I was just diagnosed with golfers elbow, was given a cortisone injection and referred to physical therapy, what should I expect?

Treatment will start with education on proper rest from activities that increase symptoms, use of ice and NSAIDS, and possible taping, bracing or splinting designed to limit forces at the elbow. Modalities, such as ultrasound and electrical stimulation, may be incorporated into treatment to assist with control of inflammation and symptom management. Once acute symptoms are managed, physical therapy becomes an increasingly important component of recovery. Therapy will first focus on gaining full painfree range of motion at the shoulder, elbow and wrist. After range of motion has been achieved strengthening of the flexor and pronator muscles will begin, progressing the intensity of the exercises by gradually increasing speed and resistance, building from concentric to eccentric movement. In addition to strengthening at the elbow it is imperative the core, scapula and shoulder girlde are assessed and properly strengthened. Sport specific and occuptional demands must be taken into consideration when designing the final phase of strengthening after medial epicondylitis. Proper ergonomics, proper technique and equipment, such as golf club length or tennis racket grip size, should also be evaluated with to return to sport/work.

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