It seems to me like some of the people at work are taking advantage of the Workers’ Compensation system. Since they don’t have to pay for the care they receive, it’s like a paid vacation. Where’s the incentive to get better?

There is some suspicion (and proof) that patients on Workers’ Compensation with injuries incur more costs in the course of their treatment. Are they taking advantage of the system? Or is the system the problem?

Studies that seem to verify the increased utilization of health care services and thus increased costs associated with Workers’ Compensation usually include all types of medical problems. That approach can skew results and generate conclusions that might not fit all circumstances.

In a recent study, the authors looked at patients with just one type of problem: upper extremity disorders (shoulder, arm, and hand). They chose this particular area of work-related injuries because it is the most common Workers’ Compensation claim. They compared various aspects of patient care (diagnostic testing, treatment, wait between diagnosis and surgery, number of doctor visits) between patients on Workers’ Compensation and patients covered by standard health insurance.

It turned out that the way in which patients were treated in the Workers’ Comp group had more to do with the system than the patient. What do we mean by that?

Well, patients in the standard insurance group could have surgery right away when it was recommended by the surgeon. Workers’ Compensation patients had to wait until all the paperwork was completed. This included letters of request and justification being filed and accepted. Often a second opinion was required adding to the total cost and delaying recommended treatment.

As a result, patients in the Workers’ Compensation group also had a higher number of doctor visits at a higher total cost. The fact that patients on Workers’ Compensation are in effect “on paid leave” has been suggested in the past as an explanation for why they take longer to recover from injuries and accidents.

This concept is referred to as a moral hazard — they are paid to stay in the sick role and they don’t have to pay for their care so there is no incentive to get better.

Some experts suggest that moral hazard is the reason Workers’ Compensation patients have more doctor visits, higher rates of surgery, and longer waits between diagnosis and treatment. But, at least from this study on individual clinical data, the authors suggest it’s more a result of how the system is run than how the patient uses the system.

Besides the additional paperwork required, they pointed out that it’s the surgeon who decides what tests to order. And some of those tests are probably ordered because the surgeon knows Workers’ Compensation requires them for reimbursement. So Workers’ Comp patients can’t really be faulted for the longer time it takes to get treated and get well.

I think I finally figured out that the symptoms I’m having are from fibromyalgia. But there’s a ton of stuff on the Internet about where to go for help and what to do first. I can’t decide between ordering nutritional supplements, getting a massage, using essential oils, trying hypnosis, and a million other things. What do you advise?

The first thing to do is see your primary care physician and get an accurate diagnosis. Fibromyalgia symptoms are wide ranging and vary tremendously from person to person. They also mimic many other conditions, problems, and diseases.

So before going down the rabbit hole (an expression from Alice in Wonderland), make a list of your symptoms and concerns and take it with you to your doctor. Your doctor can sort out all the symptoms, select the best tests, and rule out other reasons for your physical distress.

Physicians are trained to take a good patient history and interview patients about psychosocial stressors. It turns out that psychologic, emotional, and social stresses are linked with a higher rate of FMS in the general population.

The information gleaned from the medical intake examination will help your physician identify any risk factors you may have for fibromyalgia syndrome. Some of the more common risk factors include traumatic injury, heavy lifting or pulling, and mood disorders. Anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder also seem to be linked with FMS. Having a bipolar illness increases the risk of developing fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) dramatically.

What causes this condition to develop? Sometimes FMS occurs as a result of some other medical condition. For example, patients with rheumatoid arthritis (an inflammatory disease), metabolic dysfunction (e.g., thyroid problems), or cancer often develop a type of FMS referred to as reactive fibromyalgia. It’s important to identify whether or not the FMS is primary (the main problem) or secondary (caused by other problems).

Early recognition, diagnosis, and treatment can provide a faster resolution of symptoms and much improved prognosis. In fact, half of all adults diagnosed with fibromyalgia early in the development of their disease (and who are adequately treated) no longer have this problem two years later.

Your physician’s expertise in understanding medications that can help and prescribing the right one for you is important. He or she will refer you to others such as a physical therapist, massage therapist, or other skilled health care professional who can help as well.

Again, it’s best to know what you are treating specifically (fibromyalgia or something else) before trying everything out there that’s advertised to “cure” this problem. Your physician will know what studies have shown that support (or don’t support) various treatment options available.

