As new parents of a child with clubfeet, we are trying to find as much information as we can about the success of treatment. Can you tell us what would assure the best results possible?

Parental compliance with medical treatment is the number one factor that either leads to success or failure. Treatment for clubfoot usually starts at birth. Treatment in the majority of infants will require both non-surgical treatment and surgery.

The most commonly used treatment in the newborn and infant is manipulation and casting. This is started as soon as possible. The foot is manipulated to stretch and loosen the tight structures. The foot is then placed in a cast to hold it in a corrected position. This is repeated every one or two weeks until the deformity is corrected or surgery is performed.

As any parent knows, the newborn grows rapidly after birth. The technique of manipulation and casting the foot is used to guide the growth of the foot towards the normal alignment. Without this guidance, the foot will remain deformed and may actually get worse. The greatest chance for correction of deformity occurs early in life when there is so much growth occurring.

There have been many different techniques proposed for the way the foot is manipulated and the way the casts are applied. Treatment of the infant with clubfoot is definitely one of the arts of medicine. Successful treatment requires patience and attention to detail.

The success of treatment of clubfoot by manipulation and casting alone varies greatly. The majority of infants will eventually require surgery. But, the manipulation and casting begins the process of guiding the foot towards a more normal form. The use of a special abduction brace at home is equally important. Your role in performing the necessary exercises and appylying the brace as prescribed is extremely important.

In the infant that eventually needs surgery, the manipulation and casting are still required to obtain as much correction as possible prior to the surgery. So don’t view the need for surgery necessarily a failure on your part. If you have followed your surgeon’s suggestions, then just accept the surgical intervention as the next step to a successful correction of the foot and ankle alignment.