I’ve had low back pain for three months now, and it’s not going away. My doctor wants me to see a psychologist. I know it’s not all in my head so why do I need to see a shrink?

It sounds like your doctor is up on the latest research. Studies show one way to avoid becoming a disabled, chronic pain patient is to identify psychologic and social factors that are linked with poor results.

With back pain patient’s beliefs have a lot to do with outcomes. For example people who believe back pain will lead to severe disability start to reduce their activity. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. What they think will happen does happen.

Patients who are unhappy at home or at work also have more pain and are less likely to go back to work. Some patients develop what are called fear avoidance behaviors. This means that they are afraid movement and activity will make them worse so they become very sedentary. Research shows that the more active patients have the best results.

A psychologist will be able to assess your distress and beliefs about pain. You will be given some coping strategies that work best for your situation. Learning how to handle the pain and the stress of a back problem can help you get better. Progress may be slow but it will be steady.

I have a lumbar spine problem called spondylolisthesis. Is it safe to do aerobic exercise with this condition?

Yes but your doctor will need to clear you for this kind of activity. About 85 percent of adults with spondylolisthesis are treated with physical therapy including exercise — both specific exercises and aerobic exercise.

Spondylolisthesis is a condition in which one lumbar vertebra breaks loose from the spinal column and starts moving or slipping forward. X-rays are used to grade spondylolisthesis from one to four (mild to severe). The grades are based on how far forward the vertebra has moved.

If you have a mild to moderate case, then conservative care is advised. This can include steroid injections, physical therapy, and homeopathic remedies.

The therapist will teach you how to use your core muscles to stabilize the spine. You can do this during standing, activities, and exercise. The goal is to strengthen the muscles around the spine to help hold the spine in place. This is called spinal stabilization. Another newer term for this is core training. The effect is to “stiffen” the spine and keep it from slipping and sliding.

Once you’ve mastered the idea of spinal stability, then the next step is to start aerobic exercise. You’ll have to keep the spine in good alignment at the same time you’re doing the aerobics. Any change in your symptoms or increase in pain, numbness, or weakness should be reported to your physician. Further examination may be needed before continuing or resuming exercise.

I had a spinal fusion at L34 for a slipped vertebra. The X-ray shows it didn’t take. The doctor says I have a “pseudofusion.” Will I have to have the surgery again?

It’s a little difficult to answer this question directly without more information. You’ll probably want to ask your surgeon this question.

If you have a condition called spondylolisthesis, then one vertebra in the lumbar spine has slipped forward over another. This is usually given a grade from one to four to indicate how far it’s slipped forward.

Surgery to remove pressure from the spinal cord and to stabilize the spine is called a decompression with fusion. There are different ways to do the fusion. Sometimes the surgeon places a bone graft just along the back or posterior spine. Fusion may take place from both the front (anterior) and back. And the surgeon may use plates and screws to help hold everything together until the fusion is solid.

If the fusion isn’t solid then there may still be some motion at that segment. This is called a pseudoarthrosis. It means “like a joint”. Instead of a solid, strong bony fusion there is a fibrous union that still allows some motion.

Studies show that a fibrous union may still give the spine enough stability to prevent the vertebra from slipping. Pseudoarthrosis doesn’t always affect the outcome negatively.

Your surgeon may want to use a “wait-and-see” approach. Further surgery may be needed but it’s not a given. Signs and symptoms of serious neurologic injury would point to the need for immediate surgery. This could include loss of bowel or bladder control or paralysis of the legs.

Do I have to go to Europe if I want to have a disc replacement instead of a spinal fusion? I hear they’ve done thousands of these operations over there.

The first artificial disc replacement (ADR) was invented by a French doctor in the 1980s. It wasn’t until the late 1990s that the device was widely used in humans. In Europe over 5,000 ADRs have been implanted.

Use of the ADR has been a little slower in the United States. The first cases were done in 2001. Reports of results are starting to trickle in. There are a limited number of surgeons and centers where this type of surgery is done in the United States.

There have been cases of patients going to Europe to have the disc implanted. So far only one report of failure has been published. An American had two disc replacements done in Europe. One ADR slipped forward and cut off the circulation to his leg. By that time he was back in the U.S. A U.S. surgeon found the problem and corrected it by removing the implanted device and fusing the spine.

Wherever you decide to go (U.S. or Europe) ask about the number of cases done and the incidence of any problems or complications. These are the early years of a new treatment. Caution is always advised until the device and surgical technique have been perfected.

