Our daughter has had Perthes hip disease since she was six-years-old. Now at age 13, she is starting to get something called impingement. Can you help us understand what this is and why it’s developing now?

Perthes disease of the hip (also known as Legg-Calvé-Perthes) occurs when there is a loss of blood supply to the growth center at the top of the femoral head. Without enough blood, the bone dies, degenerates, and collapses.

Children with Perthes disease of the hip may recover fully without further hip problems later. The body is capable of limiting this disease and growing new bone. But in the meantime for some patients, the weight of the body on the unstable bone can cause the head of the femur to become more oval-shaped.

Children with growth disturbance of the femoral head and altered shape of the normally round femoral head (top of the thigh bone) may end up with femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) (pinching of soft tissue and bone). This problem tends to show up during adolescence (the teen years).

It takes time for changes in shape of the femoral head to occur. As the femoral head is pressed down, the femoral neck (between the shaft of the thigh bone and the femoral head) is shortened. There can be a rotation of the bone as well. All these features add to the likelihood of an impingement problem during adolescence.

X-rays will help show what’s going on. The radiologist and orthopedic surgeon look for something referred to as acetabular coverage. This is a view of how much of the femoral head is inside the socket (called the acetabulum). With impingement from Perthes, it is common to see overcoverage (shelf of the socket hangs down over too much of the femoral head).

If you haven’t seen the X-rays yet (or you saw them but didn’t understand the process), ask your surgeon for a review of your daughter’s case. This will also help you understand the proposed treatment and possible outcomes.

I’ve heard the number of ATV accidents has risen dramatically. With all the new safety features of these toys, I’m wondering why? Is there any kind of recall going on for any of the newer models?

You are quite right that the number of accidents involving all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) has been on the rise for the last 10 years. And many of these accidents are high-energy resulting in some serious injuries (even deaths).

What makes these machines so dangerous? Power, speed and uneven or steep terrain. The first ATV models were seven-horse power. Remember, that means the engine has the pulling power of seven horses hooked up together. Today there are 500 horsepower ATVs available on the market.

What can be done to prevent these life-changing (and life-threatening) injuries? Awareness of the problem is always the first step. Reports on ATV injuries are helpful in pointing out to all of us how significant ATV-related accidents and injuries can be for all age groups.

We need better injury prevention strategies. Drivers who do not have the strength, body mass, and motor control to handle a 500-horsepower machine should not be driving them. Injuries are more likely in younger, smaller individuals, especially children.

They are less able to stop a vehicle roll over. Girls have less strength and often have more ligamentous and joint laxity. These two physical features combined together may have a significant impact on their ability to hold up during a rollover or other ATV accident.

Emotional maturity and judgment are important too but much more difficult to measure(in adults and children). Older children who might be better able to stop a rollover are also going faster and taking more chances. The recommended age for ATV use is 16 and older. Parents and guardians would be wise to enforce this age restriction.

The use of protective helmets that have been sized specifically for each rider must be enforced. Several studies have shown that many people injured in ATV accidents were not wearing a safety helmet. The safest vehicle is only as safe as the owner and operator!

We went on vacation to Montana this summer with our three children ages 8, 11, and 15. There were lots of children riding around the mountains where we hiked who were riding ATVs. It seemed to me like they were reckless and driving a machine more powerful than they could handle. Now my children want ATVs for Christmas. Just saying they seemed reckless isn’t much of a justification to tell my children “no.” Can you help me out here with some sage advice?

We can give you some information from a recent report on trends in all-terrain vehicle (ATV) accidents and injuries in children and teens under the age of 18. This report was published in 2011 from data collected every three years from 1997 on. The source of information was The Kids’ Inpatient Databases. The information put into the database comes from hospital records around the United States.

Analysis of the database showed there were 4483 children hospitalized for ATV accidents in one year alone (2006). And a review of the records from 1997 to the present time showed that the rate of ATV-related injuries has gone up. Not just a small increase in the number of accidents but a 240 per cent increase. And that is despite all efforts of the government and private organizations to educate and legislate this dangerous activity.

What makes these machines so dangerous? Power, speed and uneven or steep terrain. The first ATV models were seven-horse power. Remember, that means the engine has the pulling power of seven horses hooked up together. Today there are 500 horsepower ATVs available on the market.

Many of the ATV-related injuries are the result of high-energy trauma. The injuries reported aren’t minor scrapes and bruises. Children and teens with those kinds of injuries and other minor trauma probably don’t go to the hospital. So it’s very likely the number of accidents is much higher than reported.

Of those who do get medical treatment, spinal cord injury, fractures, and other musculoskeletal injuries are the most common. In fact, that 240 per cent increase in number of ATV accidents among children less than 18 years old is accompanied by another equally serious statistic. There has been a 476 per cent increase in spinal injury during the same time period (from 1997 to present).

If that’s not enough information for you, here’s a bit more. Injuries to internal organs occur in 40 per cent of cases reported. Punctured lungs from rib fractures, multiple organ injury, spinal cord injury, and head injuries have resulted in 120 ATV-related deaths among children in 2005. Older children (16 years old and older) seem to have the most serious accidents. Girls have fewer accidents but more serious injuries.

For parents who allow their children to use ATVs, it is possible to ride these vehicles safely. Close supervision and use of safety equipment are advised. Experts in the know do suggest riders and drivers should be 16 years old. That gives you another year in which to investigate, educate, and discuss this activity as a family.