My sister just came back from the doctor’s with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia syndrome. That clears up a lot about why she’s had so much pain and can’t sleep. What are some things we should know about this condition in order to help support her?

Fibromyalgia isn’t really a disease. It’s a group of symptoms that tend to occur together either at the same time or in close proximity to one another. You may experience tension headaches that seem to come and go even when you aren’t stressed. Sometimes there’s joint pain that travels from one joint to the next. Or you feel like a truck ran over you every morning when you wake up.

Scientists haven’t been able to unlock all of the secrets behind fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). Right now, the main theory is that FMS occurs when something goes hay wire in the nervous system. That something may be what’s called central sensitization syndrome. It means your nervous system is ramped up to react too soon, too often, and for too long. Pain signals are sent when ordinary sensations of light (or other pleasurable) touch occurs.

According to a recent article in The Journal of Musculoskeletal Medicine there are five key areas of importance in understanding and treating fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). These are:

  • Is your sister’s fibromyalgia syndrome a primary or a secondary problem? (See explanation after this list).
  • What are the psychosocial stressors in her life? For example, divorce, raising children, unemployment, death in the family, depression, anxiety, or other problems.
  • What type of pain does she have? For example, does it hurt when someone touches her even lightly? Does it hurt all over or just in one or two areas?
  • Exercise is important. Finding the right kind of exercise for each person affected by fibromyalgia is the challenge.
  • Medications can help, especially at first during the acute phase. There are many different types of medication available. Her physician will be able to recommend one or more in combination that would be the most helpful.

    It’s important to identify whether or not the FMS is primary (the main problem) or secondary (caused by other problems). What causes this condition to develop? Sometimes FMS occurs as a result of some other medical condition. For example, patients with rheumatoid arthritis (an inflammatory disease), metabolic dysfunction (e.g., thyroid problems), or cancer often develop a type of FMS referred to as reactive fibromyalgia.

    Folks who have fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) often have certain triggers that seem to bring on (or increase) symptoms. The triggers vary from person to person but may include degenerative (spinal) disc disease, headaches (all kinds), irritable bowel syndrome, reflux (heart burn), trigger points of the muscles, and poor posture.

    It is expected that treatment will continue to improve as scientists make new discoveries about fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), its causes, triggers, and responses to different therapies. The more you understand about these key features, the better able you will be to love, support, and counsel your sister. Good luck!

  • What’s holding up the research on tendon injuries using stem cells? With the new administration in Washington, D.C., I thought this was going to be something we would see sooner than later.

    Many people support the use of stem cell research but government regulation (both in the U.S. and in Europe) has slowed the process of study in this area. Change in hard fought legislation such as the restriction of government funds to support embryonic stem cell research won’t change over night.

    In the meantime, scientists have started looking elsewhere for solutions to the problem (e.g., whole blood, platelet-rich plasma). But for those who have stuck with stem cell therapy, here’s a little idea of the status of this area of study:

  • There are more animal studies than human studies in the area of stem cell research for tendons. The application to racehorses who need spring and speed has developed much faster than in humans (athletes). Clinical trials in humans are definitely needed before stem cell therapy becomes a reality for tendon problems.
  • Even though the exact mechanism by which stem cell therapy works remains somewhat of a mystery, the limited studies done so far in the area of tendon healing are very encouraging.
  • Stem cells from skin and adipose (fat cells) are easy to harvest, plentiful, and seem to work well in tendon healing.
  • Efforts are being made to find a way to use stem cells from skin and bone to replace/rebuild rotator cuff tears (a common injury in humans). Most of the results have been positive but the studies have been done on mice, rabbits, and pigs.
  • Pharmaceutical research and development is focused on finding a way to provide off-the-shelf (ready-to-use) sources of stem cells to avoid the time and expense of harvesting and expanding cells retrieved from the injured athlete (or patient).

    To date, there are over 1000 studies published in the area of stem cell research for tendon healing. There is every reason to believe from these reported results that although hampered by government regulation, advances are being made in the area of cell therapy and tissue engineering.

    Even with obstacles, the ingenuity of scientists to think outside the box has moved the field of study ahead significantly in the last 20 years. Evidence is still fairly limited and long-term results are absent for now. This may change in time with more resources dedicated in the future to stem cell therapy.