I have a grade 3 spondylolisthesis that causes me a lot of pain. I have trouble doing simple tasks sometimes like getting in and out of the car. The doctor wants me to have surgery but I’m just not sure. What should I do?

Spondylolisthesis is a problem that can be corrected with surgery. The lumbar vertebra has a small fracture in the bone allowing the body of the vertebra to slip forward away from the back half of the bone.

This may not seem like much of a problem but when the bone moves forward, the soft tissues that are attached get pulled and stretched, too. Pressure is put on the spinal cord or spinal nerves. There is a potential for serious neurologic problems.

The goals of surgery are to stabilize the spine. The result is to reduce pain and neurologic symptoms. Improved quality of life usually follows. The surgeon may see it as a simple decision. It isn’t always so easy for the patient.

Research show if you have had conservative (nonoperative) care for six months or more and still have symptoms, then surgery is advised. If the surgeon doesn’t think surgery will help, then patients must continue with conservative care and manage the symptoms. Loss of bladder or bowel control is a clear sign that surgery is needed.

I saw a news report that you can have a disc replacement now … just like a joint replacement. What holds the new disc in place? Seems like as soon as you bend over it would push out of the disc space.

You’re right, of course. The disc implant must be anchored in place just like a total hip or total knee replacement.

Some of the steps used to hold the implant in place depend on the type of artificial disc replacement (ADR) used. For some, the surgeon chisels out a groove in the bone. A special anchoring keel in the center of the ADR settles into the groove. Bone grows around it to hold it in place.

Other ADRs have a different locking mechanism to hold it in place. Special “teeth” on the outside of each part dig down into the bone to hold it in place. A small amount of motion of the implant is needed to allow normal spinal movement. If the ADR is implanted too tightly, then shear forces may cause a problem. The locking mechanism can break or the implant can come loose.

Researchers are still working to tweak the design of their ADRs. Each new problem (or success) helps them decide how to improve the implant. Early on there were many problems with plates breaking or moving. New designs seem to have taken care of these problems. For now there are very few reports of implant migration. In the short run, it appears they are holding in place just fine. Long-term studies are next.

If I have an artificial disc replacement and something goes wrong, what happens then? Can I get a second replacement?

Artificial disc replacement (ADR) is a fairly new treatment for disc problems of the low back or lumbar spine. As with any surgery, problems can occur. Nerves or blood vessels can get damaged during the operation. The implant itself can break or sink down too far into the bone. In a small number of cases, the implant has reportedly moved out of the disc space.

When a total hip or total knee replacement fails, the surgeon tries to revise the implant. Sometimes this means removing a portion of the new joint and replacing it. In some cases the entire joint must be taken out and a new one put in.

ADR is a little different in that it is a fairly new procedure. Long-term results from studies carried out over 10 or 20 years aren’t available yet. Indications for revision aren’t entirely clear yet. Some surgeons may be more likely to remove the implant and fuse the spine.

As time goes by and more studies are done, ADR revision will become more common. Surgical technique and instruments to do the revision will be developed. The implants will also continue to improve in design and use. Fewer problems will be encountered.

I’m going to have back surgery in the next few weeks. The surgeon has offered to just take out the problem disc. Another option is to remove the disk and take out a piece of the bone along the spine. Taking out the bone takes pressure off the nerves. I could have both operations at the same time and save myself the trouble later. What works best?

There’s a lot of confusion about spine surgery right now. There aren’t enough studies to show what works best or how long the results last.

Research does show that there’s a wide range around the country of what’s done and how successful it is. Some surgeons just do a discectomy. Others perform the decompressive laminectomy you described. A third option is to have a spinal fusion after discectomy. The idea is to reduce the need for a second operation later by doing both procedures now.

The problem is that studies show patients who have spinal fusion surgery aren’t less likely to have another operation. In fact, just having back surgery of any kind increases the risk of reoperation at a later date.

And the rate of complications goes up when discectomy is done with a spinal fusion compared to discectomy without fusion. Age is a factor, too. Older patients have a higher risk of problems after spine surgery. They are more likely to end up in a nursing home after a spinal fusion.

Talk to your doctor about your case before making a final decision. Take into consideration your general health, diagnosis, age, and research findings to date. So far it looks like the more conservative surgical approach is just as good as combining several operations together.

I live in a large city with several teaching hospitals around. I’ve been to several doctors in different clinics for my problem with back pain. Every one has a different idea of what to do. I can’t help but wonder if I lived out west in a small, rural town, what kind of treatment would I get there?

You might get exactly the same treatment you’ve received in the more urban populated area. A recent study of trends in treating back pain came up with some surprising findings.