I am a third-year medical student considering pediatric orthopedics as a speciality. Right now I have a case of a child with a diagnosis of neurofibromatosus. She’s 12 years-old and had a stainless steel rod placed along her spine for severe scoliosis. She was recently admitted to the hospital with a fracture in the rod. For an assignment, I am supposed to find out how this kind of problem can be avoided. Do you have any studies you can recommend or information that might be helpful?

As you know, children with severe scoliosis (curvature of the spine) may have surgery to insert a rod along the spine. The rod helps keep the spine straight. It’s actually a growing rod, which means it operates like a telescope and can lengthen as the child grows. The vertebrae are not fused so the rod spans long sections of the spine.

One of the main problems with growing rods is that they fracture (break). To understand more about growing rod fractures and ways to prevent problems, a group of 10 pediatric orthopedic centers from around the United States put together a growing rod database. They combined all the information they had from 327 children treated with growing rods throughout all 10 centers.

By putting information about each case into a computer database, they could study and analyze the data. In this study, they looked for risk factors for rod breakage. The hope was to find ways to prevent this complication. Some of the more common risks included using single rods, stainless steel (rather than titanium) rods, and smaller diameter rods.

Fractures didn’t usually occur right away. Some children did have a rod fracture as early as four months after rod insertion. But the more times the rod was lengthened, the greater the risk for breakage.

Most of the fractures occurred at places along the spine where the rod was connected to the bone. When they took a closer look, they saw that the type of connector made a difference. Rod fractures occurred more often with hooks (as opposed to screws or hooks and screws combined).

Age, weight, and severity of scoliosis did not appear to be risk factors. Wearing a brace at any time before or after surgery did not appear to provide protection from rod fractures.

What can be done to prevent this common complication? The authors didn’t know yet without further study but they offered some thoughts. It’s possible that replacing rods sooner in the process might help. The downside of that suggestion is the added surgery and increased risk of other complications like infections and blood clots.

Finding a better way to attach the rods might help. Using thicker, dual titanium rather than single stainless steel rods may be advised. Since metal fatigue may be part of the reason rods break, studies to find a better rod design might be helpful.

Surgeons were advised to consider making gradual bends in the rod rather than single angles when adjusting the rods to the curves. It might be better if broken rods were replaced rather than repaired.

The authors pointed out that the child’s compliance with bracing might be an important factor. It’s possible that bracing does provide some protection but we won’t know that unless actual wearing is confirmed and compared with rod fracture rates.

This is actually the first study to examine growing rod breakage. The percentage of children who experienced growing rod fractures was 15 per cent. A higher number (26 per cent) of those with rod fractures had repeat fractures. It’s a common complication of these growing rods without spinal fusion. Further study is needed to unravel all the possible risk factors and find evidence-based (proven) ways to prevent this problem.

After debating the pros and cons for months about surgery for our son, we finally agreed to rods being placed in his spine for severe scoliosis. Six months later, the rod broke and we were worse off than before surgery. We knew there was a risk of this happening but why did it happen? That’s what we want to know.

Without knowing the particulars of your son’s case, we can’t really say what happened. This is a question the surgeon may be able to answer. We can provide you with some information from a recently published study on risk factors for rod breakage in children with scoliosis. You might find something (or several somethings) in this list that match your son’s situation.

The study was done by a group of 10 pediatric orthopedic centers. They put together a growing rod database by combining all the information they had from 327 children treated with growing rods throughout all 10 centers.

By putting information about each case into a computer database, they could study and analyze the data. In this study, they looked for risk factors for rod breakage. The hope was to find ways to prevent this complication.

The first thing they noticed was the percentage of children who experienced growing rod fractures: 15 per cent. Then by comparing children with breakage against children without rod fractures, they isolated the risk factors. Here’s what they found:

  • Children with scoliosis as a part of other problems (called a syndrome) had the highest rate of fracture. This was much higher than for children with scoliosis as a result of a neuromuscular problem such as cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy.
  • Children who could stand upright and walk had a higher risk of rod fracture.
  • Children with single rods (only on one side of the spine) rather than dual rods (placed on both sides of the spine) were at greater risk for rod breakage.
  • When dual rods broke, both sides fractured at the same time in 26 per cent of all cases.
  • Titanium rods break less often than stainless steel rods.
  • Thicker rods were less likely to break compared with thinner diameter rods.

    This is actually the first study to examine growing rod breakage. All manner of potential risk factors were considered (e.g., age, sex, weight, use of bracing before or after surgery, level of rod fracture, location and severity of the scoliosis). But the ones with the greatest significance are listed above.

    Surgeons agree there is a need for more study in this area and perhaps a better rod design. Finding ways to prevent rod breakage is the next step in helping children like your son achieve the desired results without complications.

  • I’ve always been told that my hip problem (Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease) is caused by a loss of blood to the hip. But now that I’m old enough to understand this, I’d like more specific details. Can you explain it so I can understand it better? I’m 12-years-old but I’m a straight A student, so you don’t have to make it too simple.

    Perthes disease is a condition that affects the hip in children between the ages of four and eight. The condition is also referred to as Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease in honor of the three physicians who each separately described the disease.

    In this condition, the blood supply to the growth center of the hip (the capital femoral epiphysis) is disturbed, causing the bone in this area to die. The blood supply eventually returns, and the bone heals. How the bone heals determines what problems the condition will cause in later life. Perthes disease may affect both hips.

    Perthes disease results when the blood supply to the capital femoral epiphysis is blocked. There are many theories about what causes this problem with the blood supply, yet none have been proven.

