As a woman I know exercise is important during the changes of midlife. The problem is I get bored easily and give up. How do other people keep up their exercise?

It’s a well-known fact that regular exercise three to five times each week helps combat the changes that aging and declining hormone levels bring. For women, decreased estrogen causes bone loss, weight gain, and elevated cholesterol. There’s even some concern that muscle strength is lost as a result of decreased estrogen levels.

Many people start an exercise program but have trouble keeping it up. Experts offer the following advice:

  • Set aside 30 minutes at the same time each day for exercise.
  • Find something you like to do; you’re more likely to do it!
  • When you get bored, don’t stop. Switch. Find another exercise activity to keep you going. Try something you’ve never done before like tennis, yoga, or T’ai Chi.
  • Exercise with a friend. You’re more likely to stick with the program when someone else does it with you.

    And remember: following a program of regular exercise is the best long-term investment you can make in your future health.