  • I heard there are attempts to make a ready-to-use stem cell repair kit for injuries — even things like tennis elbow (which I suffer from). Is this true? How do they do it?

    When the body fails to heal tennis elbow (also known as epicondylitis or tendinitis), a condition referred to as tendinosis can develop. Tendinosis follows the body’s attempt (and failure) to organize a healing response.

    Instead of making new, healthy tendon cells to replace the damaged cells, the tendon tissue becomes thick with disorganized fibers. The already damaged tendon, now further weakened, fails to heal and may even go on to tear even more.

    An injection of stem cells might help with tendinosis. But this treatment has not been studied enough to allow for everyday use — yet. Scientists have figured out a way to harvest stem cells from fat, skin, tendon, and muscle then take it to the lab where they can multiply the sample and grow more cells.

    When there are enough cells to do the repair job needed, they are injected into the damaged area (e.g., tendon). That sounds simple enough but in fact, there are major barriers to the process. For example, it takes time to generate more tissue in a lab setting. The lab has to have expensive, specialized equipment to do this type of work.

    Meanwhile, the injured athlete or other patient is waiting and the window of opportunity for healing is getting smaller and smaller. Transporting the cells comes with a lot of potential problems. No one is quite sure how well the cells travel from lab to patient.

    Questions have been asked about the need to freeze the cells in order to keep them preserved for use. If they could be frozen ahead of time and ready at a moment’s notice, the donor cells could be used right away at the time of injury.

    Pharmaceutical research and development is focused on finding a way to provide off-the-shelf (ready-to-use) sources of stem cells to avoid the time and expense of harvesting and expanding cells retrieved from the injured athlete (or patient). The market is still a few years away from seeing this as a reality.

    Have you ever heard of a nerve conduit? It’s supposed to help nerves grow back. How does it work?

    A nerve conduit is a fairly new surgical technique under investigation for nerve injuries. The conduit (also referred to as an artificial nerve graft) uses synthetic materials to create a guided pathway for nerve tissue growth. The nerve ends and gap between the ends are enclosed within a tube composed of biological or synthetic materials like silicone.

    The nerve conduit is being tried for patients with large distances between the two ends of the torn nerve. The distance is too great to use direct suturing of the two stumps of a severed nerve. While the two severed ends of nerves could be stretched to meet each other, it can’t be done without tension.

    Sometimes autologous nerve grafting is possible. The surgeon uses some of the patient’s own nerve tissue to fill in the gap. But there is limited availability of donor tissue. And functional recovery in autologous nerve grafting isn’t always so great. That’s why surgeons started looking at ways to engineer artificial nerve tissue.

    The development of bioartificial nerve guidance conduits as an alternative treatment for large defects may be a major breakthrough discovery. This approach has worked for small sensory nerves that have been injured but its use with mixed (sensory and motor) function is still being studied.

    We’re not sure you can really answer this question but here goes. How much medical testing is really needed to tell if a child has something called Loeys-Dietz? This concerns our adult foster daughter who has a child with this condition. The genetic testing has confirmed it, so why do they have to do more X-rays, CT scans, and an echocardiogram?

    Loeys-Dietz is a genetic disorder that can affect many different parts of the body. Once it is confirmed with genetic testing, then the specifics of what went wrong must be determined. For example, there can be aneurysms anywhere in the body. An aneurysm is a weakness or thinning of the blood vessel wall. With enough blood pressure, the defect in the blood vessel wall can burst, causing serious hemorrhaging.

    Head through pelvis imaging is done to look for places where aneurysms are present. The physician uses this information to determine treatment. In some cases, blood pressure medication may be all that’s needed. With more severe aneurysms, it may be necessary to do surgery to repair this problem.

    Echocardiography and CT scans are also used to show details of the blood vessels. Besides aneurysms, some of the blood vessels can be twisted and malformed.

    X-rays are another way to identify skeletal problems such as scoliosis, cervical (neck) instability, hip socket malformation (dysplasia), or other orthopedic deformities. The same reason applies: early identification can lead to early treatment and prevention of long-term problems and complications.