    Clearly the problem is one of blood loss called ischemia. The area affected most is the head of the femur (thigh bone). This has been confirmed with today’s modern imaging studies. As a result of this blood loss, the bone dies and starts to collapse. Soon the smooth, round head of the femur starts to
    flatten and deform.

    But what causes the decreased vascularity (blood flow) and can it be stopped before the damage is done? Many experts believe LCP is the result of several or even many factors. Another way to say this is that LCP is a multifactorial disease with both genetic and mechanical contributing factors.

    On the genetic side, there are families with many members who have LCP as a result of a mutation in a particular gene. The affected gene controls the strength of collagen tissue. Collagen fibers are what make up all of the soft tissues in the body, including joint cartilage, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and blood vessels. One miscoding in the gene and the hip joint cartilage and its blood vessels don’t form correctly.

    Another biologic factor that contributes to some cases of LCP is a protein deficiency. Without the proper sequencing of these important proteins, affected individuals have abnormal coagulation (blood clotting). Abnormal blood clotting can cut off blood supply to the femoral head.

    With this much information in hand, further studies were done. Now there is some evidence that LCP can develop after a single episode of ischemia (blood loss) no matter what the cause. But the risk goes up with repeated (multiple) episodes of blood loss. If this proves to be true, then it is essential to predict, recognize, and stop all ischemic episodes.

    Although Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease may sound like a simple problem, there’s still so much we don’t know about what causes it and how or why it develops. More and more, it’s looking like a complex biologic problem with multiple contributing factors and/or “triggers”. Hopefully, in time, scientists will be able to uncover important facts that can change treatment and results for those (like yourself) who have this condition.

    We’ve been told to keep our child who has Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease off his feet as much as possible. This is supposed to help avoid further deformity of the hip. But is all weight-bearing bad? Is running worse than walking? He needs some exercise, doesn’t he?

    Perthes disease is a condition that affects the hip in children between the ages of four and eight. The condition is also referred to as Legg-Calve-Perthes disease in honor of the three physicians who each separately described the disease.

    In this condition, the blood supply to the growth center of the hip (the capital femoral epiphysis) is disturbed, causing the bone in this area to die. The blood supply eventually returns, and the bone heals.

    How the bone heals determines what problems the condition will cause in later life. Perthes disease may affect both hips. In fact, 10 to 12 percent of the time the condition is bilateral (meaning that it affects both hips). This condition can lead to serious problems in the hip joint later in life.

    Clearly the problem is one of blood loss called ischemia. The area affected most is the head of the femur (thigh bone). This has been confirmed with today’s modern imaging studies. As a result of this blood loss, the bone dies and starts to collapse. Soon the smooth, round head of the femur starts to flatten and deform.

    There is some evidence that LCP can develop after a single episode of ischemia (blood loss) no matter what the cause. But the risk goes up with repeated (multiple) episodes of blood loss. If this proves to be true, then it is essential to predict,
    recognize, and stop all ischemic episodes.

    Some experts suggest that one way to help prevent the damage done to the hip by this problem is to avoid mechanical pressure on the compromised blood vessels. That could mean keeping the child off his or her feet in a nonweight-bearing state. Limited weight-bearing will protect more than the blood vessels. Compression and load on the joint cartilage, growth plate, and bone will also be reduced.

    Although these guidelines make sense, how much pressure and force are put on a child’s hips with different activities is not clear. Your question is a good one. Is running a bigger problem than walking? Is it how often the child is weight-bearing that makes a difference? Or could it be the number of steps taken each day should be limited? And how much does the child’s body weight play a role?

    These are just some of the questions that need answers before early and more effective treatment can be prescribed for LCP disease. In the meantime, non-weight-bearing doesn’t have to mean becoming a couch potato.

    Swimming, biking, and resistance exercise for the arms are still very acceptable forms of exercise for children with this condition. If you need help designing a program for your son, see a physical therapist. These health care professionals understand this condition and are skilled in prescribing individual exercise programs for specific problems like Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease

    I’ve been researching a hip problem our six-year-old grandson has called Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. It looks like this is something that’s been around for a long time. What can we expect for our grandson. Surely by now they have come up with a cure, haven’t they?

    Perthes disease is a condition that affects the hip in children between the ages of four and eight. The condition is also referred to as Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease in honor of the three physicians who each separately described the disease 100 years ago.

    In this condition, the blood supply to the growth center of the hip (the capital femoral epiphysis) is disturbed, causing the bone in this area to die. The area affected most is the head of the femur (thigh bone). This has been confirmed with today’s modern imaging studies. As a result of this blood loss, the bone dies and starts to collapse. Soon the smooth, round head of the femur starts to flatten and deform.

    How the bone heals determines what problems the condition will cause in later life. Perthes disease may affect both hips. In fact, 10 to 12 percent of the time the condition is bilateral (meaning that it affects both hips). This condition can lead to serious problems in the hip joint later in life.

    That’s why every effort is being made to continue studying this problem so that today’s children affected by Perthes disease will have a good outcome. Though no cure has been found, but early detection and intervention may make a difference. Research is ongoing to find more effective ways to restore the natural shape and strength of the hip.

    I am a doctoral physical therapy student considering conducting a study on Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease for my research. I started looking at X-rays of children at our regional pediatric center. But I noticed not all radiologists use the same classification method for this condition. Is there one system that is best that I should look for when choosing which patients to include (or exclude) from the study?

    Classification of any condition like Perthes is useful because it helps give a picture of what is happening for each individual patient. Using a classication system allows us to look at groups of patients with Perthes to predict results with and without treatment.

    As you have pointed out, it’s best to have one classification system to study all patients. Treatment depends on a careful classification to determine severity. The natural history and prognosis for final outcomes depend on an accurate classification.

