trauma to the patient.

Studies to date show MIS has a better outcome. There’s less bleeding and less damage to the soft tissues. In the case of using MIS for spinal surgeries, muscles don’t have to be cut and stripped out of the way. Some studies show they use fewer pain relievers.

All these factors means a faster recovery time. Money is saved for many patients if they
can return to normal function sooner. They miss fewer days at work or school.

With shorter operating times, hospitals are able to use the equipment and operating room for more patients. This spreads the cost of the equipment out and should ultimately reduce the cost for everyone.