    I’ve had chronic tennis elbow off and on for the last 10 years. The last two years, it’s been more on than off. My surgeon is recommending something called PRP. It’s injected into the area to help kick start healing in that area. What can you tell me about this?

    Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) (also known as blood injection therapy)) is a medical treatment being used for a wide range of musculoskeletal problems. Platelet-rich plasma refers to a sample of serum (blood) plasma that has as much as four times more than the normal amount of platelets. This treatment enhances the body’s natural ability to heal itself and is used to improve healing and shorten recovery time from acute and chronic soft tissue injuries.

    Blood injection therapy of this type has been used for knee osteoarthritis, degenerative cartilage, spinal fusion, bone fractures that don’t heal, and poor wound healing. This treatment technique is fairly new in the sports medicine treatment of musculoskeletal problems, but gaining popularity quickly.

    Patients with chronic tendinitis (e.g., tennis elbow, patellar tendinitis or jumper’s knee, Achilles tendinitis) have also benefited from this treatment. It’s even being tried on hernias, labral (shoulder cartilage) tears, meniscal tears of the knee, and ankle sprains. Some surgeons are using it more and more with any orthopedic surgery involving the soft tissues to augment (reinforce) bone or ligamentous graft materials already being used.

    In the case of chronic tennis elbow (also known as chronic tendinopathy), the PRP contains inflammatory cells called cytokines that do, indeed, kick start the process of healing. These cytokines act as stimulants to get a healing response in tissues that have scarred over without adequate repair. The stalled effort to repair the tissues naturally gets back on track with a little help from PRP.

    I had a new treatment for my plantar fasciitis called platelet-rich plasma or PRP that seemed to work beautifully. But I heard a report on TV that said they are taking a second look at this product because it’s not working as well as they had hoped. What’s going on?

    Platelet-rich plasma (PRP, also known as blood injection therapy) refers to the use of a sample of serum (blood) plasma to enhance healing of soft tissues and bone. The product has as much as four times more than the normal amount of platelets, along with growth factors and inflammatory cells.

    This treatment enhances the body’s natural ability to heal itself and is used to improve healing and shorten recovery time from acute and chronic soft tissue injuries. It has been used for chronic osteoarthritis, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, rotator cuff tears, and the early stages of wound healing.

    As with any new treatment, over time it is possible to see more clearly the pros and cons of treatment. Data can be collected on long-term results and more information published to guide surgeons in using this treatment tool.

    Taking a look back over the past few years, we now see there are some inconsistencies in results with this treatment. Some studies have shown no benefit from the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for tissue healing. Why is that?

    First, not all PRP is the same. The product may vary based on how much whole blood was taken and how quickly platelets recover during the injection. The presence of other blood parts such as red or white blood cells can make a difference. And any other substances that might have been added (e.g., thrombin, calcium chloride) can affect how the PRP functions.

    Second, the potency (strength) of each PRP preparation varies — again, this depends on what’s in the product. Too little or too much of any component part can change how quickly and how effectively the body responds to the product. Then there is what’s called biologic variation — everyone responds a little differently to the same PRP. Individual body chemistry, metabolism, and reactivity can vary significantly.

    Along these same lines, getting the right mix of product for each person is a challenge. Clearly, one formulation does not fit all. The amount of PRP to achieve the best result for each person is called the dose-response. This goes back to how the body responds to each substance within the PRP (e.g., growth factors, cytokines, proteins, clotting factors).

    And finally, even with the right mix of elements within the PRP, using it at the exact right time for best results may make a difference. The best timing for the use of PRP has not yet been determined. Likewise, the way in which the PRP is delivered (e.g., injected, brushed on) might make a difference in results.

    Future research done using PRP will have to pay attention to which PRP product was used and how it was used. The early enthusiasm about PRP may be still warranted but since not all results have been positive, scientists will be taking a closer look at this new treatment before continuing as if this product is fail-proof.

    I seem really prone to muscle cramps in my calf muscles. I’ve heard that pickle juice works for this kind of problem. Is it true and does it really work?

    The cause and cure of muscle cramping remains a mystery. Sometimes there’s a simple explanation such as dehydration from exercising in hot, humid weather without replenishing fluids and electrolytes.