    Right now, there isn’t one standard classification method for Perthes used by everyone. Instead, there are a half dozen classification methods described for Perthes disease in the literature. There’s the Catterall, Salter-Thompson, lateral pillar (Herring), Mose, and Stulberg classifications. These methods all rely on X-ray evaluation of the hip.

    The Catterall classification takes a look at the location and amount of bone collapse. Patients are placed in one of four groups based on the specific effects of Perthes on the epiphysis (growth center). The presence of collapse, degeneration, absorption, and regeneration are described with this system.

    The Salter-Thompson classification model is much simpler. There are only two groups based on how much of the femoral head is involved (less than half or more than half). The Stulberg classification places children in one of three categories based on the shape of the femoral head. The Stulberg classification method has been tested, modified, and eventually expanded to include five groups instead of the original three.

    Herring also took Stulberg’s original three-group classification method and revised it and published several studies. Focus has shifted now to using the Herring (lateral pillar approach) because it has good interobserver reliability. In other words, different radiologists using X-rays to classify the disease using this method came up with the same results.

    There is another type of classification based on bone scintigraphy. Bone scintigraphy looks at the distribution of blood flow and active bone. It helps show blood flow to and through the bone and shows places throughout the skeletal system where the bone is actively metabolizing.

    The advantage of bone scintigraphy is that changes in bone metabolism show up on the bone scan before structural changes would appear on an X-ray. Conditions such as fractures, infections, tumors, and Perthes can be recognized with a bone scan long before they can be seen with plain radiographs.

    Scintigraphy is not used routinely because it is an invasive test. It requires injecting radioactive tracers in the child’s blood. It is also much more expensive than plain radiographs (X-rays).

    Although the Catterall classification has been used most often in the past, there’s a shift now toward using the Herring (lateral pillar) method instead. The Herring method has been shown to have good interrater reliability as well as the ability to predict final outcomes.

    In a recent review of Perthes classification methods, the author pointed out there is room for improvement in adopting a standard way to classify Perthes disease based on X-rays. For example, it’s very easy to have slight differences in the child’s hip position when the X-ray is taken.

    What the radiologist sees of the hip can be very influenced by a subtle difference in hip rotation. The child could also be standing or lying down and that makes a difference. You may want to take this information with you and ask your group of radiologists for their ideas and opinions as well when planning the research design for your study. Good luck!

    Our son is going to a large children’s hospital for evaluation of a hip problem that has been diagnosed as Perthes disease. I’m on-line trying to understand the X-ray report we received from the first doctor that puts it as a Group A disease. The second radiologist called it Class I. What’s the difference?

    Perthes disease affects children between the ages of four and eight most often. It involves a loss of blood supply and the death of bone at the top of the femur (thigh bone). The condition can range from mild-to-severe. The round head of the femur may collapse and shift and become more oval shape. Later in life, these children can develop early and sometimes severe hip arthritis.

    Treatment depends on a careful classification to determine severity. Classification of any condition like Perthes is useful because it helps give a picture of what is happening for each individual patient. Using a classication system allows us to look at groups of patients with Perthes to predict results with and without treatment.

    It’s best to have one classification system to study all patients. But there isn’t one standard classification method used by everyone for Perthes. Instead, there are numerous ways to classify this condition. You are probably seeing different descriptions based on two classification methods. These methods rely on X-ray evaluation of the hip.

    Group A most likely refers to a method called the Salter-Thompson classification. This approach divides X-rays of Perthes hips as Group A (less than half of the femoral head involved) and Group B (more than half the femoral head is affected). This is a fairly simple approach based on how much of the bone is changed.

    A more detailed description is provided by looking at the shape of the femoral head. There are five classes from mild (class I) to severe (Class V). In Class I, the normally round shape of the femoral head remains round and symmetric. Patients with Class I Perthes have not developed any signs of early arthritis.

    So using both methods for your son gives the orthopedic physician an idea of how much of the hip is affected and provides a bit of a prognostic outlook. Treatment decisions can be made using these systems.

    I am a 14-year-old boy with a hip problem. It’s called Perthes and it was just discovered. The doctor I saw was honest with me and said it doesn’t always have the best outcome in teens. I’m looking for any information you can give me to help me understand what that means.

    Perthes disease (also known by the longer name: Legg-Calvé-Perthes) affects the hip (or hips) of children between the ages of four and eight most often. But the disease can show up later in the teen years. The condition develops after there has been an interruption in blood flow to the growing centers of the hip.

    Those growth centers (called the capital femoral epiphyses are located at the round top of the femur (thigh bone). Without enough blood, the bone starts to die, a process referred to as necrosis.

    The dead bone cells are eventually replaced by new bone cells but this can take several years. In the meantime, pressure and load from weight on the bone causes it to flatten. The smooth, round head of the femur that sets inside the hip socket (acetabulum) becomes oval-shaped (ovoid) or misshapen. Instead of fitting tightly inside the acetabulum, bone extrudes or expands outside the confines of the socket.

    In severe cases (and especially in children who develop this condition after age eight), the deformed hip may develop early arthritis. In a small number of children who don’t have signs of Perthes until into their teen years, the chances of full recovery is very slim. That’s because the bone never gets the full blood flow back that it needs to remodel.

    In all cases, the more flattened the bone and the more misshapen the round femoral head becomes, the more likely degenerative arthritis will occur at an early age. The reason for this is that joint surfaces need to be evenly matched or congruent. Without this tight fit, the bones rub against each other unevenly. Over time with repeated movements, the joint degenerates where the greatest amount of pressure has been applied.