For example, the rate of spine surgery is much higher in western states compared to the East Coast. There’s a wide range of treatment offered across the U.S. but the same is true just within individual states, too.

Overall trends show that spinal fusion has risen dramatically in the last 20 years. MRIs have made it possible to identify disc problems more readily. Along with this has come increased reliance on surgery to correct the problem.

In the U.S. the number of people with back pain is about the same as in other developed countries. The difference is that surgery is used two to five times more often here than in other countries like England or Scotland.

More studies are needed to find out what works and why. Choosing the right treatment for each patient and having the best outcome is the only way to solve the problem of overuse of surgery.

I’m seeing a physical therapist for another bout of low back pain. I see in the clinic there are groups of patients exercising together who also have back pain. Once I’m done with PT do I progress to the group?

Each program or clinic approaches chronic back pain a little differently. Some treatment is based on the type of problem you have. In the beginning you may need one-on-one care. Group treatment may be used for chronic low back pain. People in this group have often had pain for months or even years.

Studies show that chronic low back pain can be helped with an intense team approach. Members of the team may include a chiropractor, physical therapist, acupuncturist, and massage therapist. Some centers also include behavioral psychologists, occupational therapists, nutritionist, and others.

Many hours of teaching, exercising, and practicing methods taught by the team members to groups of patients pay off with less pain, better function, and more positive outlook.

A recent study from Finland compared group therapy to individual treatment. All the patients had back pain a year or more. Everyone got better. Group therapy wasn’t better than individual therapy and vice versa.

The research focus is now on trying to find out if some back pain patients get better with one type of treatment over another. If we had ways to predict who will respond best to each treatment we could get patients started sooner with what works for them.

My doctor wants me to have a diskography test before having surgery for a disc problem. The test is supposed to show if the disc is really the problem. I’ve been told the test itself is painful. Are there any after effects?

Diskography doesn’t have many complications associated with it. In a very, very small number of people an infection can develop. This is called diskitis. It’s painful but can be cleared up with antibiotics. Newer and better ways of doing diskography have almost eliminated this problem.

Even less often than diskitis headache, nausea, and hematoma can occur. The most common problem is that the back pain gets much worse after the test. This is a temporary but unpleasant drawback. Pain relievers and muscle relaxants may help.

Studies over 20 years’ time haven’t shown any long-term problems or damage to the disc from this test. It’s safe and accurate.

I know that a bulging disc can cause pain because it puts pressure on the nearby nerves. Does the disc itself feel pain?

For a long time scientists thought the disc didn’t have a nerve supply and therefore couldn’t feel pain. It’s clear now that the inner part of the disc called the nucleus pulposus doesn’t have nerve endings or a nerve supply.

But the outer covering called the anulus has two different nerve fibers and can therefore “feel” pain. It does so by transmitting pain messages from the nerves to the spinal cord and up to the brain.

Another way pain occurs is through chemical irritation. When the disc is damaged and has tiny cracks or fissures in the anulus, inflammatory cells spill out and irritate the nerve endings.

Tests show that some people have discs that are more chemically sensitive than others. And some people have discs that are more pressure sensitive than others. How or why this occurs is still a mystery.

How does cancer get from the colon to the spine? My father was just diagnosed with colon cancer metastasized to the low back. His only symptom was a recurrent twinge of low back pain for months.

The mysteries of cancer spread called metastases remain locked up inside the body. We only know the basics. Cancer can spread by direct extension. This means it just moves from one cell to the next.

Or it can spread from one body part to another. For example, there’s nothing separating the abdominal cavity from the rest of the body. Cancer cells are free to move about.

The blood system and the lymphatic system are two other ways cancer can hitchhike throughout the body. Each cancer has its own special way of getting around. Some are more prone to get spread through the blood stream while others are more likely to spread via the lymphatics.

All the blood through the stomach and intestines also goes to the liver for filtering. For this reason colon cancer is often linked with liver cancer. The liver and the colon both rest up against the back of the abdominal wall. Only a sheath of muscle tissue separates them from the vertebrae.

Small blood vessels supplying the vertebra with oxygen and nutrients can also deliver tiny cancer cells to the bones of the spine. Knowing the typical modes of cancer metastases helps doctors trace the cancer to its origin.

I’m supposed to have an exercise stress test for my heart but I have back pain, and I’m afraid I’ll hurt myself again. What can I do to keep this from happening but still get the test done?

Not to worry. This is a common problem. Usually the doctor who ordered the test is part of the team giving the test. Make sure you tell your concerns to the doctor or the staff at the test site.