    In some cases, there’s an imbalance in the sodium-calcium-chloride mechanism that controls how and when muscles contract. This can develop in part due to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

    But it’s possible that some people have some internal metabolic imbalance that gets fired up when exercising that isn’t present in others doing the same type of exercise under the same conditions.

    Pickle juice (along with other remedies such as eating mustard) may help replace the sodium needed for normal muscle contraction/relaxation. Without the proper mix of calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, chloride, and others, the nerve endings attached to the muscles can’t work properly.

    When the nerve terminals are too sensitive, they set off a series of events that leave the muscles in a chronic state of contraction, unable to relax. That’s when the muscle cramps become unbearable.

    So far, there hasn’t been a one-cure-fits-all approach to muscle cramping — either for prevention or for the treatment once they develop. It’s always advised that affected individuals check with their physicians to rule out a medical problem such as diabetes or thyroid problems.

    Until evidence-based experiments can sort out who should do what to prevent the problem, a multi-strategy approach is advised. Stretching, replacing fluids and electrolytes, and conditioning muscles affected most often are all advised. Strength-training, endurance, and plyometrics may help prevent neuromuscular imbalances and fatigue that set off inappropriate signals.

    Can you explain something to me? My brother and I are identical twins. We are both 16-years-old and actively involved in all kinds of sports. I get muscle cramps in my legs, he doesn’t. How come? We seem so alike in every other way — our size is the same, we eat the same foods, we both exercise, train, and workout together.

    You may be experiencing something called exercise-associated muscle cramps and you may be someone who is cramp prone. There are lots of theories around the reason why some people develop muscle cramps and others don’t.

    Athletes of all kinds experience them — including recreational and high-level competitive players. It doesn’t seem to matter what type of sport the player is involved in. Climate (hot and humid) may be a factor. Dehydration and electrolyte imbalances are more likely during hot, humid outdoor activities.

    The dehydration theory is the most commonly used explanation. But why does dehydration trigger exercise-associated muscle cramps? Sweat loss without replacing fluids adequately alters the balance of fluids and electrolytes (chemicals) in the body. Without the proper mix of calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, chloride, and others, the nerve endings attached to the muscles can’t work properly.

    When the nerve terminals are too sensitive, they set off a series of events that leave the muscles in a chronic state of contraction, unable to relax. That’s when the muscle cramps become unbearable.

    But this is just a theory based on observations of athletes suffering from muscle cramps in hot environments. The fact is, the same problem has been seen in athletes exercising in cool or temperature controlled arenas and gyms. So maybe it’s something else — like some athletes are just more susceptible because of the way their bodies function. Maybe there are crampers and noncrampers and that’s just the way it is!

    The next theory proposed is the neuromuscular theory. In this model, muscle overload during exercise results in an imbalance within the motor firing mechanism of the muscle. The feedback loop that tells a muscle when to contract and when to relax gets off-balance. An imbalance of impulses results in messages to the muscle to contract getting stuck. Stretching the muscle overrides the system and is like hitting the reset button.

    Scientists have found it difficult to study this problem. Animal models (cats, rabbits) can’t be used because they have different neuromuscular signaling mechanisms that don’t match humans. It’s likely that exercise-associated muscle cramping is the result of a combination of factors.

    Working backwards (find a solution, then figure out why it’s working) hasn’t panned out either. People have used a wide variety of sports drinks, massage, electrical stimulation, changing exercise/workout intensity, and even drinking pickle juice! None of these seems to work equally for all people prone to muscle cramps or in the midst of an attack.

    All that to say that the cause of your muscle cramping (while your twin has none) remains a mystery. Even identical twins have their own body chemistry function, balances, and imbalances. There is a reason — we just don’t know what it is yet.

    I am a graduating medical student heading into an internship in two months. I’m looking for any information that might help me get ready for my pediatric rotation. Where should I start?

    As you probably already know quite well, physicians keep up with the rapidly changing discoveries in medicine by reading journals. Sometimes it’s just a matter of browsing various journals to see what’s happening. In other cases, a specific journal title may catch the physician’s eye as being worth the time to sit-down and read it page-by-page.

    One of the services the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) provides is a specialty update on various topics in orthopedics. In the June 2010 issue of The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, updates are provided on a wide variety of pediatric orthopedic conditions that might help you with this project.