    That may sound like a grim picture. Don’t let this information discourage you. The upside is that the disease is usually self-limiting (the body heals itself). Giving the hip every opportunity to heal itself by limiting load on the joint may prevent the flattening of the femoral head and deformity that can develop.

    The healing process can take two to four years for the necrotic bone to get resorbed and replaced by new bone. Studies show your best chances for recovery are to follow your physician’s advice carefully and give yourself a chance to heal naturally.

    Everyone is different — there are different stages and severity of this condition. Your physician is the best one to give you more information as it relates specifically to you. It sounds like he or she is willing to level with you so don’t hesitate to ask for more information at your next appointment.

    Our family is facing a new problem. Both my husband and I are currently unemployed and without insurance. Our four-year-old son was just diagnosed with Perthes hip disease. We can’t afford treatment for him. What are his chances for recovery without surgery?

    Legg-Calvé-Perthes (or Perthes) disease affects the hip (or hips) of children between the ages of four and eight most often. The condition develops after there has been an interruption in blood flow to the growing centers of the hip.

    Those growth centers (called the capital femoral epiphyses) are located at the round top of the femur (thigh bone). Without enough blood, the bone starts to die, a process referred to as necrosis. The dead bone cells are eventually replaced by new bone cells but this can take several years.

    Age is the determining factor in this condition. Recovery is more likely in children under the age of eight. Many children have mild LCP, and they are able to heal and recover fully even without treatment. The hip actually remodels itself and remains smooth moving. Early degenerative hip arthritis does not always occur and these children have no hip problems in adulthood related to their childhood history of Perthes disease.

    It’s best if the treating physician can follow the child closely. X-rays and MRIs help show the four stages of Perthes disease. These four stages are 1) necrosis (death of bone cells), 2) fragmentation (breakdown of dead bone), 3) regeneration of bone (new bone forms), and finally, 4) healed replacement of normal bone tissue.

    There are some complications that can develop along the way. Recognizing and treating these early on can prevent problems later. There are changes in our health care system now that are meant to protect children whose families do not have health care coverage.

    Contact your local public health department and find out where you can go to get the services your child needs. Don’t assume there are no answers to this dilemma you face or that you have to figure it out by yourself.

    There are also physicians who take cases on a pro bono (free) basis. Everyone understands there can be tough economic times that call for a community solution to an individual’s needs. Just asking the question in this forum is a good place to start!

    I know our society has gone through major shifts in describing the differences between boys and girls. For awhile there it was like we were supposed to believe everyone was the same regardless of sex. But I work as a pediatric aid in a large hospital. And I can tell you that when it comes to pain in children, girls seem to have a much bigger reaction to pain. This seems true even if it doesn’t hurt more than what boys would say. Can you explain this to me? Why the differences?

    Your observations have been noted and reported by others as well. Girls do seem to have a greater reaction to the unpleasantness of the after-surgery pain and symptoms than boys do. They don’t seem to experience greater intensity of pain, just exhibit a greater reaction or response to the pain.

    Of course, gauging pain in children can be a challenge since they don’t always have the words to express themselves. This is especially true in younger children. That’s why nursing staff most often use the Faces Pain Scale to assess and measure pain in children. The child points to the face that best describes their pain from a happy, smiling face (no pain) to a very sad, frowning face (worst pain).

    But researchers are exploring better ways to reliably measure pain in children and teens. One tool that is being modified and tested is the Child Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale or CPASS. It is a way to gauge how much pain, anxiety, and pain-anxiety children have and how sensitive they are to anxiety.

    Anxiety sensitivity is the extent to which anxiety-related symptoms can predict a poor outcome. In other words, the presence of anxiety symptoms such as increased heart rate and feeling nauseated is linked with physical ailments, psychologic disturbances, and the development of chronic (long-lasting) pain.

    Assessing children for pain anxiety in the early stages of pain might help us identify who is at risk for poor outcomes related to pain. Then we could potentially do something about it as soon as possible. When the CPASS was used with children after surgery, they found exactly what you are reporting.

    They found that after orthopedic or general surgery girls have more general anxiety and anxiety sensitivity than boys. Girls were more likely to experience pain right after surgery as more unpleasant (but not more intense) than boys. Two weeks later (after discharge from the hospital), they scored their pain the same as boys.

    Analysis of the test and test scores showed that the CPASS measured responses equally between boys and girls. In other words, the differences reported weren’t because of the test but a true measure. The test was able to measure the changes experienced by the children from early on after surgery to the two-week post-operative time period.

    So anxiety and the child’s interpretation of his or her symptoms may be part of the differences between boys and girls. But what makes girls more susceptible to the effects of anxiety remains to be determined.

    There may be other factors that determine the difference between boys’ and girls’ responses to pain. The CPASS was originally designed for adults and then modified for children, so it’s possible that there are other dimensions of the pain experience (besides anxiety) that are important. Further study is needed to sort this out as well.

    I overheard the nurse working with a child in the same room as our son at the hospital. She was asking the little girl if she felt helpless or scared. Doesn’t this kind of questioning put ideas into kids’ heads? What’s the point of asking questions like these?

    The nurse may have been evaluating the child’s level of pain and anxiety about that pain. Pain is a subjective symptom, meaning you can’t see it or take a picture of it. Describing pain becomes something we trust that the person who is telling us about their pain is accurate. Measuring pain in adults is difficult enough. Imagine getting a similar report from children who may not even have the words to describe what they are feeling.