There are ways to modify the test in such cases. You can still get the test results you need without harming yourself. When you arrive at the test area, the doctor or staff will explain what to expect. You can ask them to lower the speed (intensity) if needed. Report any pain or symptoms during the test.

If worst comes to worst the test can be stopped early. There are other less physically stressful tests that can be done. They are usually more expensive and harder on the patient. The exercise stress test is still the simplest, least expensive way to assess your heart function.

My doctor wants to inject my sacroiliac joint to help decrease my low back pain. What if that’s not the problem?

Injecting the sacroiliac joint (SIJ) with a numbing agent similar to novacain may reduce some or even all of your pain. The injection is both diagnostic and a treatment at the same time. If other words, your pain is better and now you know for sure the SIJ is the problem.

If the injection doesn’t help, then your doctor knows to look somewhere else for the source of the pain. It’s a win-win situation whether or not it works.

I had a lidocaine injection into my SI joint and ended up with sciatica on top of the low back pain. What causes that?

Lidocaine is a short-acting local numbing agent (anesthetic). Injecting it into the sacroiliac (SI) joint can help prove that’s where the pain is coming from.

Sciatica or paralysis of the sciatica nerve can occur if any of the injected anesthetic fluid leaks out of the joint. This can happen if the needle isn’t angled exactly right. The problem doesn’t usually last long. The injection can be done again using a more anterior position of the needle.

I have low back pain that I suspect might be my sacroiliac joint. How can I know for sure?

Orthopedic surgeons, osteopathic physicians, chiropractors, and physical therapists are trained to test for sacroiliac joint (SIJ) pain. They use a series of tests called pain provocation tests. By using certain positions or movements, the pain is reproduced to confirm the diagnosis. If three or more of the tests are positive, then it’s likely the SIJ is the problem.

To know for sure you can also use an injection of a short-acting local anesthetic right into the joint. If you get at least 50 percent reduction of pain for one hour, then the injection is proof that the cause of the pain was the SIJ.

Treatment is then aimed at the SIJ. Sometimes this means using a second, longer acting anesthetic. In other cases posture or movement problems causing the SIJ problem may be treated by a physical therapist.

Tomorrow I see my physical therapist for the third time this week. My problem is a very painful low back. She wants me to take a fear beliefs survey. I guess I must be fearful because I’m afraid to take the test. What can you tell me about the test?

You may be talking about the Fear Avoidance Belief Questionnaire or FABQ. It’s a group of questions that helps the therapist see if you are avoiding activities and movement out of fear of increased pain.

There is a natural tendency to stay away from work and physical activities if you think they will increase your pain. This is called fear avoidance behavior. Fear of reinjury is another reason for FAB.

Having this information can help the therapist design the best program for you. Fear avoidance behaviors can be dealt with and eliminated without harm to the patient. Be honest when answering all the questions. It’s not a test of your personal faults or psychologic problems.

What does it mean to centralize low back pain? I read my file while waiting in the physical therapist’s office. It said the goal of my treatment plan is to “centralize the pain.” I’m sure the therapist probably explained the idea to me. I just don’t remember it.

Most physical therapists (PTs) are very interested and willing to teach and educate their patients about the cause and treatment of low back pain. Don’t hesitate to ask your PT again about the goals and treatment plan for you. In the meantime we hope this explanation will help.

Back pain that goes into the buttocks and down the leg is often called sciatica. There are many causes of sciatica. One of the most common is a disc pushing out of its space and pressing on the sciatic nerve.

The goal in physical therapy is to help the patient keep the pain in the center of the low back area without going down the leg. This is called centralization. It’s a sign that the movement is helping the disc move back where it belongs. Positions and movements that cause pain to go down the leg are avoided. It’s as simple as that!

I’m in perfect health. I work out at the gym regularly. Last week I hurt my back doing a simple task. I thought being in good shape would prevent this. What happened to me?

Level of fitness may not be linked with low back pain according to a new study from the Netherlands. They compared two groups of adults using a bicycle test of fitness. One group had chronic low back pain. The other group had healthy adults without back pain. The two groups were matched for age, gender, and level of activity.

Most of the back pain patients were in much worse shape than the control (healthy) group. But 14 percent of the back pain patients had equal or a higher level of aerobic fitness.

Doctors still aren’t sure who will get back pain. Age, fitness, and stress are just a few factors tested for. So far, no single factor has been linked in all cases. At least 80 percent do have work or home stresses that seem to contribute to the cause. Perhaps this is true in your case, too.