    If you are located anywhere near a hospital (especially a pediatric specialty hospital), the hospital librarian will have subscriptions to journals on line that you can browse. There is a journal devoted to pediatric orthopedics by that very name.

    Our own website has a series of Patient Guides that provide up-to-date information about various orthopedic conditions and injuries. Scroll down on the home page to Topics and click on Children’s Orthopedics. You’ll find everything from Blount’s disease and scoliosis to Osgood-Schlatters and Perthes disease and much, much more. That should give you a head start!

    Our 14-year-old daughter is a very good ballet dancer with a potential career in ballet. She is very flexible — probably too flexible. It almost seems like she injures herself often because the joints bend too far. Is there something that can be done to help tighten her up a bit?

    It’s possible your daughter has a condition known as generalized joint hypermobility (GJH). Generalized joint hypermobility (GJH) is defined as a condition in which most, if not all, of a person’s joints are super flexible. They move past the range of motion that the normal, average person has. This type of connective tissue flexibility is sometimes referred to as being “double jointed”.

    The person really only has one joint at each location. It’s just that those joints move too far, too easily. Sprains, strains, subluxations (partial dislocations), and complete dislocations are common.

    The lack of restraint on the joints in someone with GJH contributes to joint injuries (especially of the knee). Without stiff ligaments, there’s no tension keeping the joint from sliding too far.

    This condition has been seen in a wide range of athletes from ballet dancers to football players. In fact, some experts suggest that the extra flexibility helps these folks excell at their sport. Certainly in the ballet world, joint extensibility is an added bonus.

    There aren’t any real studies comparing ways to “stiffen up” joints. The most common sense approach seems to be to strengthen the muscles around the joint. The muscles then function more as a restraint system. The muscles offer active restraint when and where the abnormally loose ligaments don’t provide the passive restraint needed to prevent injury.

    You may want to check with your primary care physician to see if there is any kind of medical diagnosis for this condition. If it’s just a matter of being on the loose end of normal, then muscle strengthening may be the way to go. A physical therapist or athletic trainer will be able to set up a program specifically geared toward muscle strengthening for prevention of joint injuries caused by joint hypermobility.

    All my life I have sprained and strained various joints. I’ve had injuries to my wrists, ankles, knees, and both thumbs. I was finally diagnosed with a generalized joint hypermobility (GJH) condition. I found some information in a book that says people like me are more likely to experience joint injuries because of the GJH. But an article I read on-line said there’s no real proof of that. Which is it?

    Generalized joint hypermobility (GJH) is defined as a condition in which most, if not all, of a person’s joints are super flexible. They move past the range of motion that the normal, average person has. This type of connective tissue flexibility is sometimes referred to as being “double jointed”.

    The person really only has one joint at each location. It’s just that those joints move too far, too easily. Sprains, strains, subluxations (partial dislocations), and complete dislocations are common. It seems like athletes with generalized joint hypermobility (GJH) actively involved in sports injure the joints of the legs more often than those players who don’t have GJH. But does it just seem that way or is it a true observation?

    The results of a recent systematic review with meta-analysis suggest there is a direct link between GJH and leg injuries. In fact, an Australian physical therapist (they are called physiotherapists down under) won The American Journal of Sports Medicine’s annual competition in 2009 for the best systematic review with meta-analysis on the subject of leg injuries in athletes who are hypermobile.

    Let’s back up a bit and explain a few things. First, what’s the big deal about the competition? Well, a systematic review involves sifting through 1000s (4841 to be exact in this study) of studies on a particular topic. Meta-analysis means the researchers had to find studies that were similar enough in data collection and analysis that the results could be pooled together.

    There was a wide range of athletes included from ballet dancers and divers to military recruits and football players, the last group was from the college and professional level. Some of the injuries were from contact activity with high-impact collisions (with another body or with the ground). Others were from overuse (e.g., diving, dancing). Overall, there were significantly more injuries among the contact or collision sports participants.

    As for the joints injured most often — that distinction goes to the knees. Individuals with generalized joint hypermobility (GJH) were much more likely to injure the knee (much moreso than the ankle) compared with athletes who had normal joint motion.
    These findings are consistent with what other studies show about ankle injuries — namely, that loss of ankle motion is the key risk factor in ankle injuries (not hypermobility).