    There are several tools health care professionals can use when evaluating pain in children and teens. It sounds like the nurse may have been using one called the Child Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale or CPASS. It is a way to gauge how much pain, anxiety, and pain-anxiety children have and how sensitive they are to anxiety.

    The test has several subsections designed to help sort out anxiety, sensitivity to anxiety, depression pain levels, function, and disability. The children do rate statements like “It scares me when I throw up” or “I feel helpless about my pain” on a scale from “not at all” to a lot”.

    Activities and function (“I can walk to the bathroom by myself” or “I can eat regular meals”) are measured on a five-point scale from zero (no trouble with the task) to five (impossible).

    Assessing children for pain anxiety in the early stages of pain might help us identify who is at risk for poor outcomes related to pain. Then we could potentially do something about it as soon as possible.

    Measuring how much children misinterpret pain and anxiety symptoms as harmful is a good way to predict pain intensity and unpleasantness after surgery. Of course, the goal is to alleviate the child’s pain and suffering. Giving them an opportunity to express how they feel may be suggestive but more likely helpful in getting them the treatment they need to keep the pain and anxiety at a minimum.

    Our seven-year-old grandson has a partially dislocated hip from cerebral palsy. The parents (our children) don’t have insurance so we have been paying many of the medical bills. We just got a bill for X-rays and now heard today the surgeon wants an expensive CT scan, too. We don’t want to withhold what Jason needs but we can’t help but wonder if this is really a necessary test.

    A hip subluxation (partial dislocation) in a child with cerebral palsy is likely going to require surgery. That could be the reason for all the tests. Before trying to rebuild or reconstruct a hip subluxation, the surgeon must map out every detail of the hip itself.

    In order to prevent future problems, the surgeon must understand now what went wrong. In other words, why did the hip start to dislocate? And where are the weak or deficient places in the hip socket where the head of the femur has popped out?

    These questions must be answered when planning surgery to reconstruct the hip. Otherwise, the same problem can happen again after surgery. There could be instability at the top of the socket (superior direction). This superior deficiency could be more toward the front (anterior) or more toward the back (posterior) part of the hip.

    Then again the instability or deficiency could be multidirectional (present in more than one direction). The problem is really more complicated than that. In many cases, normal growth and development of the bones is altered in children with cerebral palsy by the change in muscle pull and biodynamics.

    For example, the femur may twist or tilt thus placing the head of the femur in the socket at an angle. Likewise, any change in the shape or orientation of the pelvic bones that form the upper part of the hip socket can have an impact on alignment.

    The surgeon must take both the direction of the hip subluxation and the location of the acetabular (hip socket) deficiency into consideration when planning corrective surgery. How is this type of evaluation done? That’s where the testing you are paying for might be needed.

    There are three-dimensional CT scans that allow orthopaedic surgeons to see the entire acetabulum (hip socket). The surgeon needs information on direction, depth, and degree of hip dysplasia (shallow socket). The CT scan provides depth and direction but not degree of dysplasia.

    Pelvic X-rays may offer a better view to measure something called the acetabular index. The acetabular index is a measure already in use to look at the angle of the acetabular roof. Combining these two tests together (CT scan and pelvic X-ray) makes it possible to get a three-dimensional view of the angle and curve of the roof (top) of the acetabulum (socket).

    How will your surgeon use this information? Using the acetabular index will give surgeons a more accurate measure of all the planes of the acetabulum. Taking this measurement in consideration along with other factors such as child’s age, function, and other deformities will help direct surgical choices when reconstructing the dysplastic hip in children with spastic cerebral palsy.

    We have twin girls who eight years old now. One girl is perfectly fine but the other has spastic cerebral palsy (CP). The twin with CP had a dislocated hip that was surgically repaired last year and it has popped out again. The same surgeon wants to re-operate but we are wondering if we should see someone else. What do you advise?

    Spasticity (increased muscle tone) is common with cerebral palsy and can cause the muscles to pull unevenly on the hip. Over time, as the child grows and the muscles remain short and tight, the head of the femur (thigh bone) is forced out of the hip socket.

    Often the hip socket (called the acetabulum) is shallow and not fully developed. This is especially common in children with cerebral palsy (or other neurologic conditions) that prevent them from standing up and walking. Walking puts pressure through the thighs into the hips and helps form the acetabulum (hip socket) and shape the femoral head that fits into the socket.

    When the femoral head shifts out of the hip socket, surgery is done to reconstruct the hip and form a new, deeper socket. There are a number of different ways to do this. The procedure isn’t always successful but there are many reasons for a less than optimal outcome.

    For example, what is the shape of the hip socket and where are the weak areas where the femoral head can push past the cartilage and pop out? This question must be answered when planning surgery to reconstruct the hip.

    If it’s not addressed, then the same problem can happen again after surgery. There could be instability at the top of the socket (superior direction). This superior deficiency could be more toward the front (anterior) or more toward the back (posterior) part of the hip.

    Then again the instability or deficiency could be multidirectional (present in more than one direction). The problem is really more complicated than that. In many cases, normal growth and development of the bones is altered in these children by the change in muscle pull and biodynamics.

    For example, the femur may twist or tilt thus placing the head of the femur in the socket at an angle. Likewise, any change in the shape or orientation of the pelvic bones that form the upper part of the hip socket can have an impact on alignment.

    Even with a perfect surgical result, if the child grows rapidly and the muscle tone increases even more, dislocations and deformities can occur. A second surgery is not uncommon — in fact, many children with cerebral palsy have multiple different surgical procedures as they grow and mature.

