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Dr. Gregory H. Tchejeyan
250 Lombard Street Ste 1
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Ph: 805-495-3687
Fax: 805-494-1828

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  • What can be done to keep my leg muscles from shrinking after knee surgery?
  • I have osteoarthritis in my knees. I have been trying to loose weight because my doctor told me it could help relieve some of the pain. But whenever I go for a walk, my knees hurt even more. It feels like I'm making the problem worse, so I have stopped exercising altogether. I'm worried that I will keep gaining weight if I don't exercise. Any suggestions?
  • One of the ligaments inside my knee was injured in a recent football game. I'm wondering about the knee bones. My biology teacher said ligaments are attached to bones. Do the bones get hurt, too?
  • I recently had my right ACL repaired. My orthopedist said everything looked great. If my rehab continues to go well, does this mean I won't have problems in the future?
  • My dad had his knee operated on, and now, 15 years later, it's starting to hurt. He hasn't done anything to hurt it again that he can think of. Otherwise he's in pretty good shape. Is the pain coming from his initial problem, or is this something new?
  • The pain I feel from osteoarthritis in my knee gets worse when I'm active. Wouldn't it be safest for me just to stay in my recliner so I don't feel pain?
  • The arthritis pain in my knee is slowly getting worse. I've never gotten relief with rubs or ointments, but I'm wondering about a new cream called capsaicin. What is it made of, and can it work for me?
  • I've read that people with hip and knee osteoarthritis should think about using a cane to take pressure off the leg and to help the pain go away. What should I know about purchasing and using a cane?
  • I twisted and sprained my knee badly back in high school. I read once that having a bad knee injury can cause knee arthritis later in life. If so, I'm wondering if there is anything I can do now so I don't end up with knee arthritis.
  • My doctor explained that the aching and swelling in my knee is from osteoarthritis. She told me about an injection that can lessen my pain and help me get around easier. What kind of medicine is in the shot, and does it work?
  • I fell and hurt my knee pretty bad back in high school. Will I be more likely to develop arthritis in my knee as I get older?
  • My doctor said that X-rays of my knee show that the cartilage is gone in my knee joint. Now that I've been taking glucosamine and chondroitin, my pain is better, and I feel I can do more during the day. Could the benefits I feel be coming from these supplements?
  • I had knee surgery for a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) last year. Is it true that if you tear this ligament you end up getting osteoarthritis in the knee?
  • I tore the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in my knee back in high school. When my doctor went in to fix the ACL, he had to take the meniscus out because it was torn. I'm only 30 years old now, and I'm starting to feel stiffness and pain in my knee. Am I going to end up with arthritis in my knee?
  • I've heard that women are more likely than men to have medical complications after ACL surgery. Is this true?
  • I know that women are more prone to ACL injuries than men. Does this mean that women also have worse results from ACL surgery?
  • I am a dancer who's having ACL surgery. The doctor says I have to wear a brace for a few weeks afterward. Is it normal to have to wear a brace, and will it affect my future performance?
  • I tore my ACL playing basketball, and I'm having surgery to reconstruct the ligament. Can I expect to get my balance back?
  • I am having ACL surgery, and I want to make sure I get my ability to balance back. Any suggestions?
  • What is ACL reconstruction surgery? Where does the "reconstruction" come from?
  • I'm six months pregnant and can't seem to get over the muscle cramps in my calves. Could these cramps have anything to do with the way I'm walking now?
  • What's the standard treatment for PCL tears? Do these injuries call for surgery?
  • How do PCL injuries happen?
  • Where exactly is the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)? Why don't I hear about it as much as the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)?
  • I am 75. My doctor wants me to have knee surgery to take out part of the meniscus. Is there any way to tell whether I'll have good results?
  • Can patients over 70 have good results from surgery to take out part of the knee meniscus?
  • I am 70 and have some arthritis in my knee. My doctor wants to do knee surgery to take out part of the meniscus. What are the chances that the surgery will help with my pain?
  • I went to my doctor for a vague pain in my knee. She did some tests and found that part of my knee cartilage had broken off. She called it osteochondritis dessicans. What do you think caused this problem?
  • I am scheduled to have surgery to replace part of the articular cartilage in my knee. Will I be able to return to my favorite sports and recreational activities?
  • I have heard that knee cartilage can be replaced. My wife had surgery for her knee arthritis, but this option was not given to her. Is it true there are ways to put new cartilage in areas that have been damaged?
  • Can repetitive knee movements lead to knee osteoarthritis?
  • Could exercising in a pool help me deal with the osteoarthritis in my knees?
  • What is the meniscus in the knee, and why is it important?
  • I tore my meniscus and had to have it removed. I still have a lot of knee pain. Are there any other surgical options for me?
  • My doctor says there's a new transplant procedure for people who've had a torn meniscus removed. How do these transplants hold up?
  • Upon seeing my doctor for the popping, clicking, and swelling in my knee, I was told I have a "loose body" in my knee joint. What is a loose body, and where could it have come from?
  • My doctor is sending me to get some rehabilitation done on my knee. The program is supposed to include "closed kinetic chain exercises." What are these, and how can they help my knee problem?
  • I tore the cartilage in my knee, and the pain is severe. I've heard that cartilage doesn't have any nerves, so why does my knee hurt so much?
  • My doctor is trying to find the cause of the pain in my knee. What's the benefit of doing knee arthroscopy instead of MRI?
  • I've heard that some knee arthroscopies come out "normal." Do you think the procedure is overdone?
  • Could patients benefit from knee arthroscopy even when the results are "normal?"
  • I am facing knee surgery for a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). What is the recovery time for being able to move around after this type of surgery?
  • I am facing knee surgery for a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). When I went to see a knee specialist, I felt rushed. I was told I needed surgery right away. My family doctor thinks I should have some physical therapy before surgery, but the specialist is adamant that I have surgery right away. Is it usually helpful to have some PT before having surgery?
  • I am scheduled to have surgery for the articular cartilage in my knee. How soon will I be able to walk again?
  • After having a meniscus transplanted to my knee, my surgeon strongly encouraged me to completely avoid distance running and sports that require cutting or pivoting. Why all the fuss?
  • I'm recovering from a minor injury to the muscle on the front of my thigh. I want to get my range of movement back. Will stretching help?
  • I want to train for a marathon. I've heard that long-distance runners can get shin splints from the constant strain on the leg muscles. How do I know if I'm at risk?
  • I coach a high school cross-country team. Is there any way to predict which of my runners will wind up with shin splints and other injuries from overuse?
  • I've had knee pain for years. Now my knee's tight, and it doesn't bend very far. My surgeon says I shouldn't expect a lot of improvement in how far the knee bends, even after I get the joint replaced. Isn't this a bit pessimistic?
  • What can I do to avoid ending up with a stiff knee after getting the joint replaced next month?
  • Following the replacement surgery for my knee joint, I've tried physical therapy and a special splint to stretch my knee. I just don't seem to be getting any more movement in my knee. What are my options now?
  • I had a new knee joint put in two months ago. I still can't bend it very far, even after doing all my exercises and going through heavy and sometimes painful stretching in physical therapy. I've done everything I've been told. Is it possible the stiffness doesn't have to do with me?
  • Lately I've had a lot of pain right behind my kneecap, especially when going down stairs. I am only 33 years old. Could I be developing arthritis already?
  • I have been using a new taping procedure to hold my kneecaps in place. Sometimes when I have the tape on, I feel great. Other times, it doesn't seem to help at all. Why doesn't it always work?
  • I was recently diagnosed with patellofemoral pain syndrome. I don't want to have surgery, but the pain is keeping me from doing the things I want to do. Are there any other options?
  • How long does it take for a torn meniscus to heal after surgery to repair it?
  • Last fall, I had surgery to repair a torn meniscus in my knee. The surgeon used a new device called an arrow to hold my knee together. These arrows replace stitches. One of the arrows has worked its way up to the skin on the inside of my knee. It is tender and irritates the skin. Why doesn't the doctor take it out?
  • Having played soccer since I was eight, I'm a seasoned player in excellent shape. But last month, I tore the anterior cruciate ligament in my knee during my last high school game. I still don't know what happened. One minute I was after the ball, the next minute I was down on the field and unable to get up. How do these injuries happen?
  • After sliding into home during a baseball game, I found out that the homerun cost me the meniscus in my left knee. The doctor is recommending surgery to repair the injury. Can't I just rehab it myself?
  • Six months ago, I had an operation to replace my knee joint. This has helped with the pain, but I am weaker than before the operation. I am doing the exercises my doctor recommended, but I don't seem to be getting better. What else can I do?
  • As I get older, I'm having a harder time getting up and down stairs because of leg weakness and pain. My doctor is suggesting a total knee replacement. How will this help?
  • My 86-year-old grandfather had his knee replaced with a new joint last month. When I take him in to see the physical therapist, she puts electrical stimulation on his thigh muscle. What does this do?
  • My 17-year-old son hurt his knee playing basketball. The doctor says both the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) and meniscus (cartilage) are torn. The doctor is recommending surgery to repair them. Wouldn't it be better to repair the ACL and simply take out the torn meniscus?
  • I had surgery last week to clean up a small tear in the cartilage of my knee. Afterward, my doctor said I could put as much weight on the knee as I could tolerate when up and walking. My knee's pretty sore, but I can tolerate the pain. How come I have so much swelling and pain?
  • What are the treatments for "water on the knee"?
  • What do people mean when they talk about "water on the knee"?
  • I've gotten out of shape since having total joint surgery for my knee. What types of activities can I do without harming the new replacement parts in the joint?
  • After my knee locked up, my doctor did some tests and found that part of my knee cartilage had broken off. She called it osteochondritis dessicans. What is this problem?
  • I'm starting to do more exercises since my knee surgery. How much exercise is too much?
  • I was injured in a hockey game one month ago when another team member smacked the front of my knee with her hockey stick. The bruising just above the kneecap is going down, but my knee feels weak when I try to squat down. I was told I had a "nerve bruise" and that it would just take a while to get better. Could my problem be from the nerve bruise?
  • It has been 20 years since I was diagnosed with a partial tear of my medial collateral knee ligament. My knee gives out every once in a while, keeping me from the activities I enjoy. I just turned 63, and I like to keep active by skiing and playing golf. Should I have the ligament replaced?
  • I tore the articular cartilage in my knee. Can I avoid having surgery by doing a lot of exercise?
  • My doctor said my hip and thigh muscles are weak, and this is keeping my knee problem from getting better. How can exercises for my hip help my knee?
  • My 14-year-old daughter has been having knee pain and complains of a "crunching" feeling under her kneecap when she straightens her knee. Her pediatrician says this may be coming from the position of her kneecap called the "Q-angle." Can you explain this to me?
  • I am a high school soccer player. The athletic trainer for our team insists that we strengthen our hamstring muscles to prevent knee injuries. I think the trainer's going overboard. What's there to worry about?
  • I injured the ACL in my right knee when getting down off a horse. Along with exercises in the clinic, my physical therapist gave me a round board with a special attachment on the bottom that looks like a half ball. By standing on the board, I can work on balance and weight shifting. How long should I do these exercises to avoid surgery and get back to riding my horse?
  • I have a weak quadriceps muscle that's causing patellar-tracking problems. The doctor has diagnosed my problem as patellofemoral pain syndrome. I am supposed to go for biofeedback to help with the knee pain caused by this condition. What is biofeedback?
  • I have chondromalacia of both my kneecaps. The doctor sent me to a physical therapist, who showed me how to sit, stand, and move properly. I have a brace to wear when I exercise more than 15 minutes, and a set of exercises to do every day. Are these really going to improve my knee pain?
  • I have been diagnosed with chondromalacia of the knee. What is this?
  • Last month I dislocated my left kneecap playing basketball. My doctor is recommending surgery to repair it. How do I know surgery is really necessary?
  • I am a professional ballet dancer with dislocating kneecaps. I never know when one or both of my kneecaps will pop off to the side. Although I can push them back in place, my knees are painful for at least two days afterward, and I can't dance. I read a magazine article that suggested "conservative treatment" for this problem. What is conservative treatment, and could it help me?
  • I am a 62-year-old woman in relatively good health. Last winter, I slipped on the ice and tore the lateral meniscus in my left knee. The doctor removed the damaged part, and now I am having constant pain, with swelling that comes and goes. I can only go up and down stairs one leg at a time. The X-ray doesn't show anything abnormal. Is this a typical result after this type of surgery?
  • I just tore the meniscus on the outside of my knee playing football. Now I am going to have surgery to remove the torn cartilage. Will the results of this surgery last for the rest of my football career?
  • About 10 years ago, I tore the lateral meniscus in my knee. Because both of my knees are now bothering me, I went to see my doctor. The X-ray showed arthritis in both knees. How can this be?
  • Six months ago, my doctor reconstructed my torn ACL using a piece of the tendon and bone from below my kneecap. I completed physical therapy and still feel like the knee isn't going to hold me. My doctor says the surgery was a success and the knee is as "tight," if not tighter, than before my injury. If that's the case, why do I feel so unsteady on the leg?
  • My skiing buddy and I both had knee injuries in competition last month. It turns out we had the same injury--a torn anterior cruciate ligament. He went on to have knee surgery. My doctor said my knee will get better with physical therapy. Shouldn't I have the same treatment as my friend?
  • After surgery to repair my torn anterior cruciate ligament, I started a rehabilitation program. The physical therapist gave me two kinds of exercises to do. One set is with my foot planted on the ground. The other uses elastic bands with my foot off the ground. Why is it important to do both kinds of exercises?
  • I understand that the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) holds the two large bones of the leg together. Does it do anything else?
  • I tore the anterior cruciate ligament in my knee last week in a tennis practice. I am scheduled to have surgery to repair the injured ligament. The tennis season starts in two months, but my doctor says I will be in the middle of my rehabilitation program at that time. What exactly will the program involve? And why can't I advance through it more quickly?
  • I recently tore the anterior cruciate ligament in my right knee. The doctor told me I need surgery to repair the tear, but he seems to be in no hurry to operate. Shouldn't this kind of surgery be done right away?
  • Last month I had ACL reconstruction surgery. Can you tell me what is actually done during this operation?
  • I have torn the anterior cruciate ligament in my knee. The doctor advised physical therapy before considering surgery. One of the tests the therapist did was for joint proprioception. What is this?
  • After injuring the anterior cruciate ligament in my knee, I had surgery and several months of rehabilitation with a physical therapist. The therapist told me that the injury caused some minor changes in my knee. One change is the knee's ability to sense its position when I am moving it. Is there a brace that could help with this problem?
  • I often see people wearing braces on their knees. I hurt my knee in a skiing accident last week. Should I be wearing a brace?
  • My doctor thinks I have a cyst behind my knee. An X-ray didn't show anything, so now I am scheduled for an ultrasound. If there is a cyst, will an ultrasound really show it?
  • What causes a Baker's or popliteal cyst?
  • What's a popliteal cyst? Is it the same thing as a Baker's cyst?
  • I hurt my knee while mountain climbing in South America. The doctor in Argentina talked to me about the difficulty of repairing this type of ligament injury. I understand there is a new method using part of the hamstring tendon to make the repair. Is this safe?
  • I frequently read in sports journals about the two main ligaments in the knee. I understand the anterior cruciate ligament is the one that's most often injured. Is it possible to tear both ligaments at the same time?
  • I hurt my knee playing soccer. The doctor spent a lot of time asking questions and doing tests on my knee. Then I had X-rays and an MRI. Was this doctor just being thorough, or does every knee get this kind of inspection?
  • I am a ballet dancer with medial tibial stress syndrome. The only advice I have been given is to take a year off and rest. I can't possibly do this. Isn't there anything else I can do to get better?
  • What causes medial tibial stress syndrome?
  • I used to be involved in competitive sports and always suffered from shin splints. Now, I have three teenagers who are involved in sports. Can they inherit this problem from me?
  • How successful is surgery for shin splints?
  • I am a competitive long-distance runner, and I've been bothered by shin splints. I have tried ice, heat, stretching, strengthening, and taping. Is there anything else that could help?
  • I injured my knee over the summer playing pick-up basketball. The injury happened when I stepped on a rock and turned my ankle. Why did I hurt my knee instead of my ankle?
  • I had surgery to reconstruct a torn ligament in my knee. Since then, I have done my knee exercises faithfully. Even though it has been six months since the surgery, my leg still isn't as strong as the other leg. Is this normal?
  • Last month, I had surgery to repair the anterior cruciate ligament in my knee. Now I'm doing a rehabilitation program with a physical therapist. Several exercises are just for my hip and don't seem to have anything to do with my knee. Are the hip exercises really necessary?
  • I am a college student having knee surgery to repair a torn anterior cruciate ligament. Will I have to quit school during the recovery time?
  • Am I more likely to injure my nondominant knee compared to my dominant knee? If so, should I strengthen or train the nondominant side more?
  • I am a basketball player, and I train several hours every day. I pay special attention to strengthening my legs and knees, but last year I injured the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in my knee. Why didn't the muscles around my knee protect this ligament?
  • I've been following college basketball. I notice the women seem to have twice as many ACL injuries as the men. Why is this? Do men have some training secrets that women don't know?
  • What is the knee meniscus, and what does it do?
  • I tore the meniscus in my knee last year, but it hasn't really bothered me. The doctor recently recommended surgery to repair it. Since the knee isn't causing me any pain, I thought I would wait. How long do I have before this should be taken care of?
  • What's the difference between a partial meniscectomy and a total meniscectomy?
  • Lately, I have been having a lot of pain right behind my kneecap, especially when going down stairs. I am only 33 years old. Could I be developing arthritis already?
  • I had surgery last month to replace my knee joint. Afterwards, the hospital sent me a survey. Most of the questions had to do with how I was treated at the hospital. Some of the questions were more personal, asking about my sleep, pain, and the like. What is the purpose of these questions? Should I answer them?
  • I had a total knee replacement five months ago. I can walk just fine, but I still can't climb the two stairs in front of my house. Will I ever be able to do this?
  • I have very severe osteoarthritis in my knee. The doctor is planning surgery to replace my knee joint with an artificial one. Before having surgery, I have to go through a series of tests that will be repeated after surgery. So far, I've done a walking test, climbed stairs, and answered a survey with lots of questions about what I can do at home and how I feel. Is all of this really necessary?
  • When a piece of tendon is removed and used to replace a torn tendon, is the donor site weaker?
  • Eighteen months ago, I had the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) of my right knee repaired. The operation was done by removing a piece of tendon from my kneecap and using it to replace the torn ACL. Since that time, I’ve developed knee pain and a neuroma. What causes this?
  • My sister had a tendon graft to repair a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). She has an infection in the knee now. How is this treated?
  • I recently saw a physical therapist for a knee rehab program. I injured my ACL years ago and find that as I age, the knee is starting to give out from time to time. The therapist described the way I walk as the “quadriceps avoidance gait pattern.” What does this mean?
  • I injured my anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in a pick-up game of basketball. I opted not to have surgery and try to rehab it instead. Is this a bad idea?
  • What is an "ACL-deficient knee"?
  • My 150-pound Newfoundland dog ran into my leg full tilt while chasing a cat. My knee was completely dislocated. Besides tearing the ligaments in my knee, there is also some nerve damage. It’s been almost four months now. EMG studies show that there is no evidence of nerve recovery. What’s the next step?
  • My 17-year old son was sliding into home plate when his foot hit against another player. His knee dislocated and he had surgery to repair the damaged ligaments. There’s some concern about nerve damage. How can we tell if there is a nerve injury?
  • Last year, I had an ACL repair on my right knee. Even after going through a complete rehab program, the knee still feels unstable. The doctor and physical therapist assure me that it’s safe to use it normally. What causes this problem?
  • After an ACL repair, my physical therapist is helping me get back my "proprioception." Just exactly what is this?
  • Years ago, I tore the ACL in my left knee. It was more than a year after surgery before I could bend it fully and return to sports. Nowadays, it seems as though people are back to work and play after only six months. Am I right?
  • What is tissue engineering?
  • I heard there’s a way to use my own cartilage to repair torn knee cartilage. When I tore the cartilage in my knee, the doctor just removed it. Is this new?
  • I read an article about replacing torn or damaged knee joint cartilage. Are there any side effects or problems after this surgery?
  • After a total knee replacement (TKR) for a bad knee, I started walking with a limp and a "squeak." Every time I bend my knee it creaks and squeaks. What could be causing this?
  • Three years ago, I had my left knee joint replaced. For the last 18 months, I’ve had uncomfortable swelling in that joint. The doctor thinks it might be a failed kneecap. A second operation is advised. What will be done?
  • Two years ago, I was hit by a car and had to have my kneecap removed. At the time, it didn’t seem that important. Now, I find there are many activities I’d like to do that would be more comfortable or easier with a kneecap. Is it too late to have an implant put in?
  • I've had my left knee joint replaced four times. I've had loosening of the implant, bone fracture, and wearing away of the parts. Is this typical?
  • I had a total knee replacement that failed and had to be replaced. The original implant didn’t all come from the same manufacturer. Could this be why it broke?
  • My husband developed a condition called heterotopic ossification after having a total knee replacement. The doctor advised a wait-and-see approach to treatment. Is this best?
  • I am a 77-year old woman in good health. I had my left knee joint replaced last year. I ended up with a stiff knee that had to be manipulated by the surgeon while I was under anesthesia. Then, I developed something called heterotopic ossification (HO). I’m thinking about having my right knee joint replaced. What are the chances I’ll get HO again?
  • I read an article on ACL injuries in a sports magazine that mentioned the "rule of thirds." What is this referring to?
  • I was in the doctor’s office for a knee injury. When the doctor tested for joint laxity, there was a popping sound and my knee gave way. The diagnosis is a torn anterior cruciate ligament. Does this test usually have this kind of result?
  • What's the difference between an acute and chronic knee injury? I have a torn ACL that is several months old, but still flares up. Is it acute or chronic?
  • I'm an exercise leader at the YMCA. Six months ago, I had an ACL repair. Despite, a daily workout routine, there’s still some noticeable weakness on that side. I also have a patch of numbness that really bothers me. When will these get better?
  • Should I or shouldn’t I? I’m agonizing over whether or not to have the torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in my left knee repaired. What’s the current thinking on this?
  • I'm going to have the anterior cruciate ligament of my right knee repaired. The doctor has proposed taking a piece of tissue from my good side and transferring it to the injured leg. I understand there are two different possible donor sites. Are there any benefits of one over the other?
  • I saw a report that "tight" hamstrings can lead to increased athletic injuries. How is "tight" measured?
  • I am a 53-year old woman newly diagnosed with a ganglion cyst in just below my knee. Is this common in women my age?
  • I was just diagnosed with a ganglion cyst in the upper part of my lower leg. How common is this problem?
  • I am a volleyball player on my high school team. I fell on my knee during a game and ended up in the emergency department for severe pain. The X-rays and MRI showed that my kneecap isn’t one piece of hard bone. Instead, it’s two pieces of cartilage. Will this keep me from playing volleyball again?
  • I am a professional football player with bipartite patella. The pain and discomfort are keeping me on the bench. What’s the best treatment for this?
  • My 17-year old son has been diagnosed with a bipartite patella. What is this?
  • I've read that female basketball players are more likely than male players to injure the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in the knee. Is this true in other sports as well?
  • I saw a science program on TV about the knee. It showed the ligaments of the knee as strong bands of tissue that work together. If this is true, why do so many people tear the ACL?
  • Six months ago, I had a total knee replacement. After the operation, I used pumps on my legs to prevent blood clots. They were very bulky and uncomfortable. I'm planning to have my other knee joint replaced next month. Is there any way I can skip using those pumps?
  • My mother just had a total knee replacement. I see they have plastic wraps on her legs to prevent blood clots. How does she walk with those things on?
  • I've heard a lot about ACL tears in the knee. Are PCL tears just as bad?
  • My 17-year old daughter tore the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) in her left knee. We don’t have medical insurance, so we’d like to try treating it without surgery. Is this possible?
  • I was in a car accident while riding in a compact car. My knees hit the glove box and I tore the PCL of my left knee. My diagnosis is PCL insufficiency. What does this mean?
  • I am going to have a total knee replacement in two weeks. The doctor explained the operation to me. There will be an antibiotic mixed in with the cement that's used to hold the new part in place. Is this experimental?
  • I read that blood clots are very common after knee joint replacements. How often does this happen and what causes it?
  • After surgery for a total knee replacement, I got a blood clot in the other leg. The doctor wasn’t even checking that side. Is this a common problem?
  • What is a "soggy knee"? My doctor gave me this label after a total knee replacement surgery.
  • Before having a total knee replacement, my doctor insists that I go to physical therapy. This is called preoperative treatment. Why is this necessary? I’m really ready for the operation.
  • I am 67-years old and have arthritis in both my knees. Many of my friends have had knee replacements, but I’m too scared to do it. Is the operation painful?
  • A month ago, I had a total knee replacement. I’m working very hard with my exercises, but the thigh muscle just doesn’t seem to contract when I try to straighten or lift my leg. Why is this?
  • I was training a young horse that kept trying to push me into the fencepost. My knee got pretty banged up. Now, I have a large knot on the outside of my leg just below the knee. It especially hurts when I put weight on my leg. Could it be broken?
  • I had bone cancer three years ago. My lower leg was amputated below the knee. I notice the bump alongside the same knee is getting larger and hurts when I push on it. Could this be the cancer coming back?
  • I'm supposed to see a physical therapist for rehab after an ACL repair. I have a health club membership. Can I do my rehab program there and skip the PT?
  • I have heard that it's possible to do my own rehab after an ACL repair. Is this true? It would sure save me time and money driving into town to go to rehab.
  • I tore the medial collateral ligament in my knee. Is it true I don't need surgery to repair it? I had to have surgery for a torn ACL. What's the difference?
  • I am a traveling sales rep and just had surgery to repair a torn ACL. There's no way I can get to rehab three times a week. Can I just do my own program at home and on the road?
  • I saw a TV special on physical therapists who use a computer program to show results before and after total knee replacements. The system could even measure how hard you're stepping when walking. I've had two knee replacements. I've never seen anything like this. Why don't more PTs use this kind of program?
  • I have severe osteoarthritis and need both knees replaced. How soon after the first one can I have the second one done?
  • I had my left knee replaced about six months ago. I thought I was fully recovered but my adult children tell me I still walk funny. What can I do to get a more normal walking pattern?
  • I injured my knee in a biking accident. The arthroscopic exam showed a torn ACL and MCL. I tore my other ACL several years ago so I know the rehab can take many months. Will having a second injured ligament prolong the rehab time?
  • I am going to have to have two ligaments in my knee repaired at the same time. The first is the medial collateral ligament. The second is the anterior cruciate ligament. The surgeon is going to use some of my hamstring to repair the medial collateral ligament. What do they use for the anterior cruciate ligament?
  • Six years ago, I fractured my tibial plateau. It was serious enough to disrupt the joint and cause severe arthritis. Now, I need a total knee joint replacement. Will the previous bone fracture cause any problems with this new operation?
  • What is a tibial plateau fracture and what’s the final outcome with proper treatment?
  • I fractured the tibial plateau in my knee. Surgery wasn’t needed, but I’m having quite a bit of stiffness. What’s the worst that can happen in these cases?
  • I have two teenage sons who have just started skiing. I worry about broken bones and injuries. How common are these, really?
  • My doctor found a ganglion cyst in my knee. It’s called a tibiofibular ganglion cyst. Should I have this removed?
  • My son is off to college on a basketball scholarship. Early in the season he tore his ACL and had surgery. He says he's coming along but that he has an extension deficit. What's that?