    Likewise, when it comes to knee injuries, when the foot is planted on the ground and the body twists or rotates above, the lack of restraint on the knee joint in someone with GJH contributes to knee injuries. Without stiff ligaments, there’s no tension keeping the joint from sliding too far.

    So to answer your question, there is finally some clear and conclusive evidence that people with generalized joint hypermobility are at an increased risk of leg (especially knee) injuries.

    What is the difference between an open fracture and a closed fracture? Is one worse than the other?

    Fractures are classified as either open or closed, depending on if there is an open wound (cut or tear) in the skin over the site of the fracture.

    If you have an open fracture, the bone is broken and there is a wound, from where the broken part of the bone may protrude (come out) through the skin. With a closed fracture, there is no such wound. The bone still may be visibly broken, but it cannot be seen.

    The kids at school think I’m a freak because I can put both my legs and arms behind my head with no trouble at all. My mother thinks I’m going to dislocate something doing this trick. Is it really possible to pop a joint out when I’m already so flexible?

    People who can put their legs behind their head or fold up the arms and legs and then fit into a tiny box have something called joint hyperlaxity. The condition is considered congenital because it is something they are born with and remains present throughout life.

    Joint hyperlaxity means the soft tissues around the joint that usually hold it in place are extra long and very elastic. Without those restraints, the joint can slide and glide all over the place. The end result is the ability to move and rotate joints in all directions without dislocation.

    The condition can be acquired, too. Athletes who perform the same motion over and over (e.g., serving a tennis ball over the net, pitching a ball forward) can also develop joint hyperlaxity.

    One portion of the joint capsule gets so stretched, the joint becomes hyperlax. This can happen to window washers who have their arms and hands overhead hours each day or rowers who are repeatedly pulling the arms back. Gymnasts, tennis players, weight-lifters, pitchers, and house painters

    Can those joints be dislocated? Yes they can. Fortunately it doesn’t happen very often. But you don’t want to develop shoulder instability by repeatedly stretching out the soft tissues that are meant to support the shoulder. By showing others what you can do over and over, you actually develop muscle patterns that can be difficult to change.

    Mother is going to have some kind of blood injection of platelets into her knee for arthritis. She will be donating her own blood for the procedure, so we’ve been told there won’t be any kind of transfusion reaction. We don’t really know much more about this treatment. Are there dangerous side effects?

    Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is also known as blood injection therapy).It is a medical treatment being used for a wide range of musculoskeletal problems. Platelet-rich plasma refers to a sample of serum (blood) plasma that has as much as four times more than the normal amount of platelets.

    This treatment enhances the body’s natural ability to heal itself and is used to improve healing and shorten recovery time from acute and chronic soft tissue injuries. It is used in patients with early signs of osteoarthritis. The hope is that it can help the joint cartilage repair itself before serious signs of arthritis develop. This is important because cartilage doesn’t have the ability to heal itself.

    Growth factors in the platelets seem to help stem cells turn into chondrocytes (cartilage cells), which is just what’s needed. Platelet-rich plasma injection into cartilage lesions or defects has been shown to decrease pain and improve function in humans.

    The side effects seem limited to wound infection (where the injection enters the body) and possible pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site. The response doesn’t last long or affect the final results.

    In 1995, I did my biology research project in college on a new treatment called platelet-rich plasma. The research community was sure there would be all kinds of applications for this product. What is it being used for (if anything)? How successful has it been?

    Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) (also known as blood injection therapy)) is a medical treatment being used for a wide range of musculoskeletal problems. For those who don’t know, platelet-rich plasma refers to a sample of serum (blood) plasma that has as much as four times more than the normal amount of platelets.

    Platelets are like the emergency medical technicians (EMTs) of the body. When there’s an injury, they are the first one on the scene of the accident, so-to-speak. Platelets have a large number of available growth factors and other bioactive molecules that signal the body to start the tissue-healing process.

    The platelet treatment enhances the body’s natural ability to heal itself and is used to improve healing and shorten recovery time from acute and chronic soft tissue injuries.

    It has been used for years after plastic surgery and surgery on the mouth, jaw, and neck. It seems to promote bone graft healing. Researchers have found a way to combine this substance with other chemicals to make it into a putty or gel that can be painted on a surgical site to speed up healing.