    If you have any doubts about your daughter’s care, there’s nothing wrong with seeking a second opinion. If you don’t feel comfortable consulting with someone else in the same orthopedic practice, then ask your pediatrician for an alternate choice. The decision to have another surgery for your daughter is a major one and one that deserves a careful evaluation of what’s best for her.

    We just came back from a long trip to the West Coast to take our eight-year-old daughter to a special arthritis clinic for kids. We thought she had arthritis but it turns out she has something else called venous malformation. The team there said it was rare and hard to detect but there were a few clues to help them out. They never did tell us how they could tell the difference. Without having her records, can you tell us why they were able to make the distinction?

    Arthritis in children and venous malformation can present clinically with such similarity, it is very difficult to make the distinction. The knee becomes swollen and tender. Swelling and stiffness cause the knee to bend (unable to straighten fully). Loss of motion and stiffness result in a shortened leg on that side.

    Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is a chronic condition of joint swelling and inflammation. The term ‘idiopathic’ tells us there’s no known cause. Venous malformation is as the name describes. Venous refers to the veins (blood vessels that return blood to the heart). The malformation is a jumble of veins often forming a clump or circle of veins. The effect of the malformation is to slow the blood down and keep it from moving through the area as it should.

    Both conditions present with joint pain and swelling. When venous malformation causes these symptoms in a child, the natural diagnostic suspicion is for the more common juvenile idiopathic condition. Knee venous malformation is so rare, it is not easily recognized. But with careful study, it is possible to identify some characteristics of knee venous malformation that might be the tip off that it’s not arthritis.

    MRIs and ultrasound studes are very helpful. These tests show blood filling in spaces within the muscles. This is a characteristic sign of venous malformation. Combining the results of imaging studies with biopsy of the tissue mass helps make the differentiation of venous malformation from juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

    Sometimes the diagnosis isn’t made until the child is treated for arthritis without success. The more difficult cases are when the symptoms improve with antiinflammatories used for arthritis so it looks like the right diagnosis was made. It isn’t until the child is taken off the medication and the symptoms come back that a second (or third) look help reveal the true problem.

    Other differentiating factors are very subtle. For example, juvenile idiopathic arthritis often affects all the large joints (knees, ankles, wrists, and elbows). Venous malformation presents at the knee most of the time. Lab tests may show some differences that can be helpful but this is not 100 per cent accurate.

    Most of the time it’s the imaging studies that help define the problem. And because knee venous malformation is congenital (present at birth), the earlier MRIs are used the sooner the problem is identified correctly. Early recognition doesn’t always happen because symptoms don’t develop right away at birth. Some children don’t develop visible problems until years later.

    There’s one other important clinical finding that can help tell these two conditions apart. Although both conditions cause joint pain and swelling, with knee venous malformations, there are often some skin changes that can be seen. The veins become more prominent on that side. There may be swelling above the kneecap. And the skin around the knee looks blue in color.

    Knowledge of these differences can help the physician recognize the true underlying problem. Early diagnosis and treatment can help improve results. It sounds like your team of experts were well-informed and able to get to the bottom of the problem quickly!

    Our 11-year-old granddaughter was misdiagnosed with knee arthritis when it was really a malformation of the veins. We are relieved she doesn’t have the arthritis but peeved that it took so long for them to figure out what was wrong. Are we out of line to think the physicians screwed up?

    Sometimes one disease mimics another one so closely, it is difficult to tell them apart. That’s the case with these two separate knee problems that look very similar. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is a chronic condition of joint swelling and inflammation. The term ‘idiopathic’ tells us there’s no known cause. Venous malformation is as the name describes.

    Venous refers to the veins (blood vessels that return blood to the heart). The malformation is a jumble of veins often forming a clump or circle of veins. The effect of the malformation is to slow the blood down and keep it from moving through the area as it should.

    Both conditions present with joint pain and swelling. When venous malformation causes these symptoms in a child, the natural diagnostic suspicion is for the more common juvenile idiopathic condition. Knee venous malformation is so rare, it is not easily recognized.

    By taking a look back, it’s possible to identify some characteristics of knee venous malformation that might be the tip off that it’s not arthritis. Of course, as the old saying goes: “Hindsight is 20-20.” In other words, it’s much easier to look back at what was really going on but difficult to understand at the time it was happening.

    Even when the malformation creates a mass that is removed, the jumble of blood vessels can look so much like a hemangioma (benign blood tumor) the diagnosis remains clouded. Sometimes it’s not until the mass grows back or the family seeks a second opinion that the real diagnosis is made.

    Sometimes the diagnosis isn’t made until the child is treated for arthritis without success. The more difficult cases are when the symptoms improve with antiinflammatories used for arthritis so it looks like the right diagnosis was made. It isn’t until the child is taken off the medication and the symptoms come back that a second (or third) look help reveal the true problem.

    There is one recent study we can cite in giving you an idea how rare the problem is and how often misdiagnosis occurs. This study took place at a large children’s hospital in the Northeast (Boston Children’s).

    A review of their records for an 11 year period of time showed that of all the children seen at the hospital for 11 years, only 56 children had venous malformations of the knee. Six of those children were treated as if they had juvenile idiopathic arthritis before the accurate diagnosis was made. That’s a misdiagnosis rate of 11 per cent (very high).

    Your situation sounds fairly typical given the rarity of the venous malformation condition. Given the similarity of signs and symptoms, tt’s easy to make the mistake of thinking the child has arthritis. Thankfully your granddaughter’s diagnosis has been cleared up and the correct treatment applied.

