I am only 48 years old, but I have severe knee pain from years of running marathons and participating in triathlons. The first doctor I saw took an X-ray and said there's some narrowing of the joint space, but nothing to worry about. Would an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) show anything else the X-ray didn't show?

For years doctors have used X-rays to help diagnose osteoarthritis (OA). Recently, researchers have started to call this practice into question. An X-ray reading of the joint may not be valid in predicting pain and function. In other words, the joint looks fine but the pain is very limiting all the same.

More and more doctors are using MRIs to find OA. MRIs can image cartilage and soft tissues. The more the doctor knows about the soft tissues involved, the more direct and specific treatment can be.

Ask your doctor about having an MRI. You may be a good candidate.

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