    Now its uses have been expanded to include knee osteoarthritis, degenerative cartilage, spinal fusion, bone fractures that don’t heal, and poor wound healing. This treatment technique is fairly new in the sports medicine treatment of musculoskeletal problems, but gaining popularity quickly.

    Patients with chronic tendinitis (e.g., tennis elbow, patellar tendinitis or jumper’s knee, Achilles tendinitis) have also benefited from this treatment. It’s even being tried on hernias, labral (shoulder cartilage) tears, meniscal tears of the knee, and ankle sprains. Some surgeons are using it more and more with any orthopedic surgery involving the soft tissues to augment (reinforce) bone or ligamentous graft materials already being used.

    As for how effective is it? Well, most of the studies have been done on animals. Human studies either have not been high enough quality or too different in design to make comparisons possible.

    There are also different growth factors released and different concentrations of platelets in samples used from study to study. It’s not really clear yet just how much platelet-rich plasma is needed for each type of injury or even how many platelets are needed for the best response.

    The lack of high-quality, randomized controlled trials points to the need for attention in this area. Before expanding its use to an even wider array of musculoskeletal problems, it should be proven that the treatment has a positive benefit for each type of injury or trauma.

    We are an older couple (in our 80s), downsizing, and moving out of our home built in the 1970s to something smaller. My wife has diabetes and uses a push-type wheelchair. We are having trouble finding a place with door frames wide enough. Aren’t buildings supposed to be wheelchair accessible these days?

    Guidelines to make buildings accessible to wheelchair users were set in the 1970s. They worked well then. But in the 40 years since, mobility equipment sizes and designs have changed. However, building codes have not changed to accommodate the wide assortment of power wheelchairs, manual (push-type) wheelchairs, and now the newer scooters many of the older adults are using.

    Some of this equipment is pretty heavy and bulky while others are light-weight. The wheel base varies as does the length of the chair and placement of the wheel axes. Some chairs have a front wheel set up while others have a mid-wheel drive or rear-wheel drive. Each one of these designs has its own space requirements for entering doorways, navigating hallways, and managing turns.

    So as you are looking, pay attention to doorframe width, hallway width, and the design of the home. Making it around a wall to get into another room can be a simple L-shaped turn but often requires a more complex double-L turn. Rooms must be large enough to allow the wheelchair user to make a 360-degree turn in order to leave the room.

    If your wife will need to transfer from the wheelchair to a toilet, then the bathroom will require some additional room. Any home, apartment, or other place of residence can be modified. But modifications can be costly so you want to find the most accessible place possible first and make whatever adjustments are necessary from there.

    Currently, there is a real need to update guidelines and standards for buildings (e.g., door and hallway widths, bathrooms). The minimum Wheelchair Turning Space recommended by the Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG) back in the 1970s isn’t enough any more.

    The goal of updated guidelines is to make sure today’s current wheelchair and scooter users can get in and out of public areas easily. With almost two million Americans in wheelchairs or scooters, this recommendation has the potential to affect the daily lives of many people like your wife.

    Our 77-year-old mother wants to draw down her savings to buy an expensive scooter. We are concerned on several levels. First, she needs exercise and she can walk just fine without even a walker. Second, her home is an older 1940s model with narrow hallways and small rooms. And, of course, the expense. Are we being unrealistic?

    The scooters that are available now for older adults with physical limitations are very handy to have. They make accessiblity possible for people who can’t walk very far without becoming winded and for those with physical disabilities.

    Your conerns about the scooter limiting your mother’s physical activity and exercise is a realistic one. She should really be evaluated by a physician and a physical therapist for mobility needs before purchasing a unit on her own.

    Besides determining her need for a scooter, if one is indeed needed, the therapist can prescribe the right kind for her specific situation. Even the compact scooters are fairly large when it comes to navigating narrow hallways in older homes and small living spaces (not to mention public bathrooms). Spending money on a scooter only to find out she can’t operate it or it’s too large for her house can be a frustrating and expensive mistake.

    Many people rely on the scooter type mobility equipment for outdoor use only. But they must drive on finished surfaces and avoid uneven terrain. They have some limitations in walking but have good trunk control, can get in and out of the scooter, and operate the hand controls easily. The scooters do work quite well in malls, stores, or other larger shopping areas.