    We just got the results back from our son’s knee surgery. He had a surgery done called ACI in which they took some of his own knee cartilage and used it to fill a couple little holes in his knee joint. The report says the holes have filled in but not with normal tissue. Looks like mostly random fibers, not true cartilage. He’s not having any pain so does it matter? And will it eventually turn into the real stuff?

    These are all very good questions that remain under investigation. You didn’t mention your son’s age but we know from a recent study done in England that this particular surgery is being used more often now in adolescents.

    This approach called autologous chondrocyte implantation or ACI is quite successful in adults and rising in use among younger patients. Autologous tells us the graft was taken from the patient. A donor sample of chondrocytes comes from a non-weight-bearing section of the knee.

    The cells are taken to a lab where they are grown into a larger donor patch of articular cartilage cells. This can take anywhere from four to six weeks. When there are enough lab-grown chondrocytes, the patient comes back in for part two of the surgical procedure.

    In this operation, the damaged cartilage is cleaned out and the edges are shaved smooth in preparation for the graft material. The hole is filled in with donor chondrocytes and covered with a special membrane that is stitched in place, sealed, and watertight.

    The number of cases of osteochondral injury in young athletes continues to rise. “Osteo” refers to bone, whereas “chondral” directs our attention to cartilage. So, the osteochondral layer is the cartilage next to the first layer of bone in the knee joint.

    The increase in this type of injury is because active individuals end up with more traumatic injuries (e.g., direct blow to the knee) or repetitive minor trauma than other less active adolescents and/or adults.

    When researchers go back years after the repair and take a look at the repaired site, here’s what they find. A large number of patients (84 per cent in the study from England) have excellent results regardless of the size of their lesion (large or small).

    Pain is routinely less and both motion and function are improved. Of particular interest is the condition of the graft site later. Slightly more than half the English group (57 per cent) had a patch of fibrous cartilage fill in the defect.

    Only one-fourth of the group (about 24 per cent) formed the desired hyaline cartilage. A smaller number of patients (19 per cent) formed a mixture of fibers and hyaline cartilage. Only one patient had a failed result requiring additional surgery. These statistics are actually quite similar to the results reported for other (smaller) studies investigating the same things.

    There is some evidence that the transplanted tissue actually continues to form new cartilage even after a couple of years. So there is hope that this procedure will prove to have good long-term results as well. More studies are needed to know the final result for sure — but it looks very favorable. Time will tell!

    I’m trying to find some information that could help my nephew. He’s 15-years-old and a very active athlete. X-rays and MRIs have confirmed he has a hole in his knee cartilage. It’s deep enough to go down to the first layer of bone. I had this same problem and the ortho-doc took some of my own cartilage, grew it in a lab, and put it in the hole. It healed over beautifully. Can they do this same treatment for kids? No one seems to be suggesting it.

    Many different techniques have been developed to repair holes in the chondral (cartilage) surface of the knee joint. There is increasing evidence that the procedure you had on your knee (called autologous chondrocyte implantation or ACI) gives very good overall results. Autologous tells us the graft is taken from the patient him- or herself. A donor sample of chondrocytes comes from a non-weight-bearing section of the knee.

    The cells are taken to a lab where they are grown into a larger donor patch of articular cartilage cells. This can take anywhere from four to six weeks. When there are enough lab-grown chondrocytes, the patient comes back in for part two of the surgical procedure.

    In this operation, the damaged cartilage is cleaned out and the edges are shaved smooth in preparation for the graft material. The hole is filled in with donor chondrocytes and covered with a special membrane that is stitched in place, sealed, and watertight.

    Defects in the osteochondral layer is actually a fairly common problem in active individuals. This type of problem usually develops as a result of trauma. Often there has been a direct blow to the knee. But minor trauma and repetitive motion with a shearing force can also contribute to the development of painful knee problems from osteochondral lesions in younger and younger patients.

    Studies have been limited to the results of these treatment approaches in adults. A smaller number of studies have focused on teens between the ages of 14 and 18 years of age. The largest study focusing on teens between the ages of 14 and 18 showed (84 per cent) excellent results.

    Eighty-four per cent (84 per cent) had decreased pain and improve motion and function regardless of the size of their lesion (large or small). In other words, patients got better just as often (and just as successfully) with small defects as with large lesions.

    One-fourth of the group (about 24 per cent) formed the desired hyaline cartilage. A smaller number of patients (19 per cent) formed a mixture of fibers and hyaline cartilage. Only one patient had a failed result requiring additional surgery.

    The authors took a look at some of the other factors to see if any of these affected the final result. For example, they noted that all but one patient had just a single (called isolated osteochondral lesion. But the lesions weren’t all in the same spot of the knees.

    There were some lesions located (14) on the medial side (side closest to the other knee) at the end of the femur (thigh bone where it joins to form the knee). Half that number (7) were located on the back of the patella. And another six were found on the lateral side of the femur (side away from the other knee). Results did not appear to be influenced by the location of the knee either.

    Interestingly enough, results measured by pain, motion, and function weren’t different (or less positive) when the repaired joint surface turned out to be just fibrous cartilage instead of the real thing. In other words, results were just as good when the repair tissue was not identical to normal hyaline cartilage covering the joint.

    The researchers who conducted this study came to the conclusion that autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) works well in adolescents with painful osteochondrocyte lesions. This is true even when the final tissue isn’t true hyaline cartilage.

    Previous studies support the surgical treatment of painful defects before further joint degeneration occurs. It’s not clear yet if lesions that don’t cause pain should be treated. In time, all the various repair and reconstructive techniques used for osteochondral lesions in adults may be studied in children and teens.