  • Two years ago I had a hamstring graft to repair a torn ACL. There was a lot of controversy then over whether a hamstring or patellar tendon graft was better. I'm still wondering if I made the right choice. What's the latest thinking on this issue?
  • I'm a basketball player at the college level. I blew out my ACL during the last game of the season. Now I'm faced with having surgery. I know there's two ways to do the operation. Since I don't have to get back to play right away does it matter which kind of repair I have done?
  • What's the advantage of having a meniscus repaired by arthroscopy? Are there any problems with this kind of surgery?
  • Just about 10 years ago I was one of the first patients to have my meniscus repaired with a special little arrow. The doctor didn't have to open up the knee but put it in all by arthroscopy. I hear they have stopped using these arrows. How come?
  • Three years after a meniscal repair I started having painful clicking in my knee again. The doctor says the repair was "incomplete." What does that mean? I may have to have another operation to repair the problem.
  • I'm wondering about my mother and her total knee replacement. She was in so much pain before the operation. Now she's having a longer stay in the hospital than expected. Does this mean she'll have a worse result?
  • I'm trying to get up enough courage to have one of my knees replaced. Are there any studies to show who should really have this operation? Maybe I'm not a good candidate.
  • I'm about 100 pounds overweight and need a total knee replacement. The doctor won't touch me until I lose at least 50 pounds. Does it really make a difference?
  • I have a painful knee problem called patellofemoral pain syndrome. Sometimes it hurts like crazy. Other times I have no pain at all. Why is that?
  • I have patellofemoral pain syndrome in both knees. Sometimes I can't decide which is worse: the pain or the stiffness. Is the pain causing the stiffness or the other way around?
  • Whenever I'm in my yoga classes I hear people's joint snapping and popping. Mine never do that. Why not?
  • I think I might be prone to knee injuries. Would wearing a knee brace during volleyball practice help prevent an ACL tear?
  • I'm on a women's college basketball and soccer team. I injured my left ACL in the first season out. Now that I'm back in the game, I'd like to prevent further injury on either side. What specific exercises can I do?
  • I've never been in favor of girls' sports. They are just going to hurt themselves trying to play games they aren't built for. Now I hear that girls are eight times more likely to injure their knees compared to boys of the same age in the same sports. Doesn't this just prove my point?
  • I tried a new treatment for a partially torn ACL in my left knee. The doctor used radiofrequency waves to heat it up and shrink it down. It didn't work. My joint is still too loose. What went wrong?
  • I have a partial tear of the ACL in my knee. What are my chances for recovery if I try to rehab it without the surgery?
  • I'm on a football scholarship and just got red-shirted for a knee injury. My right anterior cruciate ligament has a 25 percent tear. I've been told I can rest and rehab it, but I'll miss the season. What about the shrink wrap treatment I heard about? Can that get me back in the game sooner?
  • I see the news focused on cancer all the time. None of my friends have cancer but we all have arthritis. Do more people really have cancer than arthritis?
  • What do you know about taking creatine for Duchenne's muscular dystrophy? I have two sons with this disease. We'll try anything that might help.
  • I've heard taking creatine supplements can help me get better faster after surgery. I'm going to have a hip replacement later this month. Is it too late to start taking this?
  • I'm working with a physical therapist to rehab my knee. I've been told I have patellofemoral pain. The therapist keeps telling me to avoid thinking "no pain, no gain." That's been my motto as an athlete since first grade. How can this be wrong thinking?
  • Why does taping around the kneecap help reduce patellofemoral pain? I've tried everything else and this is the first thing that's worked.
  • I was treated for patellofemoral pain syndrome with a rehab program. The before and after X-rays showed no change. How come I got better?
  • I'm going to have a total knee replacement in two weeks. The doctor is going to leave the kneecap alone unless I want it replaced, too. Should I have it replaced?
  • I've been doing a little research on total knee replacements (TKRs) for my mother who's going to have one. I found out there are mixed feelings about having the knee cap replaced. And all the studies I've looked at have different results. Why are there such sharp differences in results between these two methods?
  • I'm going to have a knee replacement soon. Can you tell me what difference it makes if I have the kneecap replaced or not?
  • I'm 45 years old and in need of a knee replacement but I can't find a surgeon who'll do it for me. I've heard the trend for joint replacement is on the rise. Does this mean more younger people are getting new knees? Or just more older folks?
  • I understand more and more people are getting joint replacements as the aging of America continues. I still have a few years to go before getting there myself. What will the world of joint replacements look like 10 to 20 years from now?
  • It seems like more and more folks my age are having joint replacements. My childhood friend of 70 years just had her third (two knees, one shoulder). Is this some kind of record, or what?
  • I'm 62 years old and have very bad knees from arthritis. I make my living cleaning other people's houses. If I have a knee replacement, will I still be able to get up and down to clean under and behind things? I can't really afford to retire just yet.
  • I can't help but notice my family and friends who've had a knee replacement do less and less after their surgery. I thought replacing the joint would free them up to do more. Is this a common pattern?
  • I'm in a panic. I had a total knee replacement done about four weeks ago. The strength measurements keep going down. I'm not getting better and I have to be ready for my daughter's wedding in two months. What can I do??
  • Is there any truth to the idea that hyperextension at the knees increases my chances of a knee injury?
  • I was reading the surgeon's report on my son's ACL repair. There's a note that says he used care during the graft harvest to avoid patella baja. What's patella baja?
  • I had an ACL repair done about 18 months ago. The knee works fine but it creaks and cracks a lot when I move it. Is this normal?
  • What's a ligament substitute? I need an ACL repair and the doctor mentioned this as a possibility.
  • I'm thinking about having surgery to repair a torn ACL. I guess there are two ways to do the operation. What difference does it make which one I choose?
  • I had an anterior cruciate ligament repair about six months ago. My doctor and therapist say I'm coming along fine. I'd like some better way to measure my results. Are there any standard tests for this?
  • I have a trick knee that goes out on my every now and then. It's from a torn ACL from an old football injury. If I have it repaired surgically will that stop it from giving way?
  • I am an athletic trainer with a college-level basketball team. I read an article suggesting that athletes can avoid anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears by making softer landings with more hip and knee flexion. How can this be done when the player is trying to make a rebound or jumping quickly and repeatedly while trying to tip the ball into the basket?
  • I'd like to make a training video for the high school athletes I coach. If I start with trying to improve landing technique, what should I focus on first?
  • I'm a high school basketball and volleyball player. I go to training camps each summer. I always wonder if I'm making any improvements. Is there any way to show changes I'm making from my many hours of practice?
  • I'm two months out after a total knee replacement. I've been using an electronic pedometer to monitor my activity. I'd like to figure out how active I am. Is there any kind of scale to help me out?
  • My doctor tells me my new knee replacement will last about 10 to 15 years. So what happens exactly? Does it just stop working after 10 years? Is there some kind of microchip inside that tells it when 10 years has gone by?
  • What is a bone bruise? After a car accident that dislocated my hip, I found out I also had a bone bruise around my knee.
  • I was in a car accident six months ago and dislocated my hip when my knee crashed into the dashboard. Everything was coming along fine until I started putting more weight on that leg. Now I'm having knee pain. Could this be from the accident or is it just from being inactive for so long?
  • Could you settle an argument for me? I say more men have total knee replacements because women don't have anyone willing and able to look after them after surgery. My daughter says I'm gender-biased and don't know what I'm talking about. Who's right?
  • My 78-year old mother had a total knee replacement last year. She had all kinds of problems after and ended up having a second knee operation. Sadly, she died as a result of pneumonia after the second surgery. She seemed healthy enough for this surgery. It just didn't work out. Does this happen very often?
  • Six weeks ago I had a total knee replacement. Everything was fine and then I got an infection in the joint. I had to have a second surgery. My father always said if it wasn't for bad luck he wouldn't have any at all. Is it my bad luck or does this happen very often?
  • I am an athlete in training with hopes for a college scholarship in volleyball and cross country. I just tore the ACL in my right knee. I've been advised to have surgery to repair it but it could mean losing my chances to compete in the fall. If I rehab the knee can I get back to training sooner than if I have the surgery?
  • Thirty years ago I tore the ACL in my left knee playing football. Now my high school son has done the same thing. Is there a hereditary factor in these kinds of injuries?
  • I've been told if I don't have my torn ACL repaired I could end up with a total knee replacement. Is that true?
  • My mother-in-law is very hard of hearing even with her hearing aids. I was with her when the doctor went over all the instructions for her upcoming knee replacement. I don't think she heard a thing he said. Is there any way to help older adults with hearing problems understand what's going to happen?
  • My father is going to have knee surgery in the next two weeks. I'm concerned because he only went through the sixth grade. Will he really be able to understand everything and follow directions after?
  • I'm supposed to take my mother-in-law to the doctor's for an informed consent appointment before surgery. What will be done during this part?
  • My mother was getting off the bus when she had severe, sharp knee pain. The MRI showed a stress fracture. The doctors are calling it an insufficiency fracture. She's gotten off that bus everyday for the last 10 years. Why was yesterday any different?
  • What is an insufficiency fracture? My mother was told that's what's causing her new knee pain.
  • My 72-year old mother has a long history of alcohol use and now has osteoporosis. She's been complaining of knee pain for the last two weeks. We think she fell on her knee but she won't admit it. Would an X-ray show anything if it's not broken?
  • I'm very worried about my father. He needs a new knee joint but he's convinced he'll die if he has the surgery. How can we help him get over this fear?
  • I'm 66 years old and in excellent health but I do have osteoarthritis of my right knee. I'm thinking about having a total knee replacement. I expect I'll have a good result but I've heard of people who end up worse off after surgery. Is there any way to predict these things?
  • My mother-in-law is a hypochondriac, plain and simple. When she had a shoulder replacement the results were terrible. Now she wants a knee replacement. The family asked the doctor not to do the operation but he says that it's her choice. Is there some kind of test that can be done to tell how well (or poorly) a patient will do after surgery?
  • After using an ice pack on my knee, the joint feels really frozen. Is there any actual change in the temperature inside the joint? Or is it just the skin that gets cold?
  • I saw a report on TV that the knee joint is kept cool during surgery by flushing it with saline. How do they take the temperature of a joint?
  • What's the optimal time to keep an ice pack on a painful knee? I've heard anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. Does it make any difference?
  • The kneecap on my left side is rubbing the wrong way causing pain. My pain might get better if I have a release of the fibers alongside the kneecap. Is this a short-term improvement or will I get lasting results?
  • I'm having knee pain and my kneecap dislocates every now and then. The doctor suggests an operation called a lateral retinacular release. I've been told the results can vary from patient to patient. How do we know if this will really work for my problem?
  • I had a lateral retinaculum release for a chronically dislocating patella. My symptoms aren't any better. In fact, the pain may be worse. What went wrong?
  • I don't feel like my doctor really understands how much pain I'm in from a knee injury. Can I really trust his judgment about treatment options?
  • I tore the cartilage in my right knee. The doctor gave me three different treatment options to choose from including conservative treatment without surgery or surgery. The surgery choice comes with two different types of surgery to choose from. What ever happened to the old days when the doctor sized up the problem and just fixed it?
  • I had an ACL-repair about a month ago. I'm getting my motion back nicely but I still can't do all the things I expected by now. Is this normal?
  • I've just been diagnosed with patellar tendonitis. Will this condition go away over time? Is surgery required?
  • I'm a college level basketball player. Recently I increased my training level to improve my jump. Now I'm starting to get pain just below my kneecap. It's tender but not too painful. Is it safe to keep playing on this?
  • I'm a competitive basketball player with patellar tendonitis. Sometimes I see guys on other teams wearing a strap around the leg just below the knee cap. Would that help my condition?
  • My 88-year old mother is going to have a total knee replacement. I'm just scared to death she'll die from the operation. What are the chances of that happening, really?
  • My father just had a total knee replacement. I overheard the nurses saying the doctor renewed his prescription for morphine. Isn't morphine a dangerous drug? Should we be concerned?
  • It's been six weeks since I got my new "half" knee replacement. I'm just getting back the motion I had before the operation. I was expecting to be as good as new by now. Is this normal?
  • My mother-in-law just had a total knee replacement. I notice she has a plastic wrap around her leg with cold water inside. There's a pump that seems to go on and off every minute or so. What's this supposed to do?
  • My father had both knee joints replaced in the last year. He walks much better now and can even climb stairs. But I notice he still falls a lot. Is this normal? What can be done about it?
  • My son injured his knee in a soccer game. The arthroscopic surgery showed there was nothing wrong despite chronic swelling and pain. The MRI showed a tear of the medial meniscus. Why was the arthroscopic exam normal?
  • I work as a physician's assistant in a small, rural town in the west. We can do X-rays in our clinic, but we don't have a hospital, which means no CT scan and no MRIs. Is there a reliable test I can use to look for meniscal tears before sending the patients to the next large town for further tests?
  • My doctor examined my right knee for a meniscus tear. She seems certain that's not the cause of my pain. Should I press for an MRI to be sure?
  • I was a marathon runner all my life until arthritis laid me up. I've had a total knee replacement. I'm working to get back to running. It's been a year and I still can't run up and down stairs as part of my training. The doctor says to "give it some more time." How much more time is needed?
  • I had a total knee replacement six weeks ago and just had my six-week checkup. After six week's worth of intensive exercises my muscle strength just hasn't come back like I thought it would. What's going on?
  • I had a total knee replacement about four months ago. If I could just get past the pain, I think I could get back my strength. What's the next best step for me?
  • Just a year ago I had a unicompartmental knee replacement for the medial side of my left knee. At my one-year checkup the X-ray showed loss of joint space on the other side of the joint. Is this a common problem?
  • Six years ago I had half of my knee joint replaced. The other half is still fine but now the kneecap over the joint is giving me fits. Can I get that replaced?
  • I've been knock-kneed all my life. Now at age 55 the inside edges of my knee joints are starting to wear down much more than the outside edges. I'm getting pain with walking and especially stair climbing. What can I do about this?
  • Twenty years ago I had a football injury and tore my ACL. I spent six weeks in a cast before starting a rehab program and never played football again. My 17-year old son just tore his ACL in a basketball injury. He had surgery and was walking on the leg and doing exercises right away. What happened to the casting?
  • I've been going to a physical therapy clinic for rehab after an ACL repair. There's a group of us who had our surgeries around the same time. I notice some people can do much more than others after the same amount of time. Why the difference?
  • I am going to have my six-month check-up after an ACL repair. The therapist already told me I'll be doing a single-legged hop test. This means I'll hop as far forward as possible on my operated leg. This makes me very nervous. How do I know it won't snap underneath me?
  • My husband lost a leg while on active duty in Iraq this year. The VA wants him to be part of a study on amputees. They've given him a prosthetic device at no cost to us. Does this obligate us to be a part of the study? We're just not up to it right now.
  • It's a funny thing but ever since my husband had his leg amputated, he walks faster. I have a hard time keeping up with him. Can you explain this to me?
  • Last year I spent $2,000 purchasing a continuous passive motion machine to use after a total knee replacement. I was planning to resell it. Now I find out the latest studies say it doesn't work. What's this all about?
  • I have a big problem. Besides having hemophilia (a bleeding disorder), I need a knee joint replacement. Since any trauma causes bleeding into the joints, can I ever get a new joint?
  • I'm going to have a total knee replacement next week. The doctor says I'll be in a machine moving my knee for hours right away. I'm not very strong. What if I can't keep up?
  • I'm going to have revision surgery for a very stiff knee after a knee replacement. I can't bend or straighten my knee fully. It's changed the way I walk, sit, everything! What kind of result can I expect from this operation?
  • I've heard of a frozen shoulder before. Is it possible to get a frozen knee?
  • I had a total knee replacement eight months ago. Despite all efforts in physical therapy, I'm just not getting my motion back. What can I do now?
  • I hear there's a big debate over whether to leave the kneecap in or take it out during a total knee replacement. Why can't they figure this out? It seems like a simple 'yes' or 'no' question to me.
  • Are there times when the kneecap should be left alone when the knee joint is replaced?
  • What is a resurfaced patella? I see it in the surgeon's report on my new total knee replacement. I don't remember ever hearing about that.
  • I have a torn meniscus and a damaged anterior cruciate ligament in my left knee. The meniscus was repaired with arthroscopic surgery. The surgeon couldn't repair the ligament at the same time. I'll need a second surgery for that. Right now my knee is much better. Should I even bother having the ligament fixed?
  • My son is going to have a meniscal transplant on his left knee. The surgeon is going to replace his meniscus with a graft. Where does the graft come from?
  • I am a 24-year old tap dancer in New York City at my peak in dance performance. I tore the cartilage in my knee and need surgery to repair it. I've heard it's possible to replace the cartilage if it's too far gone. Where can I go to have this done?
  • Will I gain or lose any weight when I have my knee replaced next week?
  • My husband is a business executive and wears expensive, tailored suits to work. He's going to have a total knee replacement in two weeks. Will his suit pants still fit?
  • I was in a car accident two weeks ago and slammed my right knee against the glove box. The MRI showed a partially torn ligament in my knee (the PCL). I've been advised to wait on having surgery since this can heal itself. Is that true?
  • I tripped and fell on my left knee. Besides cracking the kneecap I also tore the posterior cruciate ligament. I had surgery to repair the damage. I notice my knee is still loose. Will this ever get better?
  • I tore the posterior cruciate ligament in my knee playing soccer. It was only a minor tear so I decided to rehab it instead of having surgery. I want to get back on the field as soon as possible. When is it safe to go back?
  • My family has a long history of arthritis in the hands, hips, and knees. I recently tore my left ACL and need surgery to repair it. Will this injury and the surgery bring on the arthritis sooner?
  • My 14-year old daughter is a gymnast with a bad knee. She needs an ACL repair before she can continue competing. We know there are two different ways to fix the ACL. Is one method better than the other for a gymnast?
  • I had an ACL repair nine months ago. I don't have any pain but I still seem to walk with a slight limp. I can't figure this out. What could be causing it?
  • Last year I had a total knee replacement but kept my own kneecap. I'm having quite a bit of pain under and around the kneecap. What could be causing this to happen?
  • I'm going to have my left knee replaced because of severe arthritis. The doctor has told me I can keep my own kneecap or get a new one. Which is better?
  • I saw a report that joint replacements have better results when done by a surgeon with lots of experience with that operation. That makes sense. Is this the whole story or is there more to it?
  • My 72-year old aunt is very sick. She has hypertension, high cholesterol, and she's had two heart attacks. She also has disabling arthritis in her knees. She insists on having both knee joint replacements done at the same time. I'm wondering if she should have even one joint surgery, much less both at once. How is this decision made?
  • I need both knee joint replaced due to a disabling case of osteoarthritis. Will I save money if I have them both done at the same time?
  • Can you tell me what's the difference between a staggered knee replacement and a sequential knee replacement? My father is trying to decide how to have his knee replacements done and these are the two choices. I'm not familiar with these terms.
  • I notice I'm having more and more pain when I go up and down stairs (especially down). My left knee pops and cracks with every step. What could be causing this to happen?
  • Three years ago I had a knee problem called patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). Now I'm having new symptoms in the same knee. Last time the kneecap hurt and popped whenever I straightened the leg. This time there's pain all the time and swelling. Am I having a relapse?
  • Does taping help with the painful symptoms of patellofemoral pain syndrome? I'm trying to find a way to stay active despite the pain.
  • Have you ever heard of using acupuncture for knee arthritis? Does it work?
  • I've just been diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee. My doctor has given me some good advice. Is there a website or book I can read to help me get an idea of what's the best treatment for this problem?
  • I have a torn cartilage in my right knee. The doctor tells me I need surgery because it won't heal on its own. Why won't it heal?
  • I'm 23-years old. I tore my knee cartilage clear down to the bone in a soccer match. The surgeon tells me I'll be on a machine to make my knee move for six weeks after an operation to repair the damage. I don't have that kind of time for rehab. Is there any way around this restriction?
  • I've heard that a cartilage tear of the knee isn't as bad as it used to be. They can be repaired rather than removed with less damage to the joint later. Does it matter which side of the joint the tear is on?
  • I know I have a torn meniscus. I'm even scheduled for surgery to repair or remove part of it. I've had X-rays to see the condition of the knee joint. Would an MRI provide any greater information at this point?
  • I just tore the cartilage in my knee. Is there any way to tell ahead of time just how much better I might get?
  • I saw a TV special on computer-assisted knee replacements for arthritis. Isn't this kind of technology going to increase the cost of the surgery even more in a group of people who already can't afford it?
  • I had a unicompartmental knee joint replacement last year. That means they only replaced the inside half of my left knee. I thought it was going to be the answer to all my problems. Instead I ended up with more problems. Would it have been better to have a total knee replacement?
  • My best friend just had knee surgery and seems to be having a terrible time getting around. I'm in a water aerobics class for a shoulder injury that seems to be helping me. Could pool therapy help with a knee injury?
  • I've heard there's a pressure chamber designed for NASA that might be used in the future for rehab after knee and hip injuries. What can you tell me about this?
  • I've been a marathon runner all my adult life. At age 66 I'm going to have my right knee replaced. What are my chances of being able to run again?
  • My 73-year-old mother is going to have a total knee replacement next month. She's already talking about all the things she is going to be able to do after the surgery. What's realistic?
  • Is it safe to stretch my leg muscles after a knee replacement? Will this damage the implant in any way?
  • I've heard it's possible to have a partial knee joint replacement. How do I know if I might qualify for this?
  • I thought getting a knee replacement would solve my problems, but it didn't. The pain is less, but walking on uneven surfaces like in the park with my grandchildren is still impossible. I've been told the knee implant just doesn't move like a real knee. Why not?
  • I'm only 45 years old but I have severe knee arthritis. Only one side of the joint seems to be affected. The doctors have given me several options. The best two seem to be realigning the joint and a partial joint replacement. How do I decide what to do?
  • I'm a football player with a bad cartilage tear in my right knee. The team doctor says I'll need surgery. They'll put some kind of tiny holes in the bone and then I'll need a motion machine after the operation. I'll be out at least six months. Isn't there some way to get me back on the field sooner?
  • I tore the cartilage in my knee playing football. The X-ray report says there's a chondral defect with a "knee mouse." What does that mean?
  • I tore the cartilage in my left knee clear down to the bone. The doctor wants to do surgery but I'd rather let it heal on its own. Is surgery really needed for this type of problem?
  • I notice as I get older that I seem to misstep when climbing unfamiliar steps or stepping down off curbs. My vision is perfectly fine. The problem seems to be my knees. What could be causing this?
  • Do I need a custom-molded orthotic for patellofemoral pain syndrome? Do the off-the-shelf (ready-to-wear) orthotics work just as well?
  • Is anyone any closer to finding out the true cause of patellofemoral pain syndrome?
  • I've been diagnosed with a condition called patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). One of the recommended treatments is to wear orthotics in the shoe. How do these work?
  • My 17-year old son tore his calf muscle playing baseball. We've heard there's an injection that speeds up healing. We found out the drug (Suramin) has been approved by the FDA. Is it ready for use in children?
  • What causes loss of motion after a muscle strain? I can't seem to get full knee motion after a hamstring injury.
  • I am a high school athlete doing a science project on ACL injuries in girls and women. So far I've found that females are at greater risk for ACL injury than males. Are they also more likely to reinjure themselves later?
  • My 21-year old daughter hurt her knee when she slipped and fell on some ice. The doctor says the ACL is torn and she needs surgery to protect the joint. Protect it from what?
  • I'm 19 years old and just had a bad knee injury. The MRI shows a torn ACL and the doctor is advising surgery. Since I'm fairly young, what are my chances of healing without needing surgery?
  • What is the difference between a knee immobilizer and a knee brace used for patients after an ACL repair?
  • My son is a cadet at a military academy (West Point). He could have gone to the US Naval Academy but chose West Point instead. He injured his ACL in the first month of training. Is the training more vigorous at West Point? Maybe he should have gone to the naval academy.
  • I tore my ACL and just finished eight weeks of rehab after the surgery to repair it. I've been told wearing a brace during jumping or twisting activities is optional. Since I have to pay for the brace myself, I'm thinking about skipping this step. Is it really needed?
  • I joined a group of seniors in an exercise group at the local senior's center. I was doing good until last week when my arthritic knee started acting up again. Does this mean I just won't be able to exercise anymore?
  • What is a constrained knee replacement? I have very bad knock-knees. The doctor says this is the best kind for me.
  • I'm very concerned about my three-year old granddaughter. She is very knock-kneed. I was that way growing up, too and I've had endless knee problems ever since. What are the chances she will outgrow this problem?
  • After having a total knee replacement on both knees I notice that I stand up straighter and walk better. I was always a little knock-kneed before the operations. What do they do to change things around?
  • Please help! I'm 68-years old with osteoarthritis of my left knee. It's getting so I can't straighten it all the way even when it doesn't hurt. Am I going to need a total knee replacement to fix this problem?
  • The doctor says I have a flexion contracture of my right knee from osteoarthritis. What does this mean and what can be done about it?
  • My doctor has given me several options for treating the moderate osteoarthritis in my right knee. I can keep active and "do nothing" while waiting to see what will happen. I can have the joint scraped of any rough edges and torn pieces of ligament. Or I can have the joint replaced. Any advice for me?
  • My daughter is a high school senior. She's been offered scholarships to several universities. One school wants her to play lacrosse. Another school wants her for their women's basketball team. We're looking at all sides of the playtime. Can you tell us if there are more injuries with basketball or lacrosse?
  • In the 1980s I had both ACLs repaired after a bad skiing accident. My daughter just had ACL surgery (just on one side). I remember wearing a cast and being on crutches forever. She's walking around without either. Can you explain this?
  • Since I hurt my ACL, I've been reading a lot about doing closed-kinetic chain exercises after knee injury. What kind of exercises are these anyway?
  • I had an ACL repair on my left knee about two months ago. The physical therapist keeps telling me it's okay to put my full weight on that leg but I'm very nervous it's going to give out from underneath me. Is it really safe to exercise standing on just this one leg?
  • Should I have my ACL repair done using donor tissue from the same leg or the other leg? Which is better?
  • I tore my ACL in a water skiing accident about 27 months ago. I tried rehab but it looks like I'm going to need surgery after all. Have I missed my chance for a good result by waiting so long?
  • I had an MRI to find out what's wrong with my knee. The report came back saying, "ACL deficiency with concomitant intra-articular pathology." Can you interpret what this means and explain it to me?
  • I tore my right ACL two years ago. It's still not right. I have continued pain and swelling that's keeping me from enjoying the things I like to do. Will I ever be able to ride a bike again?
  • Should I have my ACL repair done using donor tissue from the same leg or the other leg? Which is better?
  • Years ago I had a total knee replacement. With the new joint I had less pain but not much more motion. Now I'm going to have the other knee done. Any chance I can get better motion with the newer joints?
  • Is it really true that being overweight means I won't get good motion after a total knee replacement?
  • I have hemophilia that's under fairly good control. My left knee is a real problem. I could really use a joint replacement. What's the status of this operation for people with hemophilia?
  • I had an ACL repair about a month ago. I'm surprised by how much motion I have already. I expected it to be tight as a drum for months. Was the operation a failure?
  • I tore my ACL just by wrestling with my kids in the living room. The doctor thinks I should have surgery to repair it. I'm not much of an athlete and I don't have time for a rehab program. Should I just let it go?
  • I had an ACL repair and it turned out too loose. It seemed okay right after surgery, but now after six months of rehab, it has loosened up too much. What happened?
  • My 82-year old mother had both of her arthritic knees replaced at the same time. She thought this would save time and money. She ended up in the intensive care unit for two weeks. She had a heart attack and a blood clot in her lungs. The surgery cost 10 times more than she expected. Does this happen very often?
  • I have severe knee arthritis. If I have both of my knees replaced at the same time, can it bring on Alzheimer's? The doctor mentioned confusion as a possible side effect of the surgery. Alzheimer's seems to run in our family.
  • My wife is going to have both her knee joints replaced at the same time next week. The doctor mentioned death as a possible risk. How likely is that?
  • My total knee replacement is considered a "success" but I'm not very happy. The knee is still very stiff. I can't bend it far enough to get down in my garden. What's the true definition of success in these cases?
  • I've had one total knee replacement (TKR) and I need another on the other side. I saw a report that new technology and better surgery is on the way for joint replacements. Should I wait another year or two before having the second knee done to take advantage of the new developments?
  • I was looking on the internet at pictures of knee implants for knee replacement. I see there are three basic parts. Does everyone get all three pieces? What if the arthritis is only on one side of the joint?
  • What is selective resurfacing? I know it has something to do with knee joint replacements.
  • I'd like to have surgery to repair a torn ACL in my left knee. The doctor doesn't think I'm a good candidate to donate my own graft tissue. I understand there can be some problems taking tissue from a donor bank. What are these?
  • I had an ACL repair 10 years ago using a synthetic graft. It worked just great. Now my teenage son needs an ACL repair and the doctor tells me they don't use the synthetic grafts much any more. Why not?
  • I'm going to have an ACL repair using my own patellar tendon as the graft. What can you tell me about this kind of graft?
  • I tore the meniscus on both sides of my left knee. I guess this doesn't happen very often. Why did it happen to me?
  • I saw three doctors before getting a diagnosis of torn meniscus as the cause of my chronic knee pain. Is it really so hard to find this problem?
  • What's the "Ege's test" and how is it used?
  • I was in a front-end collision and had a bad neck injury. The MRI showed a torn ligament along the back of my neck. I wasn't even hit that hard by the other driver. Was this ligament defective and just ready to break?
  • I am a professional ballet dancer with a large dance company on the West Coast. Last year I had an ACL repair using the hamstring tendon as a graft. I did my full rehab and seem to have my strength back. I have the most trouble when I try to go into a full plié (bending my knees fully while standing at the barre). How can I get this back?
  • I just came back from testing at my doctor's office. I had an anterior cruciate ligament repair with hamstring tendon graft six months ago. The tests show the strength of my operated leg hasn't returned to normal yet. And the nonoperative side is stronger than it was before surgery. Does this make any sense?
  • My high school son is having an ACL repair this week. He will have to miss wrestling season. Will he be able to return next year good as new?
  • My son broke the bone in his lower leg right before the soccer play offs. With all our fancy medicine and technology hasn't someone come up with a faster way to heal bones? Does it really have to take four to six weeks?
  • I have a knee joint replacement that is fully healed but the scar is still tender. It keeps me from kneeling down to get things. Is there any way to overcome this problem? Perhaps some kind of cream to toughen up the scar?
  • I have a leaky pipe under my kitchen sink but with my knee replacement, I'm afraid to kneel down to repair it. Is it safe to put that kind of weight on it?
  • I just went in for a six-month check up after getting a new knee joint. The doctor took an X-ray that showed the bone with the new joint implant. I know the implant is made of plastic but it looked like a cartoon drawing on the X-ray. How do they get a picture like that?
  • I'm very overweight and need a new knee joint. I also have a heart condition that's getting worse. The doctor doesn't want to do the knee surgery because of the heart problem. I'm willing to do anything to get better. Is there any hope for me?
  • My aunt is about 200 pounds overweight and needs a new knee joint. Is there really any point in having this operation before she loses some weight? Won't the new knee just wear out from all that weight?
  • I went to my doctor for a regular check up and came out with osteoarthritis I didn't know I had. The X-rays show I'm about out of cartilage and walking with bone on bone. Why don't I have any pain or other symptoms of this problem? Can this be right?
  • My sister lives in England and needs a total knee replacement. I've heard the wait there can be years. Would she be better off coming to the United States for this surgery?
  • Is there any difference between results of knee replacement for men versus women? I've got a $10.00 bet riding on this one.
  • My doctor has offered me a new operation for total knee replacement. It's done with just a small opening, so I'll have a much smaller scar than usual. Is there any other reason to have this method?
  • I heard about a new arthroscopic operation for total knee replacement. When I asked my doctor about it, I was told I'm not a good candidate. What does that mean?
  • I was supposed to have the new "minimally invasive" knee joint replacement. The doctor told me to expect a scar about five inches long. Looks more like eight or nine inches to me. Should I complain?
  • I'm having my first arthroscopic knee surgery for a torn cartilage. I understand I'll be in and out of the clinic on the same day. I always thought knee surgery would be painful. What can I expect?
  • I'm getting ready to have arthroscopic surgery on my knee to remove a destroyed meniscus. The doctors and nurses keep reminding me to take my pain meds afterwards. I don't want to take any pills. Is it really necessary?
  • I saw all the news reports about Vioxx® being taken off the market. Yesterday the results of a study done using Vioxx® were reported in the newspaper. The drug was used before arthroscopic knee surgery to reduce pain afterwards. Why are they still putting out this kind of information?
  • My husband is coming home from the hospital today after having both knee joints replaced. He'll be on a pump that allows him to control his pain. Even though the doctor explained it's all programmed ahead of time, I'm concerned. First of all, my husband has a past history of drug use though he's been clean for many years. Second, he is a computer whiz. It won't take much for him to figure out how to reprogram the unit. Am I worrying for nothing?
  • My 15-year-old daughter is going to have a second surgery on her knee. The first operation wasn't successful because she had too much pain to do her exercises afterwards. When my mother had shoulder surgery last year, they sent her home with a pump to control her pain. Could my daughter get something like this?
  • My doctor wants me to go to rehab to build my muscles up before having an ACL repair. I'm not really an athlete so I don't see the need to do this. Can't I just have the operation first and rehab after?
  • I need an operation to repair a torn anterior cruciate ligament in my left knee. The X-ray showed my quadriceps tendon needed for the repair is small. Is this going to be a problem?
  • What's the best timing for ACL repair? I'm in the off-season as an athlete so I have time to decide.
  • My father lives in a small town 90 miles from the hospital or his doctor. He's going to have a total knee replacement next month. The plan right now is to release him directly to home after the operation. Can he really manage on his own?
  • My elderly sister (age 78 and 20 years older than me) is having her second total knee replacement. The doctor is planning to send her directly home after the operation. How is this even possible? Won't she need time to recover from the surgery itself?
  • My husband is having a total knee replacement today. As I was saying goodbye to him at the hospital, the anesthesiologist was telling him they would use a nerve block with the anesthesia. This is to reduce pain after the operation. There was no time to ask any questions. What is it and what does it do?
  • My mother has been put on a morphine pump for pain after a knee replacement. We are all concerned about drug addiction with this. Is it possible? Likely?
  • I'm going to have a total knee replacement next week. The doctor asked me if I want a nerve block before the operation to help stop the pain after the operation. What are the chances of ending up with permanent nerve damage from this?
  • I'm concerned about my aging mother. She's 86 and needs a total knee replacement. She's on Medicare and doesn't have any other insurance. Will she get the care she needs?
  • I'm going to have a total knee replacement. What's better: having it done at our local hospital where I'll be close to home or going to a big medical center 100 miles away?
  • I have severe osteoarthritis in both knees. The doctor wants me to have them replaced. The way everything is changing with technology, would it be better to wait until joint implants are improved?
  • I notice my mother-in-law can't get in and out of a chair or couch anymore without a great deal of scooting, grunting, and effort. She does have osteoarthritis in her hips and knees. Are her struggles caused by the arthritis?
  • I am only 48 years old, but I have severe knee pain from years of running marathons and participating in triathlons. The first doctor I saw took an X-ray and said there's some narrowing of the joint space, but nothing to worry about. Would an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) show anything else the X-ray didn't show?
  • My father has been told he has osteoarthritis of the knees. Ever since he heard that, he can't do anything for himself anymore. He acts like he can hardly get around and doesn't go out anymore at all. How do we get him back to where he was before he heard this news?
  • I'm a physical therapist working with patients after athletic and sports injuries. Has anyone been able to explain why some patients do well after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears without surgery and others don't? Some patients who don't have the torn ligament repaired actually do just as well, if not better, than patients who have the operation. Doctors aren't always sure why this happens either.
  • I had a total knee replacement six months ago. After physical therapy in the hospital, I had more therapy at home. Now I'm doing my own exercises everyday. How long should I keep this up?
  • It's been two years since I had a knee replacement. My pain is much better, but I still can't climb stairs easily or get in and out of the tub without help. Is this normal?
  • I work out at the gym three or four times a week. I see lots of older folks around my age (67 years old) sitting on a seat and pressing weights through the foot and leg. Can I do this with my knee joint replacement?
  • I'm a teacher at the high school level with a chance to coach girl's volleyball. I've heard that knee injuries are a big problem right now in girl's athletics. I don't remember that when I played. Just how common is this?
  • My 14-year-old daughter grew in height by eight inches over the summer. When soccer started she injured her knee during the first practice. Is there any chance the injury was caused by the growth spurt, or is this just a coincidence?
  • My daughter passed her high school freshman physical exam with flying colors. Yet a month later she was red-shirted with a knee injury. It happened during a basketball game. Why wasn't this weak spot found during the exam?
  • My wife was turned down for a total knee replacement until she loses weight. The doctor says she is "morbidly obese." What does that mean exactly? Should we consider stomach stapling? I've heard that works good for lots of people.
  • Five years ago I had my left knee replaced. It's starting to hurt again. I can hardly go up and down stairs. Even getting in and out of a chair is tough. The doctor wants me to have the knee done again. If I wait too long, will it be too late?
  • My brother-in-law is very overweight. His knees are bad but he refuses to lose weight. He says he'll just have them replaced when they wear out. Is it really that simple?
  • I got a pair of shoe inserts for a problem I've been having with my knees. It took a few weeks to get used to them, but eventually my knee pain went away. It's been two months and now I have a new knee pain along the outside of the leg. Could it be coming from the shoe inserts?
  • I'm going to get a special shoe insert to help my knee pain. Do I need to buy a new pair of shoes?
  • I'm a competitive bike racer with a torn ACL. After the operation to repair it, the doctor warned me not to start back training until I've finished my rehab program. If it's fixed, what's the danger in pushing a little?
  • I'm not an athlete, but I like to bike, hike, and swim on a regular basis. Recently I tore my ACL in a rock climbing accident. After an ACL repair, I'm now in physical therapy. I'm concerned about one thing. The therapist doesn't have me strengthen the knee through the full motion I'm going to need for my recreational activities. How am I going to get my full strength back with this kind of program?
  • I had a bike accident and went to the emergency department for an exam. The doctor didn't find anything wrong with the knee on the MRI, so I went home. Two weeks later I still had swelling and pain so I saw an orthopedic surgeon. I had an arthroscopic exam that showed a torn ACL. How is that possible?
  • I saw a doctor who wants to do surgery on my knee to repair a torn anterior cruciate ligament. Shouldn't there be an MRI or some other test done before just deciding on surgery?
  • My 17-year old son tore his ACL playing soccer. The doctor told us it was torn before the MRI confirmed it. Why did we need the expensive MRI test if the doctor already knew what was wrong?
  • I have some mild, but painful arthritis in my left knee. I'm thinking about having arthroscopic surgery done. The doctor wants to take a look inside and smooth out any rough edges. Will that take care of the problem?
  • I tore the cartilage in my right knee several years ago. I tried rest, drugs, and exercise (in that order) but nothing worked. Now I'm going to have arthroscopic surgery to fix whatever's wrong. The doctor is sending me to physical therapy afterwards. What's this for? Won't I be all better after the operation?
  • My 73-year old father needs a knee replacement. He can't seem to make up his mind about it. Should we (his adult children) offer our opinions? Or is it better for older adults to make up their own minds?
  • We live in Indiana, about 500 miles from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. I'd like to get a second opinion about my 17-year-old son's torn meniscus. The doctor says it's damaged very severely. He may need more than one operation. Is the Mayo Clinic the best place for a second opinion on this type of condition?
  • I've heard it's possible to get a new meniscus if your own cartilage is torn beyond repair. Is this true?
  • I had a meniscus repair two years ago. I think I may have torn the repair. Is there any way to tell for sure?
  • I've heard that women are more likely to injure their ACL than men. If this is linked to hormones can't hormones be used to change it?
  • Are women more likely to injure themselves in sports events than men? Is it because they don't have any testosterone?
  • I saw my doctor for a knee injury that turned out to be a torn ACL. The doctor wants me to start in physical therapy right away. I think I should wait until the swelling goes down at least. What's the standard treatment for this?
  • I had ACL surgery a month ago. My leg looks like it's melted away. I'm doing a rehab program, but I'm pretty worried about how slow it's coming and how long it seems to take to do the exercises. It's still very painful. Is this normal?
  • After injuring my ACL I decided to try rehab without surgery. The electrical studies show too much activity, too soon, from the outside portion of my thigh muscle. I'm wondering what can be done about this? I still don't want surgery.
  • I hurt my knee in a biking accident. The doctor said I tore the meniscus and called it a bucket handle tear. What does that mean?
  • I tore the meniscus in my left knee while playing soccer on wet grass. I felt a wrenching sensation but kept playing because there wasn't any swelling. I'm sure I reinjured it during the next game. Why didn't the knee swell up to warn me of an injury?
  • In the last six months I seem to have developed a "trick knee." Without warning it will lock up. Then without rhyme or reason, it will start moving again. What causes this?
  • I'm not a professional athlete, and I don't even compete locally. But I do like to keep in shape by playing soccer, running, and biking. After a downhill skiing injury last winter I had an ACL reconstruction. I'd like to get back to my regular activities but I want to know if my knee is "normal." Is there any way to test this?
  • I notice climbing up hills is much easier on the knees than coming down. Why is that?
  • Years ago I had an ACL reconstruction because the doctor told me it would prevent arthritis. Now 20 years later, I have arthritis so bad I need a joint replacement. What went wrong?
  • I'm having my arthritic knee injected to make it glide better. How well does this treatment work?
  • I have knee pain from a poorly tracking kneecap. I've been given an electrical stimulation unit to use at home to fire up the muscles. Why is this treatment better than just plain exercise?
  • I've been told I have a knee condition called patellofemoral pain syndrome. My doctor advised me to try exercise to treat it. So far all I've done is made it worse. What's next?
  • Whenever we get close to the ski season I start gearing up my exercise program. I notice the last two years I've had knee pain when squatting or practicing my wall sits. So far it doesn't bother me when I ski. What could be causing this pain?
  • I heard there were a quarter of a million knee joint replacements last year. It seems like doctors are knife happy. Everyone over the age of 65 gets a new hip or knee joint whether they want it or not. What's going on?
  • I saw a news report that the Rehab Institute of Chicago has a new program after knee replacement. They are using a battery-powered monitoring device to keep tabs on the joint motion. I live in the Chicago area and need a knee replacement. Should I get one of these for myself?
  • What's the best strategy to follow for rehab after a total knee replacement? I've been saving all my energy for physical therapy. After that I'm too tired to do anything else the rest of the day.
  • The physical therapist did a test on my knees before I had a total joint replacement. While blind folded, I pushed a button anytime I felt the knee joint move. What does this information tell him?
  • When I had my knee joint replaced the doctor told me both ligaments inside the joint were missing. Is this something I've had from birth?
  • I have severe osteoarthritis in my left knee. I notice sometimes I misjudge how far to extend my knee when stepping off a curb. Is that caused by the arthritis?
  • What's the best way to prevent ACL injuries?
  • I'm scheduled to have an ACL reconstruction in two weeks. The doctor thinks I can get back to playing sports within six months. Will I have my full function by then?
  • I know there have been lots of studies showing women are more likely to injure their ACLs than men. Is there anything new on this topic?
  • What's the best way to rehab my knee after an ACL reconstruction?
  • I recently had an ACL reconstruction and then twisted it unexpectedly. How much strain can the healing graft take?
  • My doctor tells me the torn meniscus in my right knee should be repaired rather than removed, even though it's been there five years. How do they know a repair of this type is really better?
  • I tore the cartilage in my knee while playing a pick-up game of hockey this past winter. The doctor wants to repair the damage, rather than remove the cartilage. Everything I've heard about this operation has been good. Is there a downside to this surgery?
  • I had a torn meniscus repaired about six months ago. The knee on that side seems "normal" to me. How do I know when it's fully healed?
  • My doctor has suggested trying an injection into my knee for severe osteoarthritis. What's in the injection?
  • I've been chosen to represent my state in a Senior Citizen pageant. My biggest concern is walking normally. With osteoarthritis in both knees, I'm very slow and uneven when I walk. Is there anything I can do about this before the big day?
  • My father is going to have a total knee replacement in two weeks. The doctor told him to expect decreased pain and less stiffness. The nurse mentioned improved "quality of life." What does this mean?
  • My mother had a total knee replacement six months ago. We (the family) are all a little disappointed that she isn't much better than before the operation. Is this normal?
  • I've been avoiding seeing my doctor after getting a new knee replacement. I need the other knee replaced, but I just can't face it right now. How often do I really need to have the new knee checked?
  • I had a total knee replacement two years ago. I'm not having any problems, but my doctor wants me to come back every year. Is this really needed?
  • I'm a research assistant in a large orthopedic clinic. We are having some trouble tracking with patients long-term. They come back for their early follow-up appointments, but then fizzle out later. We'd like to do some studies over five year increments (5, 10, 15). How are other clinics doing this?
  • What is the "Losee maneuver?" I've heard it can be used to detect a torn anterior cruciate ligament.
  • I had an ACL repair two years ago. My doctor says the knee is "good to go." But it feels unsteady to me like it's going to give way at any time. How can this be?
  • I have a chronic problem with chondromalacia in my left knee. I've tried exercises and taping with limited success. What about bracing?
  • I have been looking into using taping for a problem I'm having with my knees. I've found different names for taping methods. Are these all basically the same or are there real differences?
  • I was born and raised in the South and love warm climates. I don't like anything too cold, even drinks and ice cream. My doctor tells me I need to use a cold pack on my knee. How can this really help if it just makes me cold and uncomfortable? Wouldn't someone like me do better with a heating pad?
  • What is McConnell taping? I heard it might help my knee pain. Where do I get this tape?
  • I have been looking into using taping for a problem I'm having with my knees. I've found different names for taping methods. Are these all basically the same or are there real differences?
  • I tore the cartilage in my knee when I tripped and fell over a tree trunk root while out on a hike. The doctor says to just "leave it alone" and it might heal by itself. Is this good advice?
  • I had arthroscopic surgery to repair a torn meniscus, but the doctor said when she got in there the tear wasn't big enough to fix. How big does a tear have to be to get repaired?
  • I'm a high school soccer player hoping for a college scholarship to play soccer. My coach thinks I should focus on training my dominant leg. How can I tell which one this is? I'm right handed, but I kick equally will with either foot.
  • I hear knee injuries are more common in women than men. If that's true, why are most knee studies just on men?
  • What is "trephination?" I had knee surgery and the report says there was trephination of the lateral meniscus done.
  • Is there any truth to the idea that ski injuries are more likely in the afternoon than in the morning? I would have thought injuries occur in the morning before skiers are warmed up.
  • I'm scheduled to have a special test for my knee. It's called a KT-1000. What is this exactly?
  • What is the "Losee maneuver?" I've heard it can be used to detect a torn anterior cruciate ligament.
  • I had an ACL repair two years ago. My doctor says the knee is "good to go." But it feels unsteady to me like it's going to give way at any time. How can this be?
  • I have a chronic problem with chondromalacia in my left knee. I've tried exercises and taping with limited success. What about bracing?
  • What is McConnell taping? I heard it might help my knee pain. Where do I get this tape?
  • I have been looking into using taping for a problem I'm having with my knees. I've found different names for taping methods. Are these all basically the same or are there real differences?
  • I'm only 35-years old and I've been told I have osteoarthritis of both my hip and knee on the right side. How common is this?
  • I'm only 42 years old and need surgery to realign my knee because of osteoarthritis. Is there any way to put this off at least a few more years?
  • I saw a report that doctors in Japan are using a firm, spongy wedge in shoes for patients with knee arthritis. Can anyone try this? Where do I get the wedge material?
  • I had a total knee replacement six weeks ago. I'm a young (65-years old), active athletic-type. I'd really like to push my rehab ahead and get more aggressive. Is this possible?
  • Now that total knee replacements have been around for a while, what are the results for most patients? I've waited an extra 10 years thinking the operation would be improved quite a bit by now.
  • I'm in a rehab program for my knee. I had a total knee replacement four weeks ago. As I look over the program yet to come I'm a little worried. Won't all these exercises wear down my new knee? I'd like to keep it nice as long as I can.
  • When I had my knee replaced the therapists used cold therapy on it everyday. It really seemed to help with the pain and swelling. I just had a hip replacement. The cold treatment was never used on the hip. How come?
  • Is it possible to have bursitis of the knee? I've had shoulder bursitis. Now my knee is acting up much the same way.
  • I tore my ACL in soccer five years ago. I had an operation to repair it. Now I've torn the medial collateral ligament. The doctor doesn't think surgery is needed. How does it heal without surgery?
  • I tore the cartilage in my knee when I tripped and fell over a tree trunk root while out on a hike. The doctor says to just "leave it alone" and it might heal by itself. Is this good advice?
  • I had arthroscopic surgery to repair a torn meniscus, but the doctor said when she got in there the tear wasn't big enough to fix. How big does a tear have to be to get repaired?
  • I had a salvage operation done to save the cartilage in my knee. The doctor says it was a failed surgery because it didn't heal after all. What happens next?
  • I've heard there's a way to regrow torn cartilage in the knee. Are they using stem cells to do this?
  • My doctor told me I have advanced osteoarthritis. What does this mean?
  • I had my right arthritic knee injected with a lubrication. Instead of less swelling and tenderness, I ended up with more pain and swelling. What went wrong?
  • I heard a report that knee injections to lubricate the joint are more and more popular. Do they work? And how?
  • I play adult-league baseball in the summers. Every year I tear my hamstring muscle on the right side. I have done everything to prevent this from happening. I've used heat, cold, taping, stretching, and so on. What else can I do?
  • I have an old hamstring injury that doesn't bother me, but sometimes it feels tight when I run. I try to stretch out and warm up each time. What causes this sensation?
  • Two months ago I had an operation to repair a torn posterior cruciate ligament in my knee. The thigh on that side is much smaller than on the other (normal) side. Will this get better?
  • I had surgery to repair the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) in my left knee three weeks ago. I notice I get increased pain and swelling if I do more than my regular walking and exercises. Is this normal?
  • When would you suggest a person have surgery to repair a torn posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)? I injured mine two years ago and have put it off. It's not really bothering me, so I'm just curious.
  • My insurance company denied a claim for physical therapy. I was just diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis. They said the diagnosis hasn't been "established." What's needed to show I have this condition?
  • I have knee arthritis on the left side. I can do everything my friends can do, it just takes me longer. Should I be concerned?
  • My 86-year old father-in-law had a total knee replacement about a month ago. He seems very confused to us. He can't seem to remember his exercises or when to take his medications. Is this normal?
  • My 95-year old aunt had a total knee replacement and died on the operating table. Why do they put older people through this kind of ordeal? It just doesn't seem right.
  • My 92-year old mother has severe knee arthritis. It seems to me she could sure benefit from a knee replacement. Is she too old?
  • Ever since an injury in college I've had a locking knee joint. I've always been able to unlock the joint on my own. For the last 24 hours, my knee has been locked and without motion. What should I do?
  • Our 18-year-old son just received a football scholarship to play on a college team. He also just tore his right ACL. X-rays show he isn't done growing yet and it's best to hold off on surgery until he reaches full bone growth. Is there any way around this? We don't want him to lose his scholarship before he even gets to play.
  • I had an ACL repair using part of my patellar tendon to repair the torn ACL. The ACL repair went fine, but the place where they took the donor graft is killing me. I can hardly walk because of it. What is the problem here?
  • Yikes! I did a stupid thing. I went skiing before my repaired ACL was healed. I tore the graft that was used to replace the ACL. I'm supposed to see the doctor next week, but I'm wondering what will happen. Can they do the same operation again?
  • I saw a video of the ACL repair done on my right knee last week. I noticed the hole where tissue is taken below the kneecap as a graft isn't closed up or sewn together. They just left it. Does this seem right?
  • I'm 68-years old and have put off getting a total knee replacement for at least five years. Now my leg is weak and I've lost muscle bulk. Is there anything I can do to get my strength back once the new knee is in place?
  • I signed up to be part of a study at the local university. The physical therapists are measuring muscle strength after a total knee replacement. I guess there's some kind of electrical shocks involved. Maybe I shouldn't do this. What do you think?
  • I just got my first pair of orthotics for a diagnosis of patellofemoral pain syndrome. Is there anything I should avoid doing? Can I just resume all my normal activities now?
  • I had some pretty fancy surgery done last week inside my knee joint. The doctor gave me a video of the entire operation. What I can't figure out is how they got all those tools I saw on the video inside my knee. What can you tell me?
  • A year ago I was in a car accident and took a direct hit to my left knee. At the time of the injury, X-rays didn't show anything wrong. I'm still having pain and swelling off and on. I walk with a limp most of the time. My family doctor can't find anything. What do I do now? This injury is keeping me from playing golf, snowboarding, and doing other outdoor activities I like.
  • I was hit by a bus while crossing the street. An MRI showed a torn piece of cartilage and bone in the back of my knee. The doctors don't think they can repair the damage without opening the knee up. Why can't they use a scope like they did last year when they repaired the meniscus in my other knee?
  • I'm in a local theater production of A Chorus Line. It opens in two weeks, and I'm scheduled for removal of a fluid-filled cyst in my knee. How soon will I be back up on my feet?
  • I've had the fluid removed from a cyst behind my knee twice now. Why does it keep coming back?
  • I had a large sac of fluid behind my knee drained, but it came back. What do I do now?
  • If I have a total knee replacement on an outpatient basis will I still need to use crutches or a walker? I live in a tiny apartment and it would be easy to walk around holding onto the furniture.
  • I've heard it's possible to have a total knee replacement and go home the same day. Can anyone do it this way? Since I don't have health insurance, this way to do the operation could save me a lot of money.
  • I'm planning to have a total knee replacement done and go home the same day. The nurse I spoke with today said same-day discharge isn't always possible. What's to keep me from going home?
  • I'm looking into having a total knee replacement. The surgeon showed me the new all-poly plastic joint replacement for the bottom half. What's the down side of this implant?
  • I'm used to walking three to four miles a day even with my painful, arthritic knees. If I have a new joint put in should I go with the plastic or metal implant? Which one holds up best for walkers like me?
  • How can I find a surgeon who is certified to do the new minimally-invasive knee joint replacements?
  • What makes a surgery count as "minimally-invasive"? It seems like surgery is a major trauma to the body no matter how short the time it takes.
  • Ten years ago I had a total knee replacement. The staples got infected and I have a huge, ugly scar on my leg. I hear they can do it now with a much smaller cut. Where is the scar for the new method of knee replacement?
  • I'm wondering how in the world surgeons can replace an entire knee joint with only a two-inch incision? How do they even get the implant through a hole that small?
  • I have a trip to Italy planned in two months. I also need a knee replacement before I go. The surgeon offered me the new minimally invasive "faster" surgery. Should I do it?
  • Please help me out. I'm writing to you from the rehab center where I've just had a total knee replacement. I've been up for the first time and put weight on the leg. Do I have to use this walker? I hate looking like an old person.
  • My mother fell and broke her kneecap into many little pieces. She's having surgery to take them out. It's complicated because she has a knee joint replacement in the same leg. I'll be taking care of her. What can I expect?
  • Two years ago I had a total knee replacement. I was able to keep my own kneecap at the time. Last month I fell and broke my kneecap. It's painful, and I want the doctor to take the kneecap out. Do I really need it anyway?
  • Well, strike one for me. I tore the cartilage in my knee. The surgeon did a debridement technique that didn't work. The hole just got worse. Now what?
  • My wife is going to have some cartilage repaired in her knee. They call this a debridement procedure. What will they do?
  • I'm going to have a cartilage cell transplant done for a bad cartilage tear in my right knee. How long does this take?
  • I am trying to break into semi-professional tennis but I have a torn cartilage in my left knee that's holding me back. I found some information about cartilage transplantation. It all seems to be geared around soccer players. Have they done this treatment on anyone else? Does it work?
  • I am a competitive soccer player with a large and deep cartilage tear. I've had one surgery already that failed. I'm going to try the cartilage transplantation next. What are my chances for getting back into the game?
  • I was in a car accident and crashed my left knee against the dashboard hard enough to break it. I'm only 23-years old and I know this might get arthritic later in life. What are options now to help prevent this from happening?
  • My 83-year old mother fell on some ice while trying to get across the street. She broke her kneecap. She already had arthritis in that knee and now this. The question is: should she wait and see if the fracture will heal? Have the kneecap replaced? Replace the entire joint? The doctor has left it up to her to decide and she's depending on us to help her figure it out.
  • My father suffered serious burns in a car accident. He's in stable condition but now they say he has compartment syndrome in his right leg. What happens next? What's the treatment for this?
  • My 16-year old son broke his leg skiing over the weekend. They put him in a lower leg cast that seems too tight to me. Is this okay? Should I say something?
  • Six months ago I had liposuction to my thighs. One side developed severe problems diagnosed as an anterior compartment syndrome. I ended up with a huge, swollen thigh and had another two surgeries (one to release the pressure and another to sew the wound up). After getting the bill for the second and third operations, I'm wondering if it wouldn't have worked to just use ice and elevation to get the swelling down. Were the doctors just knife-happy?
  • Our 15-year old daughter got smacked in the leg during a soccer game. She ended up in the emergency room 12 hours later. They did surgery for an anterior compartment syndrome of the thigh and said it was a "rare" problem. With all the athletic injuries we see every week, how can something like this be "rare"?
  • My 23-year old son had a bad stick injury playing ice hockey. There was obvious bleeding under the skin and swelling in his thigh. It was diagnosed as a compartment syndrome. The doctors did emergency surgery without even taking an X-ray. How could they tell it was that serious without any testing?
  • My doctor told me that just because there are arthritic changes on my knee X-ray doesn't mean the pain in my knee is coming from those changes. Why not? Doesn't it make sense that the damage seen would be causing the problems?
  • Sometimes my knee clicks and then gives out from underneath me. What causes this kind of buckling?
  • My father had a total knee replacement that had some problems. During the operation one of his ligaments was damaged that was fine before the operation. Does this happen very often? Is it an indication that the surgeon wasn't being careful?
  • I usually have my dental work done without novacaine. Can I have arthroscopic surgery without anesthesia?
  • I went to see a doctor about getting a total knee replacement. She kept talking about the "envelope" of my knee. I guess it has something to do with what kind of replacement I get. What is this envelope?
  • My orthopedic surgeon showed me half a dozen different joint implants that could be used for my knee replacement. How do they decide which one to use?
  • My total knee surgery has been postponed because the surgeon had to order a new replacement. He said the old one had been at the hospital too long. Is this a way to just increase the price by buying a new one when the one on hand would do just as well?
  • What is osteolysis? The radiology report on my total knee replacement says "there's evidence of mild osteolysis on the medial tibial plateau." Can you explain what this means?
  • I'm a 16-year old basketball player with lots of knee problems. I've been doing a program of exercises to help prevent an ACL injury. I've been doing a box heel touch exercise without problems. What's the next step in the sequence of exercise?
  • I'm entering my first practice season on a college soccer team. My entire college education depends on the athletic scholarship I'm going to school on. Lots of my teammates in high school had ACL tears and missed entire seasons of sports. How can I keep this from happening to me?
  • I'm working on various events in gymnastics right now. I'd like to improve my tuck jump. Can you give me some tips on what to do?
  • I can tell my new knee replacement heats up inside after I start to exercise. It seems to happen most often after I walk 20 to 40 minutes. Biking the same amount of time causes some warmth but not as much. Should I be worried?
  • Sometimes it feels like my new knee replacement is hot inside. When I touch the skin on the outside it feels normal. Am I imagining this?
  • My surgeon told me the type of knee joint replacement I have can heat up a little with activity. Should I exercise more often but for shorter periods of time to keep this from happening?
  • I've been training for my third triathlon but I got sideswiped by a bout of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. I was down and out for three full months. Now that I'm starting back I notice a lot of knee pain I didn't have before. Every time I try to bump up my training schedule the knee pain comes on. Is this left over from the fever?
  • I'm a soldier in today's army just finished with basic training. There were many recruits who dropped out in the first 90 days because of stress fractures. I was pretty glad it didn't happen to me. Does anyone know why some trainees get these and others don't?
  • Our son had knee pain every time he tried to run or work out. We finally took him to the doctor's. An X-ray was negative but the MRI was positive for a stress fracture. I thought they used bone scans to find things like this. Why not?
  • I'm having physical therapy for my knee after a total knee replacement seven months ago. I just didn't get the motion back that I needed so the doctor sent me to PT. I'm a little worried about the treatment. When the therapist pushes on my knee it feels like something's going to break. Is that possible?
  • I can't seem to straighten my knee all the way after my total knee replacement. It's been six months. Does it usually take this long?
  • I have a bum knee that probably needs replacing. Over the years whenever I see a doctor they always do the same thing: plant my foot flat with my knee bent and pull on the lower leg. What kind of test is this anyway?
  • My surgeon was talking into his tape player as she examined my knee. I heard her say the laxity wasn't balanced. I'm going to have a total knee replacement. Should I have therapy to get the laxity balanced before the operation? I'm already seeing a physical therapist to build up my muscles.
  • I saw my orthopedic surgeons assistant for a pre-operative exam today. I notice when he put pressure on each side of my knee I had more motion with the knee bent compared to when it was straight. Is this normal or will they fix it during the operation?
  • What is a discoid lateral meniscus? I've been told I have one and that's why I tore the cartilage clear down to the bone.
  • What's a bucket handle tear? That's the kind of meniscal tear I have.
  • I had a torn meniscus that was repaired surgically but failed. The knee still locks up, swells up, and gets painful when it does. I'm probably a statistic -- just one of those few patients who didn't have a good repair. Are there specific reasons why this happens to people?
  • I just (yesterday) had an out-patient meniscal repair. The surgeon used a new all-inside arthroscopic technique with special anchors to hold the meniscus in place. I forgot to ask when I could start running again. My next appointment isn't for a few days. What can you tell me while I'm waiting to ask directly?
  • When the surgeon repaired my torn ACL he took a piece of my patellar tendon and used it as a graft. How can they do this without causing problems in that tendon now?
  • I think I'm in trouble. I've had two ACL repairs (one on each leg) and used up the donor material from each side. Now I've ruptured the repair. If I've already used up the tendon that's used for grafting, then what?
  • What's a lateral overhang of the kneecap? X-rays show that my daughter needs surgery for kneecap overhang problems.
  • When I was a college athlete I had a lot of trouble with dislocating kneecaps on both sides. Since I'm not in sports any more it seems much better. I did see a new heat treatment like shrink-wrap that can be done for this problem. Is there any reason to think it might help me? I worry about what will happen when I'm much older.
  • What kind of rehab can I expect for recurrent patellar dislocations? I'm supposed to see a physical therapist for the next two months.
  • My father had a total knee replacement six months ago and still has pain and stiffness. We think the surgery was a big failure. Does this happen very often?
  • I have a total knee replacement that just won't heal. I'm diabetic and that slows my recovery from everything. The doctor mentioned infection as a possible cause. How can they tell if that's the problem?
  • My mother has had a bum knee for years. She finally had a knee replacement and the results aren't any better than before. The surgeon wants to do surgery to fix the problem. What can another operation do for her that the first one didn't accomplish?
  • I am 27-years old and I had an ACL repair using the hamstring tendon graft. The physical therapist has tested my muscle strength. After rehab, I still have hamstring muscle weakness. Will this be a problem?
  • After having an ACL repair I developed mensical problems. Now I have to have a second operation. Couldn't the surgeon have taken care of this problem when the ACL was operated on?
  • I'm scheduled to have an ACL reconstruction in two weeks. The doctor is trying out a slightly different way of doing the operation. A piece of my hamstring will be used with a little piece of bone attached to give it greater stability. Will this speed up my recovery at all?
  • Is osteochondritis dissecans inherited? I have a brother and a nephew with this condition. I'm just wondering about my own children.
  • My neighbor's kid has a condition called osteochondritis dissecans. He's off the neighborhood baseball team (I'm the coach) and on crutches. What are his chances of playing again next season?
  • I saw my own knee X-rays and know I have bad arthritis on one side of the joint. I'm too young (45 years old) for a joint replacement. I'm too heavy (100 pounds overweight) for an osteotomy. Aren't there any other options for people like me (besides losing weight)?
  • Years ago I had a football injury and tore the meniscus in my left knee. They took it out and now I have arthritis on that side of the joint. The surgeon's talking about doing a unilateral compartment replacement. Do these always work for this problem?
  • My 60-year old daughter is having a special knee replacement called a McKeever. When I had my knee replacement I never heard of this kind. What is it?
  • What's biologic resurfacing? I've been told I'm too young for a knee replacement but this treatment might work.
  • I'm 42 years old and have severe, disabling knee osteoarthritis. The doctors say I'm too young for a total knee replacement. Is there such a thing as a knee joint transplantation? Maybe I could qualify for that.
  • Six years after my total knee replacement, the implant came loose and had to be replaced. The surgeon told me the first joint implant was turned in a few degrees too many and that's what caused the problem. How often does this happen?
  • What is a resection arthroplasty? My mother has an infection in her total knee joint and this is what they are planning.
  • What happens if a total knee joint replacement fails? My father just got the bad news that his new joint isn't working. Infection has caused it to become loose. The pain and loss of function is worse than his arthritis before the joint replacement.
  • I'm 23-years old and already blown the meniscus in both my knees playing football. I've done exercises and used braces but there's still so much pain and stiffness. Isn't there anything else I can do?
  • I am looking into the possibility of having a meniscus transplantation for my left knee. When I had the meniscus removed I was on crutches for about a week and no real exercises. Can I expect the same with this operation?
  • I have rheumatoid arthritis that has bothered my knees for years. Two years ago I had the right knee replaced. I see now there's an even better operation with a small incision that doesn't cut through the muscle. If I have my other knee replaced, could I have it done with this new method?
  • ACL repairs have been around for a long time. I had one when I was a college athlete. Now my daughter who is a collegiate basketball player is having one. Has anything much changed over the years?
  • When my son tore his ACL during basketball season we agonized over which type of tendon graft repair would work best. We went with the hamstring tendon graft. Now I hear there's an even better two-bundle method. What did we miss out on?
  • Can you tell me what an abrasian arthroplasty is? I have a total knee joint replacement so I know arthroplasty means repairing the joint. Mine was a total knee arthroplasty.
  • I'm a dance instructor at a local dance studio but I may have to give up my practice because of my right knee. I know I'm down to bone-on-bone because I had the cartilage removed 20 years ago. I'm too young for a knee replacement. Are there any other treatment options? I hate to quit teaching but some days the pain is unbearable.
  • I saw on a news report that cartilage can be transplanted into knees. The scientists said that with fresh grafts, the success rate is like 95 percent. How long can they keep donated tissue before they have to throw it out?
  • I'm very excited because I've been selected to receive a cartilage transplant for my knee. Hopefully this will help me get back into sports activities. What kind of restrictions will I have and for how long?
  • I've been told not to have my total knee replacement at our local (small) hospital. My family wants me to go to the nearest large hospital 100 miles away. I thought I might get better (more personal) care at the smaller hospital. What's really best?
  • My father-in-law is going to have a total knee replacement next week. Call me a pessimist but I think he's going to have problems. He's old (83 years old) and frail. Is it possible to predict who will and who won't have a good result?
  • I'm 62-years old and in reasonably good health. Lately I've been having some pain along the inside of my right knee. I've waited for it to go away. I've tried ibuprofen. It's not getting worse but it's not getting better. How do you know what's just a sign of getting older and what should be checked out by a doctor?
  • What is spontaneous ostenonecrosis and what causes it? My husband has been diagnosed with this problem in his left knee. We can't figure it out.
  • I tore my anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and had to have surgery to reconstruct it. Why doesn't this ligament heal itself like other tissues in the body?
  • Thirty years ago I looked into synthetic tissue for an ACL repair. The science wasn't there yet to support a bioengineered graft. Now my son has a similar injury. Is it possible to get a synthetic ligament graft now?
  • I've had the worst luck with my right knee. First I tore the cartilage right down to the bone. The surgeon tried to repair it arthroscopically. That didn't work. Then I had a new cartilage implant out on the market called Carticel. There were problems and the graft failed. Now what?
  • I was one of the first patients to receive the new Carticel made by a company called Genzyme. I've had a great result. I was wondering how other people came out?
  • I had an ACL repair a week ago. The doctor doesn't think I'm getting my motion back fast enough. What should I do differently?
  • About 10 years ago I had an ACL repair. Everything's been just fine and now all of a sudden, I'm having painful grinding behind my kneecap and in the joint. What's happening?
  • I've been having knee pain whenever I do running or squatting drills during football training. One of my other teammates says tight hip flexors can cause this problem. How do I check myself for this?
  • I've had knee pain since I was 13 (I'm now 18). The doctor calls it patellofemoral pain syndrome. I've done a million quad sets and hamstring stretches. It helps but I still have pain when I try to increase my training schedule for track and field events. Is there anything new I can try?
  • I'm 26-years old and at the peak of my career in athletics. I also have a torn meniscus that can't be repaired. If I have it removed, can they put a new one in?
  • I'm 62-years old and getting ready to retire. I've always been active and don't want to become a slug when I'm retired. The problem is I had the meniscus taken out of my left knee and now I've got arthritis in there pretty bad. I'm not really ready for a knee replacement. Are there any other treatments out there for this problem?
  • My mother is thinking about having an operation to rotor rooter her knee. It seems she may have some torn or loose cartilage causing pain, locking, and difficulty walking. We're thinking at her age (66 years old), maybe she should just have a knee replacement. What do you suggest?
  • I have some very bothersome arthritis in one knee. I'm not really ready for a joint replacement. Antiinflammatories don't seem to help. Are there any other options for people like me?
  • I had an ACL repair about 10 years ago. I was able to return to competitive sports but now I found out I'm starting to get arthritis in that knee. I guess I thought the knee would be better than ever. Does this happen to everyone?
  • Years ago (back in the 1980s) I had an ACL repair. As I recall, they sewed my torn ligament and reinforced it with a piece of plastic. Is this still done nowadays?
  • I had an ACL repair using a piece of my own hamstring tendon as the replacement part. Everything seemed fine for awhile. Then the knee started getting too loose. Did I do something wrong?
  • I'm going to have an ACL repair in two weeks. The physician's assistant went through all the steps of the operation with me. It all made sense at the time. Now I'm wondering why do they lower the temperature of the graft before putting it in the knee? How does this help?
  • I had a total knee replacement several years ago. The knee part went fine but I had a terrible reaction to the anesthesia. Now I need a shoulder replacement. Is there any way to avoid the same problem this time?
  • My son is a good athlete who tore his ACL. The doctor says they will get him back on the field with surgery and an accelerated rehab program. What is an accelerated rehab program?
  • My daughter has the worst luck. She had a great future as a basketball player and then tore her ACL. I've heard this is more common in girl athletes compared to boys. Nine months later she ruptured the graft. Is this more common in girls too?
  • My father had to have his total knee replacement taken out and replaced a second time. Does this happen very often?
  • I need some help deciding about a knee joint replacement. I have arthritis in several joints. The rheumatologist has not been able to control the pain with medications. She has suggested I have the knee replaced. The orthopedic surgeon is not in favor of doing the surgery. How do I decide what to do?
  • My mother is in a nursing home and has early stages of dementia. She also has severe arthritis in her left knee. Some of the staff think if she had a knee replacement she would be more active and this might help with the dementia. Can people with dementia handle surgery and rehab?
  • I had a total knee replacement about three months ago. I never did get my full motion back. The doctor mentioned manipulating the joint and sending me back to PT for an intense rehab program. How soon should I do this?
  • I had a total knee replacement about three months ago. I never did get full knee motion as expected. I only have about 80 degrees of flexion and I know I should have more than 90 degrees. What causes this problem?
  • What is a semitendinosus-gracilis autograft? My son is going to have this method of repairing his torn ACL.
  • I'm 52-years old and just came back from a family reunion where I did the three-legged hop game with my grandchildren. I was dismayed to see that with my ACL repair on the right from a year ago, I can't hop as far as on the left. Is this typical?
  • I have very severe patellofemoral pain syndrome. Would it ever be possible to just have my kneecaps replaced?
  • Believe it or not, I've actually become extremely limited because of kneecap arthritis of all things. I've tried exercises and various braces and splints. Nothing seems to help. Is there anything else that can be done?
  • I read a small report in the paper about using the patient's own platelets to speed up healing after joint replacement. Is there anything to this?
  • What's the point of using the new platelet-plasma spray for wound healing after knee replacement? Is the added expense really worth it if the results are the same in the end?
  • I had a nerve block after an ACL repair that didn't seem to work. The surgeon switched me over to an oral and injectable narcotic instead. I had much better pain control after that. Is this typical or am I the odd duck out?
  • I had an ACL repair about two weeks ago. On the first day after surgery I couldn't even lift my leg off the bed. I could still walk okay with crutches. Does this make any sense?
  • For years I've had knee pain from being knock-kneed. Now I'm going to have an operation to correct the problem. Part of the procedure involves taking a piece of bone from my pelvis and putting it in the side of the knee joint. I've heard the donor site can have more problems than the actual surgical site. Why is that?
  • I needed a special operation called an osteotomy for my left knee. It involves using bone taken from my own pelvic bone to correct the deformity. When I went to a special clinic that does this kind of surgery, I was turned down because I'm a smoker. Is this true everywhere?
  • My father is going to have his left knee joint replaced. The kneecap is in pretty good shape, so they are going to leave it alone. Are there any disadvantages of this? Maybe it's better to replace everything all at one time.
  • My mother is having surgery on her arthritic knee. The operation is called patellar spongialization. What is this?
  • For months after my new total knee joint it just seemed like something wasn't right. I finally got a second (and a third) opinion. Both consulting orthopedic surgeons called my problem "overstuffing." What does this mean really?
  • Our 78-year old father is having surgery right now for a fractured femur. He broke it right above his fairly new knee joint replacement. The surgeon is using a device called a LISS to make the repair. How does this device work exactly?
  • I'm on a handball league that's fairly competitive. I recently injured my ACL but don't want to have surgery if I can avoid it. What's the best approach? Just rest? Give it time to heal? Or do I need some kind of special exercise program?
  • It's been six months since I injured my left ACL. Despite a daily exercise program, my left quadriceps muscle just doesn't seem to contract normally. Is this something that just won't get better without surgery?
  • I'm looking into knee replacements. I know I need at least a unicompartmental implant. I could have a total knee replacement. How much of a cost savings is the unicompartmental?
  • I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons of having a full knee replacement versus a unicompartmental implant. I know the unicompartmental unit costs less. Does it last just as long?
  • I saw an orthopedic surgeon about some knee pain and swelling I've been having. He thinks I may have a torn meniscus but needs an MRI before doing surgery. In our area a knee MRI costs about $1000.00. Do I really need this?
  • I'm 55 years old and have the start of a meniscal tear in my left knee. The surgeon is going to do arthroscopic surgery to shave off the torn edge. I thought the new direction with meniscal tears is to repair them, not remove them.
  • My son is supposed to have surgery to repair a deep cartilage tear in the knee. The surgeon said that the patient must be cooperative for this operation to work its best. What does that mean exactly?
  • Two months ago I had a microfracture treatment to the knee. The surgery was done arthroscopically. I'm supposed to be very careful to do exactly what the surgeon says to avoid displacing the healing tissue. How will I know when it's healed enough to be safe?
  • I've always been told I have an excessive Q-angle in the knee. This has been blamed for many of my knee problems over the years. Would a knee replacement help?
  • Is it possible to get a total knee replacement designed for women?
  • I've met more and more younger adults who have a knee replacement. I thought you had to be older before anyone would consider giving you a joint replacement. Is this changing?
  • What does it mean when the surgeon tells me the five-year survivorship of my knee replacement is good?
  • Our 23-year old daughter had an ACL repair last year. She did the rehab thing and went back to her favorite sports activities. Last week the repaired ACL ruptured again. She was told she was "good to go." What went wrong?
  • Two of our four sons have had to have an ACL repair from injury while playing sports. Their father had both ACLs repaired from different football injuries. Is there a genetic link or is it just the dumb luck of sports injuries?
  • My 83-year old mother lives in a small, rural Western town in the U.S. She needs her knees replaced because of severe arthritis. I'd really like her to come to the northeast (Boston area) where I live and have the surgery done here. How can I sell her on the idea?
  • I notice a lot of men in my age group who have both knees replaced at the same time. There isn't a single woman who has done this. Is there a gender bias here?
  • How important are shoes for people like me with knee arthritis? Is there a best shoe you can recommend?
  • As I get older I notice more and more knee pain and stiffness. What are some simple things I can do to help with this problem?
  • I just saw my orthopedic surgeon for a pre-op appointment. I'm having a meniscal repair done next week. He mentioned a certain type of suturing technique that will give me good fixation. Can you explain this a little more to me?
  • I just got the results back from the pathology report on my meniscal tear. The surgeon had to remove a small portion that couldn't be repaired. The report says the fragment was fibrillated. What does that mean?
  • I have a brand new knee replacement (this year). When I travel, I notice some airport detectors go off and others don't. Why is that?
  • We took our 18-year-old daughter to see a doctor for knee pain. After an exam, X-ray, and MRI, she was given a diagnosis of grade two articular cartilage defect. Was it really necessary to do so much testing to figure this out?
  • I'm planning to have an operation called microfracture to repair an old football injury to my right knee. I've been told to expect a rigorous rehab program. I'm not much of an exerciser anymore now that I'm not playing ball. Can I get by without this part?
  • I'm 31-years old and overweight with severe knee osteoarthritis. The surgeon tells me I'm too young for a knee replacement. I can hardly walk as it is. My next step is probably going to be a wheelchair. Can I do anything to avoid this?
  • I saw a report that people with severe knee arthritis can use electricity to avoid having a joint replacement. How does this work?
  • I'm going to have a new kind of operation on my knee. The surgeon will drill little holes in my cartilage to help it grow back. I've been told there's no putting any weight on that leg for two months. What happens if I forget?
  • I'm 14-years old and a cross-country athlete. Two weeks ago I was playing basketball with some friends. I did a perfect lay up but when I landed, someone knocked into my leg from the side. Now I have a torn MCL and ACL. I've been told to wait for the MCL to heal and then have the ACL repaired. Can't these both be done together? I don't want to miss the cross-country season.
  • Our 15-year old son hurt his knee playing soccer. It looks like a combined MCL and ACL tear. What are his chances for finishing the season?
  • I have been working as a parent volunteer for our girls' softball team. The coach has been doing some taping of the girls' knees who have pain during squatting. I notice it seems to help some girls right away. Others don't really seem to benefit. Why is that?
  • Our 16-year old daughter has had constant knee pain from a problem called PFPS. She is seeing a physical therapist who wants to try taping the kneecap. How does this help the problem?
  • I've gradually started losing knee motion from arthritis. The X-rays show degenerative changes in and around the joint. Would it help to wear some kind of brace or splint at night to hold that knee straight?
  • I'm 77-years old and have pretty bad knee arthritis. I can't straighten my left knee all the way anymore. It means I have to walk with a limp all the time. Would a knee replacement help get my motion back if the loss of motion is caused by muscle tightness?
  • My mother had a total knee replacement and was transferred from the hospital to a transitional unit. Then she went to a skilled nursing facility. Now she is in an assisted living unit. How can we tell when she is really ready to go home? Of course, she says she's ready to go now!
  • I heard it's possible to use a shoe insert to shift the weight off an arthritic knee. Is there any way to tell if this would help me?
  • I have X-rays to show the inner edge of my knee joint is wearing out faster than the outer edge. My doctor tells me they can replace just one side of the knee now. Is there anything else that can be done first that doesn't involve surgery?
  • I'm not much for exercising but my doctor has recommended a program to help with my kneecap. I have a knee tracking problem called PFPS. How long do I have to do these exercises? And what do they really do to help anyway?
  • I have an ongoing knee problem from PFPS. Is there a good exercise program I can do myself for this problem? I already exercise everyday. I just need to know what to do.
  • I just went back for my 12-month check-up after having an ACL repair a year ago. It looks like the knee joint is still unstable and the ACL repair failed. What causes a failed ACL repair?
  • Three weeks ago I had an ACL repair using a piece of my own hamstrings muscle. Does the hamstring muscle grow back? Will it still work the same if they've taken a piece out?
  • I am planning to have a torn ACL repaired surgically in my left knee. The surgeon has given me the option of a patellar-tendon or hamstring-tendon graft. From everything I've read, it looks like the hamstring graft is the better choice. Are there any disadvantages to this technique?
  • I had an ACL repair two years ago that seems to have failed. Should I just leave it? Or should I have the repair repaired?
  • Please help me out. We are trying to advise my father about knee replacement surgery. He's 78-years old and not very active. The doctor has advised just replacing the side of the joint that's worn out. At his age, wouldn't it make more sense to replace the whole joint and be done with it?
  • I'm trying to save up enough vacation time to have a knee replacement done. I'm opting for the unicompartmental design to help speed up recovery. How much time should I expect to be out of work for this operation?
  • I just had a repair of a torn meniscus in my knee. I'm doing my rehab as prescribed but I'm worried that I might overdo it and pull the stitches out. Just how strong is the repaired meniscus?
  • I'm in need of a meniscus replacement in my left knee. Is this the sort of thing you can get a transplant from other sources? Do they have animal cartilage that can work? Human transplants?
  • I tore my left ACL in a skiing accident three years ago. Last month I injured my ACL on the other side while playing beach volleyball. I had a hamstring graft the first time. Should I have the same surgery this time?
  • I've heard that having the knee meniscus taken out can lead to arthritis. I've had my ACL repaired but I don't know about the meniscus. Do they usually get damaged at the same time?
  • I'm just home from having my ACL repaired. Surfing the net to find whatever information I can. Wondering what I can do to help my new graft take hold. Anything?
  • I'm going to have an ACL repair in the next two weeks. I really like to know up front what could go wrong. What can you tell me?
  • I'm starting to get stiff knees. The doctor says it's early arthritis. What causes the actual stiff feeling? Sometimes I don't have it at all.
  • My knees were so stiff and achy, I went to see my doctor and had X-rays taken. There was only mild evidence of arthritis. My mother has severe arthritis but isn't nearly as stiff as me. Can you explain this?
  • What is baja of the kneecap? My surgeon has identified this as the main reason my total knee replacement is so stiff.
  • I'm a 46-year old woman with a knee problem. Last year I had a total knee replacement for severe osteoarthritis of my left knee. This year, I have pain and stiffness -- a very disappointing result. I thought my younger age would be to my advantage. What went wrong?
  • I've been wearing an off-the-shelf knee brace to off load stress on the inside of the joint. I talked to some guys on my basketball team who have a custom-fit knee brace. Is there really any difference other than price?
  • I'm a high school athlete with some knee problems. When I participate in competitive sports I tend to have increased knee pain and stiffness along the inside of the joint. My coach has suggested I try a knee brace. I see other athletes who wear a neoprene sleeve. Does one work better than the other?
  • I'm scheduled to have an ACL repair next week. The doctor is going to use tissue taken from my hamstrings muscle to replace the torn ligament. He did go over the other option of tissue from a donor. If I use my own tissue, will I have a stronger repair?
  • I'm disappointed that I didn't do better after my ACL repair two years ago. I thought I would be able to get back to my favorite sports (soccer and basketball) at the same level if not better than before the surgery. I'm not really playing either sport anymore. Does this happen to everyone?
  • I just came back from my annual check-up with my orthopedic surgeon with some distressing news. The X-ray showed bone changes around the implant. There's a risk the new joint can come loose. Should I wait and see what happens or jump right in and have another operation to repair the problem?
  • Can you tell me what osteolysis means? My husband's knee replacement went bad because of this problem. Now he has to have another operation to replace the replacement.
  • It seems like most of America is going bionic. I see ads in our local newspaper about hip and knee replacements as if it were a rite of passage when you turn 65. Is this true in other countries, too?
  • I'm going to have surgery to repair a piece of bone and cartilage that's torn in my knee. The doctor says my problem is called OCD. What exactly goes on in this surgery?
  • I've been a faithful exerciser to help my knee arthritis for the last five years. Now my pain is starting to get worse so the doctor has advised me to try the knee injections to put fluid in there. If this works will I still need to do the exercises?
  • I'm 55 years old with a developing case of knee arthritis. I know there's no cure for osteoarthritis, but what can I do to keep it from getting worse?
  • I have painful knee arthritis but I don't want surgery for a joint replacement. What else can I do to get pain relief?
  • How do you know when it's time to have a knee replacement? I don't really have much pain, but I can't do much with that knee.
  • My doctor tells me that if I lose 50 pounds, my knees won't hurt so much. I might even be able to avoid or at least delay surgery. Losing weight is very difficult for me. How can I know for sure this will work?
  • I have had no luck taking drugs to help with my knee arthritis. Everything I take causes extreme GI upset. Are there other treatments that might help me?
  • I had my ACL repaired after a basketball injury six months ago. Even though the doctor has told me I'm free to resume jumping and squatting, I can't seem to make myself try it. How can I get over this fear?
  • I am seeing a physical therapist for rehab after having an ACL repair. Although I'm putting full weight on my leg, I notice some patients with the same surgery are limited in how much weight they are allowed to put on the leg. Why the difference?
  • I am the assistant coach for our girls' high school basketball team. Our girls seem to have a high rate of ACL tears. My job is to find out if this is related to their menstrual cycle and come up with a policy for play based on this variable. What's the latest on this topic?
  • Whenever I see the physical therapist for a check-up on my rehab after ACL repair, I always have to do a series of hopping tests. So what if I can hop along a line? How does this tell anything?
  • Well, it's been four months since my ACL repair. I think I'm coming along okay but how can I tell if I'm ready to get back into action?
  • My doctor says I'm at high risk for blood clots so I have to take a blood thinner when I have my total knee replacement. What makes me so risky? How long will I have to take this drug?
  • I was very disappointed with my latest steroid injection for knee pain. The first one I had worked great. This second one increased my pain at first. After a few days the pain level just went back to what it was before the injection. Why didn't I get the same pain relief as the first time?
  • I'm going to have a steroid injection to my knee for my arthritis. This will be the first time I've tried something like this. I am also a diabetic. I don't take insulin but I have to watch my glucose levels carefully. Will there be any problem taking this steroid?
  • A friend of mind had an ACL injury while running. What causes it and how could she have kept it from getting worse?
  • Three years ago I ruptured my ACL and had surgery to repair it. I was back in action but it took almost nine months to get to my former level of sports activity. Now I've injured my other knee. The surgeon tells me with the new accelerated rehab program, I can shave off three months from recovery time. What's this new program like?
  • I am a 23-year old semi-professional ball. I recently ruptured my left ACL during a game. The doc says with surgery I can expect to return to sports at my previous level. How long can I expect my knee to hold up to that level of play?
  • I've been looking into different ways to treat an osteochondral defect. My 16-year old son had this kind of injury while playing soccer. We're considering surgery at this point. The surgeon will use donated cartilage to repair the damage. Does it make any difference how old the donated graft is? Should we only accept something donated recently?
  • I'm going to have surgery on my knee to implant a piece of cartilage from a donor. What kind of rehab should I expect?
  • My father was just diagnosed with osteoarthritis in his left knee. Our family doctor says it's likely his other knee will develop symptoms at some point, too. Should we take Dad to see a specialist for this problem?
  • I have a bum knee from an old football injury. The ACL and medial meniscus are gone. And now I have arthritis pretty bad. A friend of mine just had half of his knee joint replaced. He said it was a some kind of English joint. He's had wonderful results. Could I qualify for this kind of treatment, too?
  • I had a traumatic injury to my left knee back when I was in my early 20s. Now in my early 40s, I have very bad arthritis on the inner side of the joint. Can I just have one side of my knee replaced? Or do I have to have the whole thing torn apart?
  • My mother has been having a lot of knee pain recently and difficulty walking. Her doctor is trying to convince her to have a knee replacement. On what basis do doctors decide to do a replacement?
  • I am planning to have a knee replacement soon. What can I expect right after the surgery?
  • I tried water skiing for the first time last week. As I was trying to get up, I felt a pop in the back of my leg. There hasn't been any pain but now I see a large bruise along the back of the upper part of my thign. Should I do anything about this? Do I need to see a doctor at this point?
  • I pulled my right hamstrings muscle playing baseball with the guys at work. This happened about two weeks ago. I finally went in to see the doctor. I was told to gradually return to sports activities. What does this mean exactly? Is a two-week break gradual enough? We've got a big game coming up next weekend, and I don't want to miss it.
  • I'm working my way through different treatments for knee pain from osteoarthritis. If I can hold off five more years, I'll be able to get a total knee replacement. So far, I've tried antiinflammatories, exercise, acupuncture, and injections. I really don't want to take narcotics. Is there anything else I can try?
  • I seem to have some kind of knee problem but it's only noticeable when I am go from standing on that leg to walking. Then it clicks. Sometimes (not very often) it locks up on me. What could be causing this to happen?
  • What's a grade 2 cartilage tear? I have one of those in my left knee. I've been ignoring it for a long time and now it's bothering me a lot. Will it get worse?
  • What's the best way to identify a stress fracture? Our 16-year old daughter has been complaining of groin and knee pain for weeks now. She's still training as hard as ever. The coach suggested an X-ray to see if there's a stress fracture.
  • Why are ACL tears considered serious?
  • I hear a lot about athletes tearing their ACL, but my sister did it and she wasn't playing sports at the time. How does one hurt their ACL?
  • Knee injuries seem to be quite common. What can an active person do to minimize the risk of hurting a knee?
  • How are knee injuries diagnosed?
  • My son had a major cartilage tear in his knee. It went clear down to the bone. I guess he needs a cartilage transplant. Can anyone in the family offer to donate this tissue?
  • I'm supposed to have surgery next week to implant cartilage tissue into my knee. I have a very bad cartilage tear right down to the bone. It's too big to just use my own cartilage. I'm a little worried about having someone else's cartilage. Is it really safe?
  • I see in the newspaper there are ads for a specialty orthopedic hospital in our community now. If I go ahead and have my knee replaced, is there any advantage to going to such a place? My regular doctor just uses the local hospital.
  • I have asthma bad enough that sometimes I have to squat down to catch my breath. But everytime I do this, I get a sharp pain under the kneecap of my left knee. What could be causing this new problem?
  • I have knee pain that the doctor says is caused by lots of different reasons. For starters, I have a large Q-angle. On top of that, I have chondromalacia. Is there any kind of corrective surgery that could help?
  • I'm going to my grandson's clinic for a knee problem I've been having. My grandson is a sports rehab physical therapist. Each time I go in to the clinic, they give me a form to fill out with questions that don't seem to apply to me. Should I just try to fill it out the best I can? Or should I say something to my grandson? He's not the therapist who is actually treating me.
  • I sprained my ankle over two months ago and I'm still not getting better. So I started seeing a physical therapist for rehab yesterday. I'd like to keep track of my progress to see if I am getting better or not. What's the best way to do this?
  • How does it work with knee joint replacements? Is it a one-size-fits-all joint? Do they come in small, medium, and large? I'm a pretty big guy, and I don't want to get something that won't hold me up.
  • I was a very active female athlete during my younger years. But I always suffered with a bad Q-angle and patellar tracking problems. If I ever need a knee replacement, will these two problems get in the way of my recovery?
  • Three years ago I had my first knee replacement. I was still living on my own in Chicago. I had the latest surgery there with control of my own pain medication after the operation. Now I've moved to New York to live with my son. I'm going to have my other knee replaced. They use a different method of pain control here called a cocktail injection. Will this method work okay?
  • My father had a total knee replacement 30 years ago. I remember what an ordeal that was with a long hospitalization. He had a huge scar with staples up and down his leg. I just had a total knee replacement and what a difference! What do you think it will be like for the next generation?
  • I am very allergic to most of the narcotics used after surgery. But I'm scheduled to have a total knee replacement. How can I manage the pain without using these drugs alone?
  • Is there any link between having osteoporosis and knee osteoarthritis? I've just been told I have osteoporosis. My mother had knee arthritis pretty bad. I don't know if she had osteoporosis. I was wondering if there's some kind of genetic connection.
  • I saw a report on TV that women are much less likely to get a knee replacement compared with men. Is this because women aren't offered the option? Or do they just refuse?
  • I've had two failed surgeries for a hole in my knee cartilage. I've been told there's another way to grow my own cells to repair this problem but it's really expensive. What is it?
  • I've had the cartilage in both my knees scraped and smoothed over. It only seemed to last a couple of years. Now there's another hole in the cartilage of my left knee. If I go for the more expensive transplantation treatment, how long does that last?
  • I hurt my knee many years ago and it was fixed by surgery. I would like to exercise my knee to keep it from getting hurt again. Is that a good idea and if so, what type of exercises should I be doing?
  • If you have a torn cartilage in your knee, do you have to have surgery to fix it?
  • I'm going to have a second knee surgery on my right leg. The first operation was a total knee replacement. This one is to take out the tibial insert and replace it. This part of the joint has gotten worn clear through. Am I doing something wrong that has caused this problem?
  • When I get my knee replaced next month, will I get a brand new one? If it's been on the shelf awhile, is it less likely to last?
  • I've been told that younger, active patients with arthritis can have part of the joint replaced when uneven wear causes problems. How young do you have to be? I'm 62-years-old and not quite ready for a complete knee replacement. Am I too old for this operation?
  • I've always been active in sports and recreational activities. I bowl on two leagues, hike, and play tennis regularly. Now due to uneven wear and arthritis one one side of my right knee, I'm having a partial knee joint replacement. When can I expect to get back to these activities after surgery?
  • There's a painful lump along the middle of my calf tendon. The pain is worse when I walk, jog, or go down stairs. How can I find out what's causing this problem?
  • My orthopedic surgeon tells me I have a torn ACL and a bone bruise. I understand the ligament rupture but what's a bone bruise?
  • When I was in my 20s, I injured my knee playing football. At that time, I was told I needed surgery. Surgery to repair the torn ligament and meniscus was supposed to prevent arthritis later. Now I'm in my early 40s and guess what? I have all the signs that arthritis is developing in that knee anyway. How come?
  • My doctor recommended that I have surgery on my knee because of a problem with the cartilage. He said something about removing some cells and re-injecting them, but I don't understand what he meant. Can you explain it?
  • My father had a knee replacement a few months ago and now he said that his x-ray shows that he has a fracture in his thigh bone. But, the doctor said that surgery isn't needed. Wouldn't it be better to fix the break than to just leave it?
  • I had to have my knee replacement revised as we were having problems with it. I had a lot of pain and now that seems to be fixed. But, I read that if you have a revision, you have a higher risk of breaking the thigh bone later. Is this true?
  • I'm trying to make a decision about having a partial knee replacement. The surgeon has explained the two methods that can be used: open incision or minimal incision. I'm a little hung up on the fact that the smaller incision operation takes longer. Are the benefits of a smaller scar worth the extra time and cost?
  • I have a unicompartmental knee replacement in the left knee. The operation was done with an open incision. Now I need the same operation on the right knee. But a different surgeon is going to do it using a much smaller incision. Is this something new?
  • It seems like they are using computers for everything. Now I see there is computer-assisted knee replacements. Are these really needed? Doesn't it just drive up the cost of health care? I had a total knee replacement the old-fashioned way, and I'm doing just fine.
  • When I saw the surgeon about my knee replacement, she advised using a unicompartmental implant. She will just remove and replace the inside half of my left knee. The paperwork I was given says that this type of surgery is less invasive. What does that mean?
  • I've been taking chondroitin for my arthritic knee for over a month now. It seems like I'm a little better but not enough to shout about. If it was going to help, would it have done so by now?
  • What's the latest on taking glucosamine for knee arthritis? For awhile I heard you should only take it for a few months. Then I heard you should alternate between glucosamine and chondroitin.
  • I am a figure-skating instructor in a moderately large town. Although I no longer train or compete, I am out on skates hours every day teaching and training youngsters. Over the years, I've developed a chronically dislocating knee cap. I never know when my leg will go out from under me, so I've been scheduled to have surgery. How long is the rehab and recovery time? I'd like to get back out on the ice as soon as possible.
  • Ever since I was nine years old, my left knee cap has dislocated repeatedly. I'm not involved in sports but I'm worried about what will happen when I'm older if I don't get this fixed now. What is the best treatment for this problem?
  • If I have a tear in my meniscus but it isn't bothering me, do I need to do anything about it?
  • It used to be football players with a torn meniscus had the thing yanked out and that was that. Now the players are off the field and out of the game two or three times for the same repair. Why don't they go back to the old way of doing things and stop monkeying around?
  • My doctor has spoken to me about having a partial knee replacement. When is a partial replacement better than a full one?
  • How does a doctor decide what type of replacement to use when you go for a knee replacement?
  • Is it possible to have two knee implants but have them both be different types?
  • My friend has been needing a knee replacement for a long time but his doctor says that because my friend is only 40, he will have to wait longer - that doctors don't want to replace joints so early. That doesn't seem right. Why would they make him suffer?
  • I have read that people who have knee and hip replacements may have to have revision surgeries. What do they mean by that?
  • At what point does the doctor decide to remove the whole replacement if you need a revision of your knee replacement?
  • Is recovery from a revision of a knee replacement longer or shorter than when the knee was originally replaced?
  • What is knee arthrofibrosis? My twin sister has this as a result of a baseball injury to her ACL.
  • I wore a knee brace after ACL surgery and then developed arthrofibrosis. Now the surgeon is recommending manipulation. Will I just be adding insult to injury? Can this really help?
  • Our son was hit by a semi-truck while riding his bicycle downtown. He is going to have a triple ligament repair to his right knee. Donor tissue will be used for that. He will also have bone tissue transplanted to repair the tibial plateau, which was broken. We understand the biggest risk is of infection with tissue transplantation. Just how bad is this problem?
  • I heard that someone was diagnosed with tuberculosis of the knee. How is that possible? Isn't TB a lung disease?
  • I had a knee replacement about six months ago. I never did get the motion back that I was supposed to. The dang thing is still stiff as a board. Will it eventually work itself out?
  • I guess my knee joint replacement didn't take. I don't have enough flexion to go up and down stairs or ride a stationary bike. The surgeon has suggested revision surgery. Is there any guarantee this will make a difference?
  • I've heard that knee replacements only last about 10 to 15 years. With all the improvements in medicine, has this changed in the last few years?
  • In 2001, Mother had her left knee joint replaced. There was quite a fuss about this new LCS system she was getting. Now just six years later, the joint has fractured. How does this happen?
  • How long have knee replacement been done?
  • Why is it harder to design and perform a knee replacement than a hip replacement?
  • How does a doctor decide if he will use the cement or cementless knee replacement?
  • When I was doing research about knee replacements, because I will probably need one in the near future, I read of "polyethylene wear". I assume that has something to do with the implant wearing down, but can you explain what happens?
  • I'm going to have surgery to reconstruct a torn ACL in my left knee. The physician's assistant who explained the surgery to me said something about two bundles that will be repaired. What are these bundles?
  • I'm not a supreme athlete but I do like to participate in recreational sports. During a recent hockey game, I think I hurt my knee. Whenever I try to make a sharp cutting turn now, it starts to aching. And sometimes it feels like it's going to give out under me. Is this something that will heal on its own?
  • When surgery involves taking bone from one place in the body and transplanting it to another, what happens to the hole left at the donor site?
  • I just had a bone graft operation to repair a deep tear in my knee cartilage. I am an avid soccer player. I'd like to get back to the game quickly. The surgeon did not promise a 100 per cent chance of returning to my previous level of sports activity. Is there any way to tell if I will have a full recovery?
  • I'm having surgery to repair a deeply damaged cartilage in my knee. The surgeon is going to take bone from my femur and transfer it to the place where the cartilage has pulled away from the bone. What can I expect for a recovery time?
  • What causes the knee cap to dislocate?
  • Everytime I bend my knee, the knee cap moves over to the inside of my leg. It doesn't hurt but it's weird looking. Is there some brace I should wear for this?
  • I'm training for an iron-man competition that includes running, swimming, and cycling. The problem is I've developed iliotibial band syndrome. Running and cycling activities are becoming more and more painful. What can I do about this to stay on schedule with my training?
  • I'm just entering the world of competitive cycling. I'm not a Tour de France kind of guy, but I would like to do well in my efforts. My problem is that every time I try to bump up my training schedule, I start to get knee pain. What am I doing wrong?
  • Have you ever heard of tenoxicam injection into the knee for arthritis? Is this some kind of steroid?
  • I'm having an acute flare-up of my knee arthritis. I've had those hyaluronic injections once before. It worked pretty good. Should I get another one now that my symptoms are so bad?
  • Can you explain chondropenia to me? I've been told this is what I now have in my knee after a serious soccer injury.
  • Have you ever heard of someone having their leg amputated after getting an infection in their knee replacement? That is happening to our grandfather right now. Why can't they save his leg?
  • My father-in-law has been complaining about a painful knee for months. Since it was a knee replacement, we figured he was just looking for some attention. Turns out he has an infection of the joint. We thought it would just be a simple treatment with antibiotics. But his doctor is sending him back to the orthopedic surgeon for a second opinion. What's that all about?
  • Why is the knee so susceptible to injury?
  • I fell on my knee playing soccer and sprained my PCL. I wanted to play out the rest of the season, so I wore a brace instead of having surgery. It's still a little tender around my knee. Maybe I don't need any further treatment. What's the worse that can happen?
  • After weeks of strange knee symptoms, I was finally diagnosed with a PCL tear. Now I'm scheduled for physical therapy. When can I expect to get back to normal?
  • My daughter is going to have her first baby in about three months. I'm scheduled for a total knee replacement next week. Will I be recovered enough to help when the baby comes?
  • I've been exercising my new knee joint replacement every day for six months. I made great progress at first. But now I don't seem to be making any more improvement. Am I just expecting too much?
  • I have to have my knee replaced, but I don't want to have to have another surgery a few years later. I've heard that sometimes the implants break or don't work. That shouldn't happen, should it?
  • How successful are knee replacements?
  • I've heard there's a surgeon in town who does her patients' total knee replacements (TKRs) using a computer. I'm totally into technology but what's the advantage of this approach? Is it faster? More accurate?
  • Do you think it's safe to have a knee replacement using a computer? What if there's an error in the program? Will I end up with a bum knee?
  • I've been struggling to understand a new problem I've developed. It's called patellofemoral pain syndrome. What causes this? How do I get rid of the pain?
  • My 14-year old daughter is involved in many sports activities at school. Recently, she's developed knee pain that was diagnosed as patellofemoral pain syndrome. What can we do to help her?
  • I'm 19-years old and tore my ACL in a nasty fall playing soccer. I've been given two options: rehab for a month and hope to get back into the game. Or have surgery right away and rehab over several months. There's a chance I could try the rehab and still end up in surgery. How do I decide what to do?
  • Last year I tore my left ACL. I decided to try rehab and avoid surgery. Since I'm not a high-end athlete, this plan seemed to work pretty well. Once in a while, my knee does buckle and give way underneath me. Is there some way to prevent this from happening?
  • I injured my knee in a skiing accident. Now I'm trying to decide if I should keep exercising it or just go for the surgery. The ACL is torn but everything else is okay. I can hop on that leg but sometimes it gives way unexpectedly. That's what worries me the most. What should I do?
  • I am a senior in high school competing for a place on a Lacrosse team. I'm hoping to do well enough to get some scholarship help. The problem is I tore my ACL early in the season. How long can I delay surgery? If I do put the repair off, is it more likely that I'll reinjure myself?
  • I am part of a group of older adults who walk in the mall three or four times a week. I have one painful knee from osteoarthritis. I'd like to walk faster to keep up with the group but the pain is too much. Is there anything I can do about this for myself?
  • My Grandma had arthritis in both her knees so bad, she finally ended up in a wheelchair. At age 45, I'm starting to see myself going the same route. Is it inevitable that I'll end up like her? Can you bypass your own genetics?
  • Have you ever heard of drilling holes in the knee joint cartilage to get it to heal? The surgeon who is recommending this treatment says that it is a well-documented approach. Is this so? How does it work?
  • My doctor is sending me to a large university clinic for a second opinion about my knee. MRI shows a deep tear of the cartilage down to the bone. There's a new way to treat this problem using my own normal cartilage cells. Can anyone have this surgery? Do you have to be a certain age? (I'm only 16 years old).
  • Is it true that damage to the knee cartilage doesn't heal? I think I may have that problem, and I'm wondering what to do.
  • I saw a special on TV about knee injuries. They said that even after surgery to repair the damage, it's still possible to have abnormal motion. And that this can lead to knee arthritis. I had surgery to reconstruct my ACL. How can I tell if this is happening to me?
  • I tore my ACL last year playing basketball. I've heard that it's likely I'll get arthritis in that knee. Is this true?
  • When a doctor uses a rubber hammer to check my reflexes, what are they looking for? Do they want the leg or arm to move or not to move?
  • My orthopedic surgeon tells me there are new ways to regenerate damaged cartilage cells in my knee. I have a choice at our hospital between an operation called microfracture and harvesting my own healthy cartilage cells. The donor cells would be injected into the defective area. Which would you recommend?
  • I'm trying to get away without having surgery for an ACL tear. What are my chances of success with this plan?
  • I've heard that women (or females) are more likely to have an ACL injury. Has anyone figured out why this is so? Both my daughters are actively engaged in sports and hoping for an athletic scholarship to attend college. What can we do to prevent this type of injury?
  • I damaged the cartilage in my left knee playing football. I've had one operation on that knee. It looks like I'll need another soon. The surgeon is talking about doing a cartilage transplant. They'll take healthy cartilage cells and put them in the hole in my bad knee. Will a second operation work okay when it's already been operated on once?
  • I had a pre-screening sports physical exam as part of our tennis team requirements. The examiner mentioned I have kneecaps that point outwards. Is this a bad thing?
  • I notice that our daughter has kneecaps that point in the opposite direction (away from each other). She often complains of knee pain. When I look at our son who is a year older, his kneecaps are pointing straight ahead. He doesn't seem to be bothered by his knees at all. Should we have an X-ray or MRI done to find out what's wrong?
  • I've heard there are designer knee implants now. What's that all about?
  • It seems like all the women in our family who have TKRs have had nothing but problems. The men seem to do just fine. Is this a coincidence or is it true in general?
  • How is a torn ACL repaired?
  • I've had my knee tested by two different orthopedic surgeons. There seems to be a difference of opinion about the extent of damage to the ligaments. One of the surgeons suggested doing an arthrometer test. She showed me the device they use to test the ligaments. Is there really any added benefit to this test?
  • I slipped on the ice this winter and hurt my knee. When I went to the doctor, it was diagnosed as a sprain of the ligament. Now I find out the ligament is actually completely torn. How could they make this kind of mistake in the diagnosis?
  • Back in high school I had a car accident and got a dashboard injury to both knees. I never had surgery or anything, and I've gotten along fine. Now 30 years down the road, I'm starting to get arthritis in both knees. At 47, I'm pretty young for arthritis. So I'm wondering if this is the result of the accident. What do you think?
  • We're trying to help our 23-year old daughter make a decision about surgery. She tore her left PCL in a friendly soccer game. The orthopedic doctor is advising early surgery. Her insurance is just basic coverage. We would have to help her quite a bit. Could she get along okay without having the operation?
  • I'm a high-school soccer player laid up with a torn ACL. I had surgery two weeks ago and I'm on the bench for the rest of the season. What can I do to keep up my strength and fitness without compromising the recovering knee?
  • With the advent of computer technology in medicine, are there plans to use this in surgery such as joint replacements to ensure that the joints are put in as they should be? I had a joint replacement in my knee, which turned out to cause problems because there were issues with the angles after the surgery was complete.
  • When a knee replacement is done, how are the replacements attached to the patient's bone?
  • What's a stress fracture? And how long will it be before I can run again?
  • Our college-aged daughter is a dance major. This semester she had to add a modern dance class to her already tight schedule. Now she's developed shin splints. Should we encourage her to take the semester off before something worse happens?
  • After having an ACL repair, I did my exercises faithfully and wore my brace during activity, and I still reinjured that knee. It looks like I tore the repaired ACL. I thought the brace was supposed to protect me.
  • I had surgery to repair an ACL tear about five weeks ago. Next week is my followup exam with the surgeon. Should I ask for a leg brace or support of some kind? I still feel very wobbly.
  • I just blew out my ACL and I'm sitting on the bench while my team plays out the rest of the basketball season. I'm supposed to wear a knee brace, go through rehab, and then see what else (if anything) needs to be done. Would I get back into the game sooner if I just went ahead and had surgery now? I'm totally willing to do whatever will cut short my time on the bench.
  • I slid on a patch of water tearing my left ACL last week. Because there was quite a bit of swelling, my surgery has been postponed. Wouldn't it make more sense to drain that fluid and fix that knee now while it's newly injured? Why is it necessary to wait so long?
  • I went to see Cirque du Soleil in Las Vegas. I'm just amazed by the kind of body contortions these people can do. Do they take some kind of drug to loosen up their joints?
  • When we were growing up as kids, my younger sister was always double-jointed. As I get older, I notice my joints starting to get stiff. Do people who are double-jointed ever get this way?
  • I had a total knee replacement six months ago. I've been doing my home program of exercises for my knee ever since. I think I may have maxed out because I'm not getting any more motion. Can I stop now?
  • I had a total knee replacement about three months ago. I've had a devil of a time getting my motion back. I'm still having trouble getting up and down stairs or getting up out of a chair. Will I eventually get these back?
  • Our 16-year old daughter is a gymnast and a ballerina. Last year she started developing a painful snapping along the outside of her right knee. Everyone thought she would outgrow it, but it's still there. Now it's starting to affect her performance. What could be causing this?
  • I'm very frustrated because I spent six months in physical therapy and still ended up having knee surgery. I was having a loud and very painful snapping along the outside of my knee. Nothing seemed to help until the surgeon disconnected a tendon and moved it some place else. Wasn't there some way they could have figured this out sooner?
  • I think I might have arthritis in both my knees. How can I know for sure?
  • I've been told that I need to exercise my poor arthritic knees. But how can I do that when they hurt so much?
  • My mother's knee replacement got infected and now it's a huge problem trying to get it cleared up. How can an infection be so hard to cure?
  • When my father's knee got infected, they did a surgery where they cleared out the dead and infected tissue and then bathed the knee in antibiotics. Can you explain how they did that?
  • I tore the cartilage in my knee but I'm not sure what the cartilage does. Is it the same thing as a tendon?
  • My mother had torn a cartilage many years ago and it was removed. Do doctors still do that?
  • My ACL repair didn't hold up very well. It's been less than five years and I'm already needing a new repair. My surgeon tells me this will be a revision operation. What will they do to fix the knee?
  • I had my left ACL repaired two years ago. I just reinjured it playing baseball again. Should I have a second surgery to repair the first surgery? Or should I wait and see what rehab can accomplish?
  • My physical therapist wants to try monochromatic infrared photo energy, MIRE for my knee arthritis. Is it worth doing?
  • I heard my daughter's soccer team say that ACL injuries were more common in noncontact injuries. This doesn't really make sense to me. Doesn't the ACL tear most often with a player is kicked or tackled from the side of the knee?
  • Our son injured his ACL playing basketball. The MRI results showed a superficial bone bruise. What's the significance of that finding?
  • I'm having trouble getting up from a regular kitchen chair. The trouble started when my knee hurt so bad from arthritis. But now that I have a knee replacement, I thought it would get better. Should I just get taller chairs and be done with it?
  • I had my left knee replaced with a new joint. It's taken me a long time to get my strength back. But even with good strength, I notice I'm still much slower than I want to be getting up and down out of a chair or up and down stairs. What can I do for this?
  • I had several iontophoresis treatments done on my knee. I didn't notice any difference in my pain or swelling. I ended up taking drugs (antiinflammatories) anyway. Does this treatment work for some people?
  • I have pretty tight calf muscles. Whenever I try to stretch them out, I just end up stiffer and more sore. What am I doing wrong?
  • I have joint pain from arthritis in both knees. It's hard to walk more than a little ways. Would pool therapy help me?
  • I heard that one of my favorite football players is having surgery for a grade three PLC injury. What is that? Will he be able to play in this next football season?
  • Have you ever heard of a PLC knee injury? My son called from college and said this is what he was diagnosed with. He's had a PCL injury that was treated surgically, so I'm not sure what a PLC is...?
  • Our whole family went out water-skiing over the weekend. Grandpa is 69-years-old and fit as a fiddle. Even so, when it was his turn, he had trouble getting up out of the water and ended up tearing his hamstring muscle. He's had surgery. I'll be helping him with his rehab. What's that like?
  • Three years ago, I injured my left hamstring muscle while skiing. I didn't have insurance at the time, so I opted to treat it with rest and stretching once it stopped hurting. It still bothers me, and there's lots of sports stuff I can't do because of it. Is it too late to have the operation now that I have insurance coverage?
  • I'm trying to decide between the two types of grafts they use to repair a torn ACL. The surgeon gave me the pros and cons for each one. I think I'm leaning toward the hamstring graft. Are there any new studies to show one works better than the other?
  • I had my right ACL repaired surgically 10-months ago. I was told it would be a slow process. I'm okay with that. But I wasn't really expecting it to still hurt after all this time. Will the pain eventually work itself out?
  • Why would having my sacroiliac joint adjusted make my knee feel better? My orthopedic doctor sent me to a physical therapist who manipulated my hip and now my knee pain is much better. I don't get it.
  • I found out the cause of my knee pain is something called patellofemoral pain syndrome. The doctor suggested physical therapy. I'm not sure I can do that because I have limited health insurance. Are there things I can do at home for myself to help with this problem?
  • When I was in rehab for a repaired ACL injury, I heard the various athletes comparing the type of ACL repair they had. The biggest topic was whether or not to have a single-bundle versus a double-bundle reconstruction. I don't even know what I had. Does it really make a difference?
  • I'm going to have surgery to repair a torn ACL in my left knee. I know they are going to remove part of my hamstring tendon and use that in the procedure. But how do they hold the new piece of tendon in place until it heals?
  • What do you think about cartilage implantation to repair a full-thickness cartilage tear in the knee? I'll be donated my own cells for the operation.
  • When I injure myself, I usually heal quickly. But last month I tore the cartilage in my knee plyaing soccer. It's just not coming around. What can I do for this?
  • Our son ruptured his quadriceps tendon skateboarding. The surgeon is suggesting using a new way to repair the problem with suture anchors. I guess it costs more than the regular surgery. Are there good enough reasons to go with this method given the increased costs?
  • Our daughter is a tomboy all over. She has broken more bones than the rest of our kids put together. Her most recent injury was a completely ruptured quadriceps tendon. It's been surgically repaired and she's in rehab. The surgeon told her to move it within a safe range. What does that mean? She's going to need more directions than that!
  • Two orthopedic surgeons have told me that I need ACL surgery. The general feeling I get is that the sooner I have the operation, the more likely I'll have a good result. But they tell me there's no guarantee the surgery will be 100 per cent successful. Why not? Why shouldn't I expect a good result?
  • I am really, really upset over the results of my ACL repair. I tend to have loose joints anyway. But the repaired knee seems looser than the other side. This doesn't seem right to me. Should I complain?
  • Do you think we can reduce the number of ACL injuries in women by increasing the number of leg exercises they do? What works best for this -- leg presses? Squats? Speed drills?
  • I'm the coach for a girls' high school basketball. As we get ready for the next season, what's the latest on these ACL injuries girls seem susceptible to?
  • My sister and I are both soccer and volleyball players. We have the same body type but she suffers greatly from patellofemoral pain syndrome. When we look in a mirror, our knees look the same. How come she has this problem and I don't?
  • I've been having knee pain that starts around my kneecap and goes straight to the back of my knee. Somebody told me it's probably a Baker's cyst. How do I find out?
  • Our daughter (who is now 23-years-old) was first diagnosed with knee problems when she was 14. She's no longer an athlete but still complains of knee pain. Will this bother her the rest of her life?
  • Our high school girls' soccer team took the state championship last year. We'd like to repeat that success this year. But several of our players are on the bench with knee problems. They've been told by the doctor they have patellofemoral pain syndrome. What causes this problem and what can we do to get them back in the game?
  • When I was a teenager, I tore a piece of cartilage clear off the bone in my knee. I had surgery because it was so painful. The surgeon removed the torn fragment of cartilage. Now I have a hole there where the bone is rubbing. It's likely I'll get arthritis. Would I have been better off just leaving the injury alone?
  • We're fairly new parents to the sports world. Our daughter has been in baseball, soccer, and volleyball for three years now. We frequently hear other parents talking about knee injuries being so common among female athletes. Can you catch us up-to-date on what this is all about?
  • Back some time ago, I saw some information on a practice/game warm-up exercise program that was supposed to reduce the risk of ACL injuries in female athletes. What ever happened with that?
  • I am having a cartilage transfer operation for my knee. A piece of cartilage has pulled clear away from the bone leaving a hole that won't heal. The surgeon is going to take some of the good cartilage out of the joint, use it to grow more normal cartilage, and put it back in the hole to help it heal. What's the rehab like for something like this?
  • I had some surgery on my left foot. The surgeon told me to put 20 per cent of my body weight on that foot and leg until my follow-up visit in two weeks. Maybe this is a dumb question, but how do I know how to do that? At 180 pounds, I know that I shouldn't put more than 36 pounds on my foot. But how do I know what that feels like?
  • I've always known my knee is in two pieces but it's never bothered me. Last week, I smacked my knee into a sharp object. Now it's very painful and swollen. Is it possible I broke it into three pieces?
  • I am 14-years old and have a problem called bipartite patella. I'm trying to get on the high school tennis team but the pain keeps me from playing competitively. What can I do to get over this?
  • I fell off the back of a haywagon this summer and landed on my knees. I felt a definite clunk on the left when I stood back up. The doctor I saw could take my lower leg and push it until it clunked again. I've been told this is a sign that my PCL is broken. Is surgery always needed for this problem?
  • My orthopedic surgeon thinks I have a completely torn PCL. They won't know for sure until they do surgery. Don't they have MRIs and other tests that can tell for sure?
  • I just came back from my pre-op visit at the clinic where I'm going to have my knee replaced. They showed me a pump that will be putting pain relievers right into the joint. It sounds wonderful but are there any drawbacks I should know about?
  • Ten years ago I had a total knee replacement. Everything went fine as I remember it. I'm scheduled to have my other knee done now. They told me I would be having a pain pump this time. Do I really need it? I seem to remember getting along just fine without it last time.
  • I was watching the summer Olympics and saw an interview with one of my favorite elite sprinters. He had a hamstring injury during the season and didn't perform well in his event. He told the interviewer the injury didn't affect his run. Do you think this is really true? I had a hamstring injury that laid me up for months.
  • I am a high school athlete in track and field events. My best event is the 400 meter. Last year I pulled my left hamstring. It's really affected my time. What can I do to get back to full speed?
  • We have twin girls on a college volleyball team. The coach wants them to learn some better techniques for their drop jump landings. I confess I was their high school volleyball coach, so I'm feeling a little guilty that I might have taught them some wrong techniques. What's the latest thinking on this landing?
  • I am on the girls' basketball team for my high school. Last week, I worked out at the gym and then played a pick-up game on the court. An hour into play, I landed a jump and tore my ACL. I thought my work-out routine would protect me. What happened? Why didn't it work?
  • When my daughter broke her leg just above her ankle a few years ago, the doctor said that the bones didn't join properly and that the leg bone wasn't straight. How can this happen if it was set? She had surgery on the leg to set it.
  • My children are trying to talk me out of having both my knees replaced at the same time. They say it's too dangerous and too much at my age. I'm 75-years-old but in reasonably good health. The fact that my arthritis keeps me from enjoying life has motivated me to take this plunge. What do the experts have to say about it?
  • My father is going to have both his arthritic knees replaced at the same time. He'll spend about six weeks in transitional care and then go home with help from us. How do they do this operation? Is it one knee at a time or both at the same time?
  • If the surgery is done properly, why would you get an infection in an artificial joint?
  • What are some of the complications you can have if you have a knee replacement?
  • I live in a small town where I am both the high school basketball coach and the sponsor for the modern dance club. I notice the girls on the basketball team seem far more prone to knee injuries (especially ACL tears). The dancers rarely have ACL injuries and their movements are far more complex than the players. What's the take home message here?
  • When I watch sports on TV, I notice a lot of the athletes have a band around their knees or arm. What's that for?
  • I am a runner with chronic patellofemoral pain syndrome. I try not to let this limit my training, but sometimes it's very hard. I've used shoe orthotics, a neoprene sleeve for the knee, and a Cho-pat strap with no change in my symptoms. Would some kind of taping for the knee help me?
  • I am in the ballet corps of a large dance company. I've heard the other girls say that taking birth control pills can protect women from injuries and we should all get on them. Is there any truth to this?
  • I tore my ACL downhill skiing last year. I opted to try rehab instead of surgery. But my knee gives out from underneath me without warning. What do I do now?
  • What is a minor meniscal tear? When is surgery to repair or remove the meniscus needed?
  • I had knee pain for years when they finally figured out I had a torn meniscus. After the surgeon took the meniscus out, I was fine for about five years. Now I'm getting worse pain and swelling than before the surgery. Is this typical? I don't remember being told to expect this.
  • I'm a recently retired Navy officer. Shortly after I left the military, I tore the meniscus in both knees. I'm going to have surgery called a meniscal allograft transplantation. The surgery will be done at a civilian hospital by a civilian surgeon. I'm curious to know what would the rehab program be like for this operation if I had it done at a military hospital?
  • What's the best way to get back my ability to get up and down off the floor? I'd like to play with my grandchildren. But after a partial knee replacement, I just can't seem to make myself do it.
  • Mother is a very strong church member. She goes to services everyday but can't kneel because she's had a partial knee replacement. We thought with this new device, she was going to be able to resume some of her activities like church and gardening. Were we misled?
  • I have patellofemoral pain syndrome. I decided to start training using more single-leg squats, lunges, and single-leg jumps. This only seems to make it worse. What am I doing wrong?
  • I've seen other girls with knee problems but I've never had any myself. But now I'm playing soccer more and it looks like I've got patellofemoral pain syndrome. My Mom said that she had the same thing when she was my age. Is it hereditary?
  • I try to do cross-training whenever I can to stay in shape. But I notice when I run, my knee hurts. If I stick to the elliptical and cross-country machines at the gym, I do okay. I really like running, so what could be causing this to happen?
  • I was training for a marathon when my right knee started hurting pretty bad. X-rays were negative, so I went to a physical therapist for help. She found the problem was in my hip, not my knee. Does this seem right to you?
  • Why are ACL injuries so common? You always hear of some athlete or another tearing his or her ACL.
  • How important is the ACL in the knee? What exactly does it do?
  • My son is gradually taking over the family farm in Nebraska. Last winter he got his leg caught in the auger and nearly lost it. Thanks to his physical therapist, he is back on his feet and working full-time again. I've seen other farmers who never got therapy and it shows. Why isn't this routinely recommended?
  • I've seen three ladies in my neighborhood get a total knee replacement. Then the next year, the other knee went bad. I've been thinking about having my knee done. But I don't want my good leg to go bad on me. The last thing I need is two knee surgeries. Am I right in thinking this could happen to me?
  • My younger brother walks like a duck. Both feet point out rather than straight ahead. I keep telling my parents to take him to the doctor. I'm afraid he's going to wear out his knees walking like that. Am I right?
  • I'm scheduled for surgery in two days to repair a fractured tibial plateau. There's a pretty big hole in the bone they won't be able to fix without a graft. I may have a choice between taking bone from my hip and using a special powder substitute. I'm doing a quick Internet search to see which is better. What can you tell me?
  • My surgeon has suggested doing a new type of procedure to repair a big hole in my knee cartilage. It's called ACI. Everything I've read suggests this is a great way to go. Are there any downsides to this surgery?
  • Six months ago, I had a cartilage transplant in my knee. The surgeon scraped normal, healthy cells from in side my joint and used them along the back of my knee cap where I had a big defect. I'm still having more pain than I think I should. Is this common? How long should I wait before seeing my doctor again?
  • My father had some kind of acid injected into both his knees. They didn't think it was going to take, but after the third treatment, he was back to square dancing and bowling. He says he couldn't be better. What kind of acid can reboot the knees like that and how does it work?
  • Everyone seems to be doing these Core Exercises I hear about. They are mostly for your abdominal muscles, right? Would they do anything to help me with my knee pain from patellofemoral pain syndrome? My soccer game really sucks when my knee hurts.
  • I was comparing notes with a friend who is on my volleyball team. We are both being treated for the same problem (patellofemoral pain syndrome). Her treatment seems to be completely different from mine. But we're both getting better (we think). That doesn't seem to make sense to us. Can you explain it?
  • I strained my hamstrings muscle doing high kicks in a dance performance. How long should I wait before rejoining the group? Our showcase recital is coming up in three weeks. I really don't want to miss it.
  • I've heard it's not really necessary to stretch and warm-up before going running or playing tennis. Is this really true? I always thought it would help me keep from pulling a muscle or something.
  • I am a very active, athletic 54-year old. I've been trying to strengthen my knees because I'm starting to get painful knee arthritis. So far, my efforts haven't done anything to improve things. Why not?
  • What is a slipping knee? I read on-line that my favorite football player has this type of injury.
  • I got hit by a bicycle while crossing a busy street and broke my wrist. It wasn't until later that I realized my knee was bunged up too. The X-rays were normal, but it still hurts. So now I'm going to see an orthopedic surgeon to find out why it keeps clunking. How do they tell what's going on if there's nothing on X-rays?
  • I dislocated my left kneecap playing tennis on a wet surface. I had arthroscopic surgery to cut the band along the outside of my knee. This was supposed to keep it from pulling the kneecap out of place again. The surgery was done right away, so I thought I'd have a good chance of recovery. Instead, I've re-dislocated it three times. Why didn't the operation work like I thought it would?
  • What's the fastest way to recover from a kneecap dislocation? I've got a marathon coming up that I don't want to miss.
  • My daughter dislocated her knee in a motorcycle accident. The surgeon is waiting to see if there are any signs of nerve damage before doing any more surgery. She told us there are electrical studies that can be done to help identify any loss of nerve function. Why are we waiting? Shouldn't this testing be done sooner than later? What if we wait too long and it's too late?
  • My elderly father fell last week and dislocated his knee. Given Dad's age and general health status (poor), the surgeon doesn't want to do surgery unless it's absolutely necessary. I can't quite figure out why we have to keep taking Dad in for tests and more tests. If they aren't going to do surgery, what's the point?
  • I've been training and competing the last three years in speed walking. Then last month, I started to have buttock pain whenever I try to increase my pace. It's sharp pain and there's tenderness right over the sit bone. Sometimes it goes all the way down to the middle of my thigh (on the back side). What could be causing this and what can I do for it?
  • I am a kicker for a college football team. I'm only in my second year, so I hope to have a few more good years on the field. However, I've started to develop what the team physician calls hamstring syndrome. I'm seeing a physical therapist, but the doc said I may need surgery. What kind of surgery would they do for this problem? And how successful is it?
  • I'm 51-years old and very active physically. I've had a bad hole in my knee cartilage that the orthopedic surgeon agreed to repair with a cartilage transplantation. It didn't take the first time, so we tried it again. Now, I have too much cartilage growth so they have to do another revision surgery to scrape the extra lump of cartilage away. I was warned my age could be against me. Do younger patients have any of these kinds of problems?
  • Have you ever heard of cartilage transplants for knees in older adults? I'm not ready for a total knee replacement. I thought maybe I could have one of these transplants to help delay the full knee surgery but my surgeon says I'm too old. Is this really the case? Are these transplants only for young people?
  • What's the best way to chart my progress and improvement during rehab for an ACL injury? I know what I want to get out of the program, but I don't know how to tell if it's happening.
  • I'm very unhappy by the way I'm being treated (or not treated) at the sports medicine clinic I'm going to. I have a knee injury that I'm getting rehab for. Every time I complete the level of program I'm on, they remeasure me. But it's always range-of-motion and strength. No one pays any attention to the fact that I still can cut corners or pivot while playing basketball. How do I get some help here?
  • I want to try recovering from an ACL tear without surgery. Since I'm on a soccer scholarship, the surgeon advised me to come back in four weeks if rehab doesn't work. If I'm getting better, could I go longer than the four weeks? What's the magic in that number?
  • I bunged up my knee but I want to finish the football season before having surgery. I know there's a chance it could get worse if I reinjure it. Can I delay the surgery and still play?
  • When surgeons talk about the stability factor in ACL surgery, what are they referring to exactly?
  • Is there any real advantage of having an ACL repair using a double-bundle graft? My brother's surgeon did a single-bundle graft on him. My surgeon is suggesting a double-bundle for me. It sounds good -- double the strength? But does it really deliver?
  • I'm an older athlete (78-years old), but still very active running marathons and participating in iron man competitions in the seniors division. I've had a bum knee for a couple of years now because of degererative changes in my knee. The doctor tells me there are holes in my knee cartilage. Can something be done for this problem? Is my age against me?
  • I'm trying to help my brother get some information. He had a bad cartilage tear that went clear to the bone. They did some kind of surgery to repair the problem. Something like a patch of new cartilage was placed over the hole. But it didn't work -- there's just soft scar tissue there now, so the knee is still unstable. What are his options now?
  • My son is an Olympic hopeful in figure skating. He was out playing hockey with some friends and suffered a deep injury to the knee cartilage. We've taken him to several surgeons who have suggested different ways to repair this problem. They all seem to have their pros and cons. What do you think of the one where they take your own cartilage and use it to patch the hole?
  • I had a cartilage implantation in my left knee. The donor cells came from a healthy part of the joint cartilage. Everything seemed to go fine with the surgery. I had three months of rehab and now -- I have more pain than before the operation. I'm really discouraged. What's next for someone like me?
  • I had an ACL repair last week and can't believe how many people tell me they had the same thing done. Most of them were surprised that I'm not wearing a brace. Should I be?
  • Our 16-year-old son had an ACL repair last week. He was given a knee brace to wear but says he can't keep it on, so he doesn't wear it. What should we do? How important is it really to wear the thing?
  • We just got a fax from the surgeon who evaluated our daughter saying she has a torn ACL and it is nonrepairable. Surgery is advised. If it's not repairable, what do they do in surgery? Just remove the torn parts?
  • Thirty years ago, I had a partial ACL injury. I opted to avoid surgery and just do the rehab program. Of course, over time, I stopped doing the exercises. And I'm no longer involved in competitive sports, so my activity level isn't what it used to be. I always wondered if I made the right decision. What's the current thinking about this type of injury and the way to treat it?
  • I have a pouch of swelling along the back of my knee. It doesn't hurt except when I press on it. Should I see a doctor? Do I go to my regular doctor or see an orthopedic surgeon?
  • I saw the physician's assistant for an evaluation of knee pain and swelling in my right knee. It started right after I got knocked over by the neighbor's dog chasing my dog. She did a good exam, but no X-rays or MRIs. Should I ask for these tests to be sure?
  • You know how when you're just about to have some type of surgery, people come out of the woodwork to tell you horrow stories about that operation? Well, that's happening to me. I decided to have a total knee replacement and now I'm hearing about people who ended up with an amputation and other who died on the table. Are these stories really true? How often does this kind of stuff really happen?
  • They tell me if I get a total knee replacement that it's likely to last about 10 to 15 years. The surgeon showed me at least half a dozen samples of implants that are available. Is there one that has the best track record?
  • Why is it so important that the doctor found a positive pivot-shift test during arthroscopic surgery that wasn't there when I was awake? That was the justification for doing a ligament reconstruction surgery when I thought I was just having it scoped, repaired, and on to rehab.
  • What's a partial tear of the anterior cruciate ligament? Either I tore it or I didn't, right?
  • My 82-year-old father is hale and hearty and insists on getting a knee replacement despite his age. The surgeon is willing but says Dad must see a dentist first and get some help with personal hygiene. What does this have to do with knee surgery? Is it just a way for the surgeon to put Dad off a bit longer and hope he'll change his mind?
  • My husband is carefully examining the bill for the total knee replacement I had earlier this month. He's noticing that the surgeon ordered intravenous antibiotics to prevent infection. We knew about this ahead of time. But there's also a charge for the cement that was used because it had antibiotic mixed in with it. If I was on antibiotics already, why was this extra step needed?
  • Oh boy, Mom got an infection after her knee replacement surgery. It looks serious enough that she may need surgery. What can we do to help her avoid this? Is it even possible?
  • It looks like I have a slight infection in my incision from knee replacement surgery. It's only been two weeks since I had the operation. I'm inclined to wait and see if it clears up without taking the antibiotic the doctor prescribed. Do you think that's okay?
  • I'm 31-years old and already have signs of serious arthritis starting in my knee. The docs have already told me I'm not a good candidate for either the full joint replacement or the half-replacement that's out now. They've suggested a high tibial osteotomy instead. This sounds a little scary. Should I go for it?
  • I just came back from seeing an orthopedic surgeon about treatment for my knee arthritis. She suggested a high tibial osteotomy (HTO) and ticked off a bunch of reasons why this approach is a good idea for someone like me -- I'm a 44-year old active, busy, adult with the start of painful knee arthritis. Everything went by so fast. Could you tell me again what are the advantages of this kind of surgery?
  • I'm in the military and on an intramural soccer team. I dislocated my kneecap in the last game. The physical therapist suggested trying a knee brace and doing a rehab program for six weeks. But this will keep me off duty and out of the game. If I had surgery to fix the problem, would I get back on my feet sooner?
  • Can you tell me what happens if you dislocate your kneecap? I did this two years ago and so far I seem fine. But every now and then, I get painful twinges in that knee, and I wonder if I'm getting arthritis or something. Does that happen very often?
  • My surgeon has started talking to me about possibly having a knee fusion. I'm way too young for a joint replacement. But I'm also in way too much pain to keep on like this for another 20 or 30 years. I have heard that some people love their fusion and others hate it. What are the ups and downs of this operation?
  • Years ago, I fell and broke my kneecap and the upper part of the tibia. They didn't take the kneecap out. Instead, they wired it back together. I still have the wire and two screws (holding my tibia together) in place. Over the years, arthritis has set in that joint. I'm thinking it's time to see a doc for a joint replacement. Will I have much trouble with that?
  • Can you tell me a little about osteonecrosis of the knee? I was diagnosed with this condition after developing knee pain and swelling for no apparent reason. What causes it? Why did I get it?
  • My wife developed a bone condition called osteonecrosis after having arthroscopic surgery for a torn meniscus. I'm thinking about getting a lawyer and suing the surgeon. Would I have a case?
  • My wife and I both had an ACL reconstruction by the same surgeon. In fact, our surgeries were only two weeks apart. She hurt herself playing tennis. My knee just went out from under me. I don't really know what happened to cause that. She seems to be doing much better than me. She has more motion and can do more than I can. Do women usually recover faster than men after ACL surgery?
  • I have worked my tail off in rehab but I'm still missing the last five-degrees of knee extension after ACL surgery. The therapist wants me to keep at it until I get closer to the motion in the other knee. Does five degrees really make that much difference?
  • My doctor keeps telling me that exercise is the best medicine for my knee arthritis. But exercise just makes me more sore. What should I do?
  • My surgeon said I might be a good candidate for a half-knee joint replacement. She called it a unicompartment. Just what is it about my knee that makes this alternative choice possible?
  • My cousin says she had a unicompartmental knee replacement that didn't work out very good. She's suggesting I just skip that option and go right for the full knee replacement. She's had hers a good 10 to 12 years. Have things improved enough since then that I can give it a try?
  • I'm trying to figure something out about my daughter. She's an extreme sports athlete but ruptured her ACL and had to have surgery. She says she wants to get back into sports, but I don't really see her making any effort to do so. Is there something we can do as parents to help her?
  • I was out walking the dog and stepped off the curb wrong. I tweaked my knee but good. There's swelling and tenderness along the inside joint line of my left knee. I know I'm not a candidate for surgery because I did this once before and the surgeon told me I'd have to lose 100 pounds before he would operate on me. What can I do to keep from hurting myself again?
  • I seem to have pretty loose ligaments. It makes me more flexible than the average person. But I'm also involved in a lot of sports activities. So I'm a little worried about getting a knee injury. Some girls on my volleyball team are wearing a knee brace just in case. Does this really work to prevent knee injuries? Should I get one, too?
  • My insurance has run out before my rehab is done for an ACL reconstruction. I'm still not at a level that I can get back into action as an athlete (I'm involved in several sports). What do I do now?
  • My husband's doctor wants him to take antibiotics before he goes in to have a revision of his knee replacement (it's breaking down) and also after for a week or so, whether or not he actually has an infection. I've been doing a lot of reading and I know we're using too many antibiotics too often and that's why we have superbugs. My husband hates to take medications of any kind and he refused to take the antibiotics. The doctor said he couldn't operate then. Isn't it my husband's right to refuse the antibiotics?
  • I strained my right hamstring muscle playing soccer during practice. The coach wants me to sit out for six weeks to be sure I'm completely better and avoid a re-injury. But that's almost to the end of the season. Is this really necessary?
  • I've heard a lot about how younger patients can get knee replacements sooner than later now. I was told that most implants last 15 years (or more). I'm seriously thinking about going for it. What happens to the folks whose knees don't hold up?
  • I'm a little disappointed with my knee replacement. I thought at age 59, I would be able to get back to all my former activities (golf, tennis, horseback riding). But that hasn't been my experience at all. I still have a fair amount of pain (less than before surgery but it's not all gone) that limits what I can do. Should I have expected less?
  • Our 15-year-old son is an avid snowboarder. When he isn't out snowboarding, he's in the back yard practicing on his home made jumps. Unfortunately, he was just diagnosed with OCD of the knee. No more snow boarding or practice for a while. How long does it take to get over this problem?
  • If you have a torn ACL and damage to the joint cartilage, should you have both repaired at the same time? Or do one and then have the other fixed later?
  • I have a torn ACL and a small piece of joint cartilage that has come loose but is not detached. The surgeon thinks the cartilage will heal on its own. I keep thinking I should have surgery to repair both problems at the same time. What's the thinking on this kind of knee problem?
  • It looks like I'm wearing down the inside edge of my knee. At 44, I'm too young for a joint replacement. The surgeon explained that an osteotomy might work well for me. Are there any reasons why I shouldn't do this?
  • What's the difference between an open wedge and a closed wedge osteotomy? The surgeon explained it to me, but I don't think I caught it all on the first go-round.
  • I've been diagnosed with a hamstring tendinopathy. I understand how I got it (overstretching and overuse before, during, and after running long distances). What I'm wondering is what actually happens to the tendon to cause so much pain and tightness?
  • I am involved in high school soccer and participate in track and field in the sprinting events. I started developing chronic buttock pain from a hamstring problem. I've tried everything I know to rehab the thing. Is it too drastic to ask them to just cut the tendon and be done with it? Would I still be able to run?
  • You can imagine our heartache when I tell you our teenage son was involved in a gang-related incident that left him with a gunshot wound to the knee. The surgeon was careful to get all the bullet fragments out. Is there still a chance he could get lead poisoning?
  • I had a simple arthroscopic surgery on my knee and ended up with chronic pain, swelling, and burning of the skin around the knee. Will this go away? How long does it take?
  • Years ago, I had a car accident and knocked both knees into the dashboard. My knees never worked the same but I got along okay. Now my doctor tells me I damaged both my posterior cruciate ligaments with that accident. I've been told I should have surgery but I've done fine so far. Is there really any reason to do this?
  • I've heard of anterior cruciate ligament tears. But what's a posterior cruciate? My favorite hockey player is out because of this kind of injury. How can they tell what kind of cruciate injury has occurred?
  • Have you heard of the miserable malalignment syndrome? Can you tell me what it is and what can be done about it?
  • I'm not sure what happened, but my leg gave out from underneath me and I think my kneecap dislocated. It was way off to one side. When I pushed on it, it snapped back in place. Except that it's terribly sore, it seems okay. Do I need to go see a doctor or will it heal on its own?
  • I have a severe case of patellofemoral arthritis in one knee. The surgeons have hemmed and hawed over the years about what to do for me. As the pain increases, I've become more disabled. I'm ready to do just about anything. What are my options?
  • Years ago I was told I had chondromalacia of the knee. I eventually had to give up competitive sports because of it. It went away over time, but now I notice a lot of creaking sounds from that knee. Is my chondromalacia coming back?
  • I'm 59-years-old and in good health. I guess you could say I'm part of the group they call the worried well. I worry that there won't be Social Security for me when I need it. I worry that I'll get arthritis in my one bum knee. I've already heard there won't be enough knee replacements to go around should I need one in the next 10 years. Will all the new focus on health care reform, is anybody doing anything about these problems? That's what I want to know.
  • I am a senior involved in the Senior Olympics. I was always a runner in my younger years. So, I'm going to train for a half-marathon and I'm looking into ways to prevent running injuries for myself. I read in a runners magazine that I'm most likely to injure myself during the stance phase. I don't remember any such term from my previous years of running. Could you please explain this to me?
  • My brother and I are having an ongoing argument about the difference between boys and girls in sports. I maintain that girls who injure their ACL (like I did) get back to sports just as quickly as boys with the same injury. Of course, he is sure that if he had the same injury, he would have already gotten back into the game while I'm still in rehab.
  • What's the best way to recover after a knee replacement? Is there a limit on how much exercise I can do?
  • I have a torn meniscus in my left knee. I've been to see my orthopedic surgeon who recommended surgery to remove part of the cartilage. But from what I've been reading on-line, it sounds like the current treatment is to preserve (not remove) the meniscus. Is my surgeon steering me in the wrong direction?
  • I'm pretty bummed that my knee surgery to repair a torn meniscus didn't work. I still have knee pain and can't be as active as I would like. What do I do now?
  • I have a posterior horn detachment of the medial meniscus. I feel proud of myself that I can get that all straight on paper, but what does it really mean (besides the fact that I have knee pain)?
  • Okay, so I finally got a diagnosis for my knee pain: avulsion of the posterior horn of the medical meniscus. I saw the MRIs and the surgeon showed me how the meniscus is oozing out from inside the joint. I understand I can go the surgical route or take a more conservative approach with activity modification and physical therapy. Which do you recommend?
  • I waited a long time to have surgery on my knee for a deep hole in the cartilage. Maybe I waited too long because when they put tiny holes in the damaged area to get the blood going, it didn't take. When my pain wasn't any better, the surgeon went back in and saw that there wasn't enough healing. Am I at the end of the line for treatment? Bite the bullet and just suffer?
  • There are three little holes in my knee cartilage that are small but go clear to the bone. If I don't have these treated will they get worse?
  • I tore my left ACL completely in a weird accident while out folfing with my kids. Since I'm not really all that active (and I am admittedly overweight), the surgeon recommended physical therapy instead of surgery. I'm wondering if this is really the best thing for me. Maybe I should just have it repaired and be done with it. What do you think?
  • My knees seem to be kinda wobbly. I never know when they are going to go out from underneath me. Are there some exercises I can do to get them back in shape? Quite frankly, I'm worried about taking a fall.
  • Mother seems to be awfully stiff in the mornings. Once we get her up and moving, she seems to do much better. She does have some knee pain, but it's the stiffness that really holds her back. What can be done about this -- anything?
  • I was always a good athlete, involved in year-round sports activities even after high school. But now I've got a bunch of tiny holes in my knee cartilage that really seem to bother me. I've looked into various options and it seems like surgery is my next step. What can I expect for future sports participation after I recover?
  • I'm actively searching the Internet for information about autochondrocyte implantation. It looks like that's in the cards for me. It will be my third knee surgery for damage to the knee cartilage. What can you tell me about this operation?
  • Years ago I remember DMSO was all the rage for arthritis. I didn't pay much attention back then and I haven't heard a whisper about it since. But now that I have started having arthritic symptoms in my knees, I thought I'd check it out. Is there anything to this stuff?
  • I'm starting to be bothered by my knee arthritis more and more. Up until now, I've been able to manage with just Tylenol. Should I bump up the dosage on my Tylenol or switch to ibuprofen?
  • Last week I had a procedure called osteochondral transplantation. Basically, the surgeon took a plug of bone and cartilage from one part of my knee and moved it to fill in a big hole along the place where I put the most weight. I guess they ended up using three bone plugs instead of one because of the size of the hole. I was only expecting to lose a little of the normal cartilage and bone for this graft. Will having three plugs make a difference in my recovery?
  • I'm 47-years old and in a bit of a bind. I reinjured my left knee while out hauling rocks for my garden. I haven't had any trouble with that old injury from years ago until now. I put off having surgery back then. I was young enough to rehab the ACL tear. But what about now?
  • Help! I tore my ACL mountain biking last week. I'm supposed to have surgery but I'm also getting married in six weeks. I don't want to walk down the aisle on crutches or wearing a brace. Can I put the surgery off until after the honeymoon? Will waiting two months make a big difference?
  • Can you tell us what chondrolysis is? All we know is that our 21-year-old daughter has this after a previous ACL injury. It's putting an end to her basketball career.
  • I'm not a super athlete but I do like to compete in several areas such as soccer, cross country, and tennis. I notice whenever it's soccer season, I seem to have the most problem with my patellar tendon. I keep tweaking it and it never heals all season long. This doesn't happen with any of the other sports I engage in. Can you help me figure out what I'm doing wrong?
  • What's the best treatment for chondrolysis of the knee? I've been diagnosed with this problem and I'm searching for some solutions. It may be related to an ACL repair I had done two years ago.
  • If my Q-angle is off, do I need surgery to avoid injuries or arthritis? My coach thinks my Q-angle is messed up and that's why my leg is so unstable.
  • I'm a "young" 67-year-old, with knee arthritis but not ready for the knife yet. And only one side of my knee is a problem anyway, so I'm not looking for a joint replacement yet -- not even those half joint replacements my surgeon told me about. I've seen other folks even older than me wearing a knee brace while out on the golf course or tennis court. Would anything like this help a guy like me?
  • What can you tell me about recovery after surgery for a chronically dislocating kneecap? How long will I be laid up? Will I need to use crutches? Will I be able to drive? I'm not in terrible shape, but I'm not exactly a running back either.
  • I'm not one to leap without looking first. So, I'm looking into what other people have to say about braces that older adults can wear who have unicompartmental arthritis (that's what I have). I understand these come in a standard off-the-shelf variety or for more money, I can have one custom made. What do you recommend?
  • I've been newly diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis. I've been on-line all day looking for some sound advice. There's so much out there, I don't know where to start. What do you advise?
  • I was limping along (literally) for quite a while before my doctor examined me and said I have a torn medial meniscus in my knee. I'm a senior citizen and no athlete. How did this happen? I'm not involved in any sports or athletics of any kind.
  • I didn't want to sound like a dummy in the doctor's office but what's the big deal about repairing a torn meniscus instead of just cutting it out? It's killing me and I just want it gone. The surgeon insists that we must try and save the cartilage if at all possible. I'm 66-years old and I'm not planning any marathons.
  • I need a little advice. I'm 42-years-old and I tore my ACL skiing. I'm pretty much ready to hang it up anyway, so I'm wondering if I really need to do all the exercises the therapist has given me. I just don't want to work that hard but I'm a little embarrassed to say so.
  • I probably should have asked this question before I had surgery, but how well does the microfracture method of knee cartilage repair work? Will it last the rest of my life? (I'm 44 years old).
  • I've been going to a rehab facility for training after having an ACL repair on my left knee six weeks ago. I'm very eager to get back into full sports participation (I'm on the volley ball team and cross country in college). I notice my therapist does an entirely different program with me than the other therapist in the clinic does with her patients. I'm wondering if I'm in the better group -- or if the other type of therapy would advance me faster. How do I go about finding out?
  • Are there any exercises that can help me regain my balance when I stumble? I had a unilateral knee replacement (implant goes just on one side) about six months ago and I'm having the most trouble with this.
  • I'm wondering something about a unilateral knee replacement. It's been almost a year since I had this procedure done on my right leg, and I still can't go up and down stairs easily. Will this gradually get better?
  • If I have the surgeon do a microfracture procedure on my knee, how will I know if it takes?
  • I thought I had a successful ACL repair until I landed back in the hospital with an infection. I ended up having a second surgery. Does this happen very often? I have several friends and acquaintances who have had this same operation without any problems.
  • I've heard that the younger you are when you have ACL surgery, the worse the results. Why is that? I'm 23, need ACL surgery, and want the best results possible.
  • My neighbor has knee arthritis real bad. She asked me for advice about getting steroid injections. I've never tried them for my arthritis. I seem to get along just fine with tylenol or sometimes ibuprofen. But I told her I would check with you since I find all my other information here. What do you recommend?
  • I watched as my sister got a steroid injection into her knee at the doctor's office. I'm a little doubtful that they can really know the medication is going into the knee. Shouldn't they be doing this with some kind of X-ray or something?
  • I've been told I'm a good candidate for a meniscal transplant. I've also been told the failure rate is fairly high (one-third). Is it worth taking a chance on for a bum knee with no meniscus on one side and arthritis starting to develop? I'm only 41 and very active.
  • I had to have the meniscus removed from my left knee due to severe damage. I've been told about the dangers of arthritis developing. Can anything be done to prevent this?
  • I work with athletes at the college level (usually freshman just coming into our program). I notice our students have a lot of knee pain after the first semester. The training schedule is much more rigorous than they were used to in high school, so that might be why. I did some digging around and found that military cadets (also at the freshman level) seem to have fewer of these problems. What are they doing in their training that might make a difference (something we could do, too)?
  • If I have patellofemoral pain syndrome because I have flat feet, will orthotics take care of the problem?
  • I just came back from my first physical therapy appointment for a problem with my knee cap. I guess it's in three pieces (two large and one small) because it never fused together like it's supposed to. The therapist gave me a knee brace but I forgot to ask how that's going to help. What can you tell me?
  • Have you ever heard of the snapping knee syndrome? I'm trying to find out more about it.
  • I think I'm allergic to steroid medications. I've had two bad skin reactions so far when I had my knee injected for arthritis. Now I'm going to have the joint replaced. The surgeon mentioned using a steroid injection during the operation. Will it be okay if it's inside the joint away from my skin? Can I get by without the injection?
  • I am having a knee replacement next week. I'd like to avoid polluting my body with drugs and get by with as little medication as possible. My surgeon says my wishes are important but insists that pain control is even more important. I'm not sure if I should say anything more or just give in on this one. What do you recommend?
  • I am a dance instructor teaching the foxtrot, tango, two-step, and waltz to all ages. My own dance career was cut short by a knee injury that quickly degenerated into arthritis because of a knee alignment problem on that side. I thought maybe I needed a knee replacement. But the orthopedic surgeon I saw suggested cutting a piece of bone out of my leg -- something called an osteotomy. How will this help my problem? I don't get it.
  • I'm getting ready to have an osteotomy surgery on my right knee to correct an alignment problem that's causing arthritis on the inside of my knee. I can't believe all the tests I've had to have for what I thought was a fairly simple procedure. Is this all really necessary?
  • I'm getting ready to have a big hole in my knee cartilage filled in with some healthy cells harvested from normal cartilage in the same knee. I've been told it takes four-to-six weeks to grow enough cells to fill a hole this size. I've been looking on-line to find out what the long-term results are of this procedure. Everything I read seems pretty positive. Are there any downsides to this treatment?
  • I'm learning about the different ways damage to the knee cartilage can be repaired. I think I understand how they work. I'm just not sure how to decide which method to choose. The damage in my knee is too much for the repair process with microfracture. My options are either a transplant of a bone plug or implantation of cartilage cells. Is that right? And how do they decide which one to use?
  • I have two medium-sized holes in the joint cartilage of my left knee. The docs have recommeded surgery to repair the problem. They say it should be done sooner than later. How long do I have before I reach the point-of-no-return on this?
  • Is it ever too late to have surgery for a hole in the knee cartilage? I'm 43 and too young for a knee replacement but is there something else they can do for this before my entire knee is torn up with arthritis?
  • Our 14-year-old daughter was involved in figure skating. She ended up with an ACL tear that required surgery. Despite our concerns, she went back to practice before she was done with the rehab program. Now the surgeon says the knee is too loose. Is that just a coincidence, or could it be because she disregarded all advice to wait on returning to the ice?
  • When I was in my 20s, I tore up my anterior cruciate ligament pretty bad. After surgery, I ended up with a wide, wrinkly, ugly scar that measures eight inches long. I'm almost 40 now and I recently saw my son's friend's knee. He had an ACL repair last year. You wouldn't believe the two tiny, thin scars he ended up with. How are they doing this surgery now anyway?
  • I had a very nasty run-in on my bicycle with a semi-truck. I ended up with a severely dislocated knee. The surgeon told me I would probably end up with a total knee replacement sometime soon. Is there any way to delay or even prevent this from happening?
  • I dislocated my knee and had surgery six weeks ago to repair the damage. I've been told to expect additional operations in the future. What can I expect in terms of a final result?
  • What is the difference between a total knee replacement and a unicompartmental knee replacement?
  • Why would someone need a revision surgery after having a knee replacement? What can go wrong?
  • I saw an orthopedic surgeon for a knee problem I've been having. She and her partner both think it might be a meniscal tear. They are suggesting and MRI and possible an arthroscopic exam. I'm undecided how far I want to go with this. What do you suggest?
  • I'm 66-years old and in good health but I've got a bum knee from an old meniscus tear. I've tried to avoid surgery but the dang thing hurts so much, I can't walk more than two blocks. Should I go ahead and have it taken out?
  • I'm looking into having ACL reconstruction surgery. I've never had surgery of any kind before, so this is a big deal for me. The one thing I keep seeing is the fact that there can be graft failure. I definitely don't want to go through all this only to have the thing fall apart. How often does this happen? Is there any way to avoid it?
  • What's the best way to go when having an ACL reconstruction: patellar or hamstring graft?
  • I had surgery yesterday to repair a ruptured quadriceps tendon. I'm in a special brace that holds my knee in some flexion but I was told by my surgeon that I could put as much weight on it as I want to. Now I'm seeing the hospitalist before being discharged and being told not to put any weight on it at home over the weekend until my physician sees me next week. Whose orders do I follow?
  • Is it possible that older adults fall because they tear a muscle rather than the other way around? I am sure I felt a tearing sensation just below my knee before it gave out. I fell and then couldn't get up. But everyone says I tore my tendon because I fell. I can't prove them wrong but in my heart, I know what really happened.
  • I'm a little nervous because I hurt my knee and have to have it tested in case I need surgery. The physician's assistant who first saw me after the injury said I might have posterior and lateral instability -- not the typical anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) knee injury. Now I have to see an orthopedic doctor. What can you tell me about this kind of injury and what kind of tests will be done?
  • I'm scheduled to have surgery on my knee that I've put off way too long. I first injured it two years ago and since re-injured it six weeks ago. That's why I finally dragged myself back to the doctor's. I guess the inside of the knee is fine -- it's the ligaments along the outside edge that are shot. I'm not a competitive athlete but I do like to jog, play tennis, and get in a few pick-up games of basketball over the lunch hour each week. What are my chances for getting back to that level of activity again?
  • My 18-year-old son is in need of some knee surgery. Looks like he blew out his ACL while playing basketball and rehab isn't going to be enough. The surgeon laid out all of the different choices -- hamstring tendon graft, patellar tendon graft and choosing from using his own tissue or going with a donor bank. I'm clear on all of that. But what's best? And for an athlete who wants to go on to sports in college, what's the fastest for recovery time?
  • Please help -- I am completely freaked by the fact that my new ACL is infected. Will I lose it? What will happen if I do?
  • I'm looking into every aspect of a procedure I might have on my knee. It's called autologous chondrocyte implantation. What can you tell me about this operation? Does it hold up over time? In other words, how long will it last for me?
  • I think I'm having buyer's remorse or something like that. I had surgery for a small-sized but deep hole in my knee cartilage. The surgeon filled it in with my own cartilage cells taken from another part of the knee that's more protected. The deed is done but I'm worried I made the wrong decision to have this surgery. What do you think?
  • My cousin and I are seeing the same surgeon for two different knee problems. She has a torn ACL and I have a hole in my knee cartilage. She's been scheduled for surgery right away. But it seems to me like I have a much worse problem than her. I have way more pain and more trouble even walking. Yet the surgeon is dragging her heels to fix it. Should I look for a different doctor?
  • I've had two surgeries so far for a full-thickness cartilage defect in my right knee. The results have been disappointing. I have constant pain, can't walk without a limp, and definitely can't do any of the fun things I like (gardening, dancing, bowling). I am seriously ready to have the leg cut off. Someone suggested a knee replacement. Would something like that work?
  • I think I have a mild hamstring tear. The X-rays didn't show anything, so I've been told to just give it some time and let it heal. I'm worried I will end up with a worse injury if I don't treat it right -- but I don't know what that is exactly. Can you help me?
  • I read somewhere that stretching the hamstrings doesn't really prevent injuries. But I feel better and more flexible when I do these stretches. If stretching doesn't prevent hamstring strains and sprains, what does?
  • I had some blood work done that showed an elevated amount of metal in my blood. The doctor thinks this is from a long metal nail I have in my thigh from a severely broken leg I got years ago in a car accident. Is this something to be concerned about?
  • I had a patellar tendon graft to repair a torn ACL in my left knee. I never realized how often I use that knee when kneeling down to clean, pick something up, or look for something under the furniture. It's been nine months and it still hurts too much to lean on that knee. Will this problem eventually clear up?
  • X-rays of my right knee taken five years after ACL surgery are showing the start of some arthritis in that knee. I don't feel any pain or stiffness. Is it just a matter of time before I start to have symptoms?
  • I've heard that even with surgery to repair my torn ACL, there's a big risk for arthritis later. Is there any thing I can do to avoid this?
  • I confess I didn't do what my therapist told me to do after my ACL surgery. I did what I had to in order to get by, but that was it. I'm regretting that decision now because my knee is tight and I'm getting hip and back pain I didn't have before. I'll go back to PT and see if I can get it straightened out but I thought your readers might listen to a warning from someone who didn't listen in the first place.
  • My father broke his leg just above his knee. The surgery was a problem because he had had a knee replacement a few years before. The surgeon said that this limited what he could do to fix the break. Why is this?
  • How do doctors repair bones that have been shattered?
  • I overheard my surgeon telling someone that they can expect more blood loss when a cementless implant is used for a total knee replacement. I have a cementless knee implant but I don't remember anyone mentioning blood loss. What causes this problem?
  • Mother is having a knee replacement in two weeks. We've been asked as a family to donate blood for her surgery. Do patients really lose that much blood with a knee replacement?
  • My mother tore her knee cartilage in a car accident a long time ago and it still hurts her. She had physio after but the therapist said the cartilage doesn't always heal well. Is this true?
  • I think I may have torn a cartilage in my knee. What are the symptoms?
  • My 16 year old son is a long-distance runner. He started having a lot of knee pain and his doctor said it was Runners Knee. The only treatment was rest. What is it and is there nothing else he can do? He's missing on good training time.
  • If you have pain in your knee while exercising or running, is it best to walk it out until it doesn't hurt or stop altogether?
  • Okay, I am finally ready to hear the bad news. Tell me how long it will take to get back on the football field. I'm 16, play defensive end, and have a torn meniscus. Coach isn't making any guarantees -- just saying, We'll see how rehab goes.
  • Six years ago I had a cartilage transplant to my left knee to fill in a hole that had developed. Now that knee is starting to bother me again. How can I find out what's going on with that repaired cartilage?
  • I have what's called a full-thickness tear in the cartilage covering my knee joint. The surgeon says it's like a pothole in the road. They can can do an operation and take some of my healthy cartilage and patch it up nearly as good as new. But after thinking about this, I'm wondering if it's anything like the potholes I see around here. They last for a while but traffic going over them just wears away the patched material. Will that happen to my repair as I continue to use that knee?
  • I went to the surgeon expecting a new knee joint and I came out with a recommendation for something else called an osteotomy. This is supposed to save my joint and put off joint replacement for another 10 years. What can you tell me about this operation?
  • I'm looking into the possibility of putting off a knee replacement by either having an osteotomy done or going for a unicompartmental knee replacement. Which one is a better choice?
  • I have a painful knee from damage to the cartilage. This isn't the meniscus, it's the layer next to the bone. I went shopping for knee surgery and it was worse than being at the grocery store: too many choices! What do you recommend?
  • It looks like our son is going to need a cartilage transplant to help his left knee heal. They will take some of his own good, healthy cartilage and plug it into the big hole he has on one side. As parents, our question is: will this hold up? And for how long?
  • I had an MRI that showed a grade III (ruptured) medial collateral ligament of my left knee. I'm concerned because the surgeon wants me to go to PT for rehab and I'm thinking I really need surgery. Is this recommendation what other surgeons would agree with?
  • I am the captain and team goalie for our local high school ice hockey team. I just had surgery to reconstruct the ligament on the inside of my knee. It's the off season so I have some time to work on a rehab program but practice begins in another two months. Will I be able to get back on the ice by then?
  • Mother is having a revision surgery on her knee replacement. Evidently it has cracked and come loose both. What's involved in something like this?
  • It looks like I might have an infected knee -- and darn it if it isn't the one that has a joint replacement in it. I have an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon tomorrow. What should I expect?
  • Mother complains and complains about her aching arthritic knees. We can even hear them creaking when she stands up after sitting for awhile. Her doctor keeps telling her to stay active and exercise. But how can she do that when she hurts so much?
  • I've just been diagnosed with a mild case of knee osteoarthritis (both knees). X-rays show some joint narrowing and the start of some bone spurs. My symptoms are pain worse in the afternoon and evening. I start out okay in the mornings but by noon I'm starting to get stiff and achy. What can I do to keep from getting worse?
  • I'm 72-years old but going strong -- still play tennis twice a week and get out on the golf course an equal number of days most weeks. The problem is my left knee has a hole in the cartilage that's been there at least 10 years or more. My young grandson had some kind of surgery where they put new cartilage cells in the hole, patched over the top, and he's good-as-new. Could I qualify for this kind of procedure?
  • My regular orthopedic surgeon sent me to a specialist who does cartilage implants. They can use my own cartilage cells to make more and then fill in the hole in my knee joint. But when I went to the specialist, I was told I also need another surgery to realign my knee joint. How do I know this new guy isn't just trying to drum up more business by saying I need two surgeries instead of one?
  • I'm weighing the pros and cons of having surgery for an unstable (pretty loose) knee. The surgeon is proposing reconstructing the torn ACL and repairing the meniscus. I've been told that without this operation, I could end up with early arthritis and eventually need a total knee replacement sometime down the road. How do I know that won't happen anyway with or without the surgery?
  • Ten years ago, I tore my right ACL. I didn't have insurance at the time, so I waited five years before I had the necessary surgery to repair the problem. Everything seems to be working out but I always wonder if that long of a delay will make a difference in the end.
  • I am a 20-year-old competitive athlete in gymnastics. I probably have one or two good years left in me competitively except for one thing: I have a serious hole in the left knee cartilage that needs repair. I'm wondering if my sex (female) and my sports participation in gymnastics are in my favor or against it for healing naturally versus having surgery.
  • I had a procedure called a mosaicplasty to plug a hole in my knee cartilage. I'm not sure it really worked. It's been six months and I still have pain and swelling in that knee -- enough to interfere with my ability to walk, run, and hike. The surgeon who did the procedure has suggested an arthroscopic exam for what she calls a second look. I'm undecided -- is there really any value in this?
  • Please help! Our son just came home from football practice on crutches. He has a lump behind the knee and can't bend or straighten the leg all the way. The coach told him to ice it and just rest. We're wondering if he needs to go to the emergency department now. Is this something that can wait until morning when the clinic is open and his regular doctor is available?
  • I am a hockey player with an unusual injury -- rupture of the distal hamstring (the semitendinosus portion). Would surgery early on get me back on the ice sooner? It's been two weeks since I hurt myself. We're in the off season so I have a little extra time but not much.
  • I am an American rugby player with a big hole in my knee cartilage. I was surprised to find out that the latest repair technique for this problem is available in the U.S. but not approved by the FDA. Is it safe? Should I go to Europe to have this surgery done?
  • Can you give me a summary of what's happening with cartilage repair for knees these days? I have what's considered a full-thickness defect in the joint cartilage of my right knee. For a while I was keeping up with information (mostly from the Internet) because I thought I might need surgery. But I've put it off long enough now that I'm having to start my investigation over again.
  • I was all set to go on a Sunday bike ride with a group of friends when I got THE call -- Mom fell. Dad didn't know what to do. We got her to the hospital and into surgery for a broken leg. The bottom end of her thigh bone was busted into three or four pieces. I found out after the fact that she has a titanium nail through the bone to hold it together. Is there anything special we should know about this kind of hardware?
  • This might sound funny but I'm doing my homework after the fact. My 72-year-old father had surgery over the weekend for a broken leg (just above the knee). Surgery included the use of a metal plate and screws to hold it all together. What can you tell me about the different types of hardware used for leg fractures in 70 year olds?
  • If I have an operation called an osteotomy to fix my crooked knee, is there any guarantee this will keep me from needing a knee replacement? That's the impression I'm getting from what I can find on-line.
  • I'm 57-years-old, newly retired, and still going strong. But I have a problem with painful arthritis in my left knee that is holding me up. Only the side of the knee closest to the other knee is affected. Knee replacement has been suggested but I know these don't last as long as I hope to live. What can I do to delay replacement?
  • My doctor keeps telling me that the research shows activity and exercise is the ticket for early osteoarthritis of the knees. When I exercise it hurts more so how can this be helpful?
  • I had a knee replacement nine months ago and I feel so great, I'm ready to take on the world! After years of sitting and watching other guys my age play a game of pickup basketball, ski on the weekends, and play golf, I'm finally able to join in. Is there anything special I should know before I jump in on some of these activities?
  • I was out hiking with an Audubon group and happened to compare my knee replacement surgery with another guy's. He had the standard full-length incision three months ago and looks great. His incision is healed beautifully and he has enough motion to kneel and get up and down from a log on the trail. I had the minimally invasive approach six months ago. My scar looks just as long as his and I still only have 90 degrees of knee flexion. I thought the minimally invasive approach was supposed to be better.
  • I've been told that with the new minimally invasive knee replacements, there's less blood loss, a lower risk of infection, and faster discharge from the hospital. I'm all for that! But my sister (who had the same surgery last year) has since found out that there really isn't a difference between conventional versus minimally invasive knee replacements. Is that true?
  • I'm getting the impression that when you have a torn knee meniscus, it's always better to have it repaired, rather than removed. What are the success rates with meniscal repair versus removal?
  • I'm looking at having surgery done to repair (or possibly remove) the meniscus in my right knee. They think only the inside edge is damaged but we'll find out after they take a look. What kind of therapy program will I be expected to follow (if any) after surgery?
  • I tore my anterior cruciate ligament doing something as simple as gardening. The doctor thought it was probably ready to go and almost anything could have caused the rupture. I'm older so I've put off having surgery to repair it. Is that a mistake -- does it even matter exactly when the surgery is done?
  • What's the skinny these days on the best way to reconstruct a torn ACL? Should I go with the patellar graft or the hamstring graft?
  • I was in a car accident and ended up with what they told me is an uncommon knee injury called a posterolateral corner. I like to play competitive sports (basketball, hockey, soccer, volleyball). Nothing in the major leagues -- just locally in my area. Will I be able to get back to these activities once this heals up?
  • I injured my knee about a month ago. The MRI showed damage to the posterolateral corner. What can I expect if I don't have the surgery recommended by the doctor?
  • If I lost weight, would it have any effect on my knee pain? I've been told I have something called patellofemoral pain syndome. I'm 16 years old and probably 65 pounds over weight.
  • I'm the only one in a family of eight children who has a knee problem called patellofemoral pain syndrome. We are all involved in sports of some kind. What am I doing wrong that I have this problem but no one else in the family does?
  • I was with my elderly aunt when she tore her knee meniscus. She was just crossing the street with me and pop goes the weasel! The doctor says these things can happen just like that but there must be a reason. Do you know what is really going on?
  • I have a torn meniscus in my left knee. Had an MRI to confirm it so I know it's for real. Question is: can I avoid surgery and just do some kind of knee exercises until it heals on its own?
  • How does someone get a bone bruise without an injury? That's what my doctor thinks I have going on in my knee. But although I play a lot of sports, I haven't been knocked down or injured that I know of.
  • What's a bone bruise and how significant is it? We've got a 15-year-old soccer player (our son) on the bench with an ACL tear and bone bruise and he's not happy about it.
  • I'm just surfing the web trying to figure out what's causing my knee pain. It's right along the back of my knee on the side closest to the other knee. I can put a finger right on it. There's a tendon or ligament or something there. It hurts the most when I squat or go down stairs. Do I need to see a doctor?
  • I was just diagnosed with semimembranosus tendinopathy. Strange name. What's the treatment for this problem?
  • I'm just back from the orthopedic surgeon's office and ready to do some research. My left knee has a hole in the cartilage. That's what's been causing all the pain. I gather there are all kinds of ways to treat the problem. What I got from the information so far is I can either have it repaired or they can replace the cartilage. What works best?
  • I've been told the surgical procedure I'm about to have was first done in 1994. I think that was meant to reassure me that it's been around a while. But that's only about 15 years, so I'm not thinking that's really very long at all. Is it really safe? Does it really work? Oh, the name of the procedure is autologous chondrocyte implantation (for the knee).
  • I'm feeling a little abandoned by my surgeon. After months of caring for my leg that was torn up in an attack by a bear, now I've been turned over to the physician's assistant and the physical therapist. Is that normal? I'm wondering if I said or did something wrong.
  • My 33-year-old son was involved in a bad motorcycle accident. He really got hurt bad. I don't understand with all the injuries he had to his knee why they haven't operated on him yet. It's been almost a week now since he's been in the hospital. What's the hold-up?
  • I had my ACL repaired two years ago and just reinjured it again. I wasn't doing much of anything when it happened...jumping on a soft trampoline with my daughter when I felt the 'pop'. My surgeon wants me to try physical therapy for a few months. If that doesn't do the trick, I can have surgery again. Can they really repair this a second time?
  • Maybe there's no answer to the why me question, but I'm still going to ask anyway. Why didn't my ACL reconstruction hold? Within the first year, the graft failed and now I'm scheduled for a second procedure. What are my chances that the second one will take?
  • I'd like to have some objective measures to show how much I've improved since having an osteotomy for my knee arthritis. What do you suggest?
  • What do you think of the surgery called osteotomy as a stop-gap measure for me? I want to avoid having a knee replacement. I only have arthritic changes on one side of the joint and I'm only 52-years-old.
  • I just found out that I have a condition called osteochondritis dissecans. Even though most guys who get this are in their teens, I'm 29-years-old and just coming down with it. The doc wants to do surgery right away. I was in such a panic, I left his office without asking more questions. What's the hurry on having surgery right away?
  • Our 17-year-old son is going to have surgery for a condition called osteochondritis dissecans of his knee. Despite all efforts, he just hasn't healed. Next year he will go off to college. Would it be better for him to have screws put in that are biodegradable? We're just not sure how or when he'll be able to have the metal screws taken out again.
  • As a family, the three adult children of our family are searching out information about knee replacements. Both our parents need at least one. Dad may need both knees replaced. My job is to find out more about the "what-can-go-wrong" side of things. What should we be prepared to face if something should go south?
  • I'm a med-surg nurse with 10 years of experience, but I've been at home raising kids the last five years. Next week I start a new job in a specialty clinic for joint replacements. My first "training" week will be in the total knee section of the center. Can you tell me what kind of changes have taken place since I've been out?
  • I was trying to get in the back of my Dad's pick-up truck when I felt a pop in my knee. I had my foot up on the tailgate with my knee fully bent. The pop occurred as I started to straighten my leg to hoist myself up. It swelled up right away. I'm in the ER with my parents waiting to find out if I need surgery. They said it is a sleeve knee fracture. What would happen if I didn't have an operation? Could I heal on my own? [Sent by my Blackberry].
  • What is a sleeve fracture of the knee? We just got word that our 11-year-old grandson had a skateboard accident and is having surgery for this problem.
  • Is it true that if I have an ACL repair, I'll automatically get arthritis in that knee?
  • I might need an ACL repair job. The tipping point in deciding is whether or not I want to continue playing sports hard. I'm just a recreational athlete, so it's not like I'm losing millions of dollars by not playing. Can you offer me any information that might help me?
  • I'm a decent soccer player and I like to join in Intramural basketball. My problem is that I keep dislocating my left kneecap. I've tried exercise, taping, yoga, and kinesiotherapy but nothing keeps it from popping out. I'm back to the drawing board on this one. What's next?
  • What is a medial patellofemoral ligament injury? And how is it treated?
  • I just got the news that my knee pain is from osteoarthritis. I'd like to do whatever I can that doesn't involve drugs or surgery for as long as possible. What do you suggest?
  • My head is spinning with the pros and cons of grafts for ACL repairs. Should I use my own tissue? Do I have a patellar tendon or hamstring tendon graft? Can you distill it down for me?
  • What can you tell me about ACL reconstruction surgery? I'm just starting to look into the details as I'm probably going to have this operation. I understand all about the two different graft choices. What's the latest skinny on these?
  • I'm looking into the various ways holes in the knee cartilage can be repaired. My surgeon recommended something called ACI for me even though I'm considered over the age limit for this surgery. Why are older adults less likely to be considered for these procedures?
  • I had a total knee replacement six months ago and still can't bend that knee enough to tie my own shoes. I went back to the surgeon and she gave me some options: manipulation, clean the joint out using a scope, and possibly even take the implant out and start over. Which one of these choices is the best one for me?
  • Mother had a full knee replacement but still has a terribly stiff knee. Can anything be done about this?
  • I've had two stress fractures over the past six months -- one in my foot and one in my shin bone. The doctor has put me off all activities that could cause pain (mostly weight-bearing). But that is having a terrible effect on my training schedule for the Boston marathon next spring. What else can I do that won't interfere with the fracture healing but still keep me in shape?
  • Dad is 77-years-old and still driving much to our dismay. Now he's had a total knee replacement and says his doctor told him he could drive again after 10 days. With the new HIPAA rules, there's no way we can verify this. Are there any guidelines for driving after knee replacements?
  • Mother had a knee replacement four weeks ago and insists she is perfectly capable of driving now. We are equally willing to take her wherever she wants to go and whenever she wants to go. What can we do to slow down the speed at which she wants to move after a major surgery like this?
  • I had a partial knee replacement last year. But within six months, the thing had come loose and I had a bone fracture just above the implant in the tibia. I'm wondering if the surgeon had used a different brand of implant (there were three to choose from) if I would have had a better result.
  • Please help me out here. I'm looking at a knee replacement for my left knee. I have two choices: a full knee replacement or just replacing the inside half that's worn out. I've read all the pros and cons of both and still can't decide. Can you offer any reason why I should choose one over the other?
  • I have been told the inside edge of my right knee is wearing out faster than the rest of the knee. I'm probably headed for some severe arthritis and would like to head it off at the pass, so-to-speak. What are my options here?
  • I think I'm having something like "buyer's remorse" -- you know, where you buy something and then regret the purchase. What I "bought" was a surgery called high tibial osteotomy for my knee arthritis. I only have the arthritis in one knee and only on the half of the joint closest to the other knee. Now I'm wondering if I was too hasty. What if it doesn't work? Maybe I should have just had the knee replaced. I don't know -- I'm in a big muddle in my mind. What do other people think who have this procedure done?
  • I've been told that if I have a patellar tendon graft to reconstruct my torn ACL, there could be problems with kneeling later. I'm not Catholic and I don't kneel to pray at home, so I'm not sure this will really be much of a problem. What do other people say?
  • I know you have answered this question before, but would you review it again for me? Which graft technique works best for ACL injuries: the patellar tendon or the hamstring tendon? The last time I researched this question, I wasn't really ready to have surgery. Now I am, so I'm rechecking to see if anything has changed.
  • I need a little honesty here. I had an ACL reconstruction surgery that failed. The graft just ruptured one day and my leg went out from underneath me. No one seems willing (or able?) to tell me why this happened. I will have another surgery to fix the problem but I'd like to avoid this if there's something I did wrong. And to be honest, if it's some kind of pilot error, I'll be shopping around for a different surgeon. How can I figure this out?
  • I've been told both by my orthopedic surgeon and the physical therapist that I can rehab my torn ACL without surgery. Does this hold up over time? Will I have to rehab it for the rest of my life?
  • Have you ever heard of knee dyplasia? I could find lots of information about hip dysplasia but nothing on knee dysplasia. This is what I've been told is wrong with my knee and why I can't keep the kneecap from popping off sideways and dislocating.
  • We are very frustrated because we have spent a great deal of money trying to help our daughter with a chronic knee problem. The problem is her left kneecap keeps popping off the to side (dislocating). Nothing she has tried has worked: taping, bracing, exercises, electrical stimulation, medications, etc. Are there any other choices left?
  • Okay, so we've heard all the dire warnings our son's surgeon has given us about resting and avoiding activities that hurt his knee because he has osteochondritis. But really, we have an older son who had the same problem and he ignored all his surgeon's advice. He gutted through the pain and came out fine in the end. So how can we convince the younger son to do as the surgeons says, not as his brother did?
  • I have pain along the outside of my knee, swelling, and sometimes the knee locks up on me or gives way from underneath me. What is causing this?
  • What can you tell me about knee pain from an unstable tibiofibular joint? It's at the top of my knee, not at the ankle. I guess those bones can be unstable at either or both ends. I just have knee pain along the outside of my knee and it's been diagnosed as tibiofibular instability.
  • I am going to take the plunge and have radiofrequency heat treatments to my knee. I talked with three other patients who had had this done and they were all very pleased with the results. No one reported any problems after the surgery. If there were complications, what might they be?
  • I have knee pain from osteoarthritis so bad, I would consider a leg amputation at this point. Anything to stop this constant, unbearable pain. Of course, no surgeon will do this for me. I am so tired from the pain and not sleeping at night, I am irritable with my family and depressed. Can you offer me any possible solutions?
  • Everything I read says I should be back on the playing field within a year of my ACL repair. But here it is 15 months later and I'm still not at full speed. Do other athletes really make it back sooner or is that just a carrot they put out before us as incentive?
  • Nine months ago, I had an ACL repair of my left knee. Despite the tests that show my strength is good enough to return to jumping, twisting, and pivoting, I just don't feel confident that my knee will hold up. How do I get past this problem?
  • I'm going to have a fancy reconstructive surgery on my knee. It's called a femoral-fibular graft and reconstruction. The surgeon told me there will be certain activities I'll have to avoid. Is this forever or just during the healing time?
  • What can you tell me about an operation called a femoral-fibular posterolateral reconstruction for the knee? I've been told not to worry and that this is a common procedure used to restore stability to the knee. But I'd still like to know a little more before deciding if I want it or not.
  • I'm doing a little research on my own before having ACL reconstructive surgery. I've found that the "failure rate" for this operation can be as high as 20 per cent. That seems way too high for me. Should I be concerned?
  • Do you think it matters whether or not I have my ACL reconstructed using my own tissue as opposed to using donor tissue? I've heard all of the pros and cons but just can't decide.
  • Our daughter dislocated her knee cap for the first time while sliding into home plate during her first slow pitch soft ball game of the season. We are in an uproar in our house about what to do. She wants to get right back in the game. The orthopedic surgeon is saying six weeks of a brace or splint first. How is this kind of injury handled by other doctors?
  • I have dislocated my left knee twice now. Each time it has popped right back in so I haven't had any surgery -- just a brace and physical therapy. Based on what you know for other people with this problem, what happens now?
  • I have been routinely icing my knee for patellofemoral pain syndrome. I do the icing as prescribed by my physician before and after my knee exercises. But sometimes I forget and I really don't notice any difference if I do (or don't) use the ice. Can I just quit using it?
  • Do you think laser therapy might help my patellofemoral pain syndrome? Someone else I know had this treatment and just raved about it. What can you tell me?
  • My granddaughter has a knee problem she calls PFPS. I don't know much about it but she says it's because her hip is weak. Well, I saw a physical therapist and she gave me some elastic bands to use that cured my hip pain. Would something like this help my little Anna and her PFPS?
  • I see people at the gym using elastic tubing of all colors to exercise their arms and legs. Where can I get some of this and what color should I buy? I think I'd like to try it for my knee. I do have some pain from weakness that just doesn't seem to go away using the machines.
  • I am watching the DVD the surgeon gave me after doing knee surgery on me to fix a torn ACL. There's quite a bit of time taken up looking for a "ramp lesion." Evidently, I don't have this problem but there was nothing said to explain what it is. Can you tell me what the surgeon was looking for and why?
  • I've always prided myself in being just a little different from the rest. But sometimes I wish I was just a regular joe. In the most recent chapter of my life, I fell down the stairs and tore my left ACL. Since I didn't go in right away for surgery, I ended up with an unusual tear of my meniscus called a "ramp" tear. How often do these happen and why did I get one?
  • I am a gymnast at the college level. While doing a lateral spagat (split) in the air, I tore the gracilis muscle of my hamstring. I've heard this is a pretty uncommon injury. What did I do wrong to get this injury? What can I do to keep from getting another injury like it?
  • My physician thinks I tore the gracilis muscle of my hamstrings. I guess this is a fairly unusual injury. No one seems to know how to rehab it -- or if I can keep training while recovering. Can you shed any light on this injury and how to handle it?
  • I am a soccer player who does double duty by playing rugby as a "weekend warrior." I don't want to trash my knees playing rugby because soccer is really my first choice of activities. Is there any benefit to wearing one of those hinge-braces?
  • How is it possible to strengthen muscles to take the place of a torn ligament? I went through a three month rehab program for a torn MCL that worked like a charm. But I still don't get how a muscle can do the job of a ligament.
  • I know there are no real guarantees with surgery. But what can you tell me about having an osteotomy for half-knee arthritis? Will it do any good? Can I really get some new cartilage to grow on the damaged half with this operation?
  • I am going to take a leap of faith and follow my surgeon's suggestion to have an operation on my knee called a high-tibial osteotomy (or something like that). Can you tell me in a little more about how my knee joint knows to start making its own cartilage cells after this kind of procedure?
  • What's the best way to treat housemaid's knee? I'm afraid I have a bad case of it from playing with my grandchildren on the floor.
  • Dad is a smoker, drinker, and overeater. The surgeon has warned him these are all important factors that could lead to an infection after knee replacement. He still insists he wants a new knee (without doing anything to clean up his act). Should the surgeon really be allowed to give him a knee replacement if he's going to get an infection? Should we try and stop this?
  • Despite being very careful with handwashing and not shaking hands with anyone, I think I've developed an infection in my knee. I had a knee replacement six weeks ago so I'm worried that's what's happening. How can I know for sure?
  • I tore my left ACL during a downhill snowboard accident. I've heard that once the ACL has been injured, there's always an increased risk it could happen again. Is there any way to keep this from happening?
  • I'm doing a little research for myself on the Internet. I blew out my ACL last season and went through a pretty extensive rehab program. But I want to make absolutely sure I'm really ready to get out on the basketball court and not have to worry or think about that knee. Are there any special tricks I should know about?
  • I'm not much of a sports fan but sometimes I see basketball players wearing a band around the knee. What's that for? And is there any difference between the different colors (I've seen black and white ones so far).
  • How does the strap work that athletes wear around their knees? I'm not an athlete but my knees hurt and I'm wondering if something like this would help me.
  • Can I speed up my recovery after ACL surgery using electrical stim? I used it once before for something else and it seemed to help.
  • When I was a kid, they used to say that special Ked sneakers could help you run faster and jump higher. Well, now they have a special device I can rent after knee surgery that's supposed to do the same thing. It's called a Kneehab. How does this work (and does it really work)?
  • Our 16-year-old daughter injured her knee in a skiing accident. We went the conservative route trying to avoid surgery but it looks like there's more going on than we thought at first. Why is it so difficult to tell what's really wrong with the knee? We got a different opinion from everyone who saw her.
  • Our 16-year-old daughter injured her knee in a skiing accident. We went the conservative route trying to avoid surgery but it looks like there's more going on than we thought at first. Why is it so difficult to tell what's really wrong with the knee? We got a different opinion from everyone who saw her.
  • I tweaked my MCL playing soccer. Then I re-injured it enough to go see a doctor. I was told it would heal on its own and to give it some time. I'm just checking things out and wondering if this is really the best advice. Should I wear a brace? Will I need surgery?
  • When I was 16, I tore the medial meniscus in my right knee playing basketball. I had to have it surgically removed. I've had knee problems ever since. Now my 17-year-old son has done the same thing playing football. Will he be doomed to arthritis like his old man?
  • What can you tell me about the use of the new computer-assisted knee replacement surgery? I'm going to need a knee replacement in the next little bit. Is it worth it to seek out a surgeon who is using this modern invention or is it still a bit early in the game?
  • I know people are upset about how many things we buy are made in China. But it does seem like they are ahead of us in some areas of technology. I just heard a report that the Chinese are doing knee replacements with computer programs because they can get better implant alignment. Is anything like this being done in the United States?
  • I'm looking into the use of blood injection for my knee problem. I've heard there are lots of potential uses for this type of therapy. How about for an ACL tear?
  • I'm 84-years-old and hope to see the sun shine another 20 years at least! Two years ago, I had a unicompartmental knee replacement for one-sided arthritis. I'm still having such pain and difficulty walking, I want them to either put a totally new joint in there or just cut the leg off. How do I convince my doctor this implant isn't working?
  • I'm going to have to change out my half-knee replacement for a full replacement. What kinds of problems can develop during this change over?
  • Maybe I'm having my "mid-life crisis" but at age 50, I started motocross racing and I just love it. But some of the runs leave my knees really talking to me. I notice other riders wearing knee braces. Is this something I should look into?
  • After tearing my ACL when landing a high-speed jump during an off-road motorcycling event, I decided to start wearing a brace on that knee. I see on the Internet that there are quite a few to choose from. Which one do you recommend?
  • I'm reading up on the results of treatment for meniscal tears because I had one that was repaired arthroscopically five years ago. I'm just checking to see how long they think this repair job will last me. I found that different studies report success rates that vary from 70 to 90 per cent. How do they tell (really) whether the meniscus is holding up or not?
  • Years ago, I had an odd type of meniscal tear. It was the back outside corner of the meniscus in my left knee. I also blew out my ACL in the same knee at the same time. It's been 10-years and that knee is a little bit stiff (compared to my uninjured right knee). Did I make a mistake by not having the surgeon repair the torn area? The end-point where it attached wasn't torn -- the tear was just between the main body of the cartilage and the place where it attached to the bone.
  • I'm trying to put together the pieces of my own knee problem. So far I know I have a problem with the kneecap tracking up and down properly over the knee. The pain I'm having while going up stairs, squatting, or running has been diagnosed as patellofemoral pain syndrome. It looks to me like the muscles around the painful knee are smaller than the other leg. Is that what's causing this problem?
  • Our 16-year-old daughter was just diagnosed with patellofemoral pain syndrome. This is all new to us. What can you tell us about this? Was she born with it and we are just now finding out because she's so active? Or is she doing something wrong in her exercise routines that have brought this on?
  • Have you ever heard of someone getting osteonecrosis from an arthroscopic surgery? It happened to me but I can't find out much information about it.
  • What can you tell me about a knee problem called spontaneous osteonecrosis? This is something a family member has developed. We're all concerned and wondering how it started, if it's contagious, and what will happen to our family member who's got the condition.
  • I have knee pain from a condition called patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). I'm seeing a physical therapist who has tested me and put me on an exercise program. One of the tests was to step down from a stair and back up as many times as possible in 30 seconds. I could only do it 10 times. What's normal?
  • I've been following the research on exercise and patellofemoral pain syndrome (which I happen to have). I see they are now saying I need to strengthen the muscles around my hip, not just the knee. Can I do these at the same time or do I need to complete one set of exercises before I start another?
  • I saw a report on a health show that showed how many people who have an ACL tear (which I had surgically repaired) also have bone bruising. Why is that such a big deal and how do I know if I had it?
  • Is it possible to have a whiplash injury to the knee? I heard that term somewhere. What would that be?
  • To resurface or not to resurface the knee cap. That is the question. I'm having a knee replacement with the option of replacing the back of the knee cap. Should I do it? Or not?
  • I've already had a knee replacement. And my pain is better. I can do more now than I could before the operation. But I'm disappointed because I still have pain along the front of my knee. The surgeon thinks it may be coming from the kneecap, which wasn't changed during the first surgery. I could have a second surgery to resurface the patella but is it worth it?
  • I'm having trouble deciding about whether to have knee surgery. I'm only 18 but I have an ACL tear from a basketball injury). Right now, that's all it is (nothing else is damaged). So I have two options: surgery right away before anything gets worse or rehab and wait to see if surgery is really needed. If it is necessary to have surgery, I can do it later but at a risk of reinjury in the meantime. What should I do?
  • I'm an orthopedic surgical nurse. I notice a lot of guys of all ages coming in these days for ACL repairs. Are men more likely to have these injuries or just more willing to have surgery? I know women are participating in sports and susceptible to ACL tears. I just don't see them in our operating room.
  • What do you think about injections or iotophoresis for chronic patellar tendinopathy? I'm checking out every possible treatment option that doesn't involve surgery.
  • I just moved from college sports to the professional world of basketball. Now I'm sidelined because of a chronic knee tendinopathy. I'm searching the web for any kind of treatment that might speed up my recovery. What do you know that might help me?
  • Have you ever heard of someone with an ACL injury being called a "noncoper"? That's what I was referred to as today and it sounds like criticism to me -- like I failed someone. Is that what it means really? I thought I'd ask someone before I go off obsessing about what seems like a put down if it's not.
  • I have an ACL tear that we are going to try and rehab and avoid surgery. I'm scheduled to see a physical therapist for "strength training and perturbation activities." I get the strength part. What's perturbation?
  • I can't believe I did this at my age (I am 57 years old), but I went on a zip line at an amusement park with my grandkids. When I landed against the pad at the end, I hit so hard, I felt something snap in my butt. Turns out I completely ruptured my hamstrings where they attach to the pelvic bone. I'm giving myself six weeks to see if it gets better on its own. What are my chances for a full recovery?
  • I'm doing a little research for myself before having a knee replacement done. I've heard that there are some surgeons who don't let their patients experience any pain and those patients do the best. It does mean using a lot of drugs but I'm okay with that. What's the procedure for this?
  • My wife had a total knee replacement two weeks ago. We thought we were prepared for the pain but we were wrong. She has been so sick with intense, intense pain and vomiting so bad we are both up all night long night after night. Is this really how it is for everyone?
  • Have you ever heard of someone having a knee dislocate out from underneath them? I saw it happen at a party last night. The guy was plenty overweight but still -- can that happen to just anyone?
  • What is the treatment for a knee dislocation in someone too large to have surgery? That's the case with my brother-in-law who is 400 pounds overweight and just recently had his knee collapse underneath him.
  • What does it mean to have ACL reconstructive surgery with "independent drilling." This is the term my surgeon used when dictating her report on me. The surgery is next week and I won't see the surgeon before then to ask so I thought I'd check with you and see what you can tell me.
  • Can you help me understand something about my ACL repair? The surgeon says the graft is "intact" but my knee is still unstable. What's going on?
  • Our college-aged son plays soccer and hockey for his school. Last winter he injured his knee and was told he could rehab it without surgery. Doesn't look like that was sound advice. A second opinion (six months later) showed from the MRIs that there is a torn cruciate ligament and damage to the back and side corner of the knee. What happens now? What treatment will be needed?
  • I am a cement mixer for a large construction company. I had a bad injury to my knee while on the job that is going to require some surgery. Doc says it's a cruciate ligament rupture with damage to the posterolateral corner of the knee. How long does it take to recover and when might I expect to be back on the job?
  • Is it possible to get a meniscus replacement like you get a knee replacement? Mine are shot and I heard that having them removed is a bad idea.
  • I think I'm going to have a knee replacement soon but I'm still just a little bit cautious about something this major. And my sister had a knee job done and ended up having it removed and another one put in. She had something they called osteolysis. She was osteoporotic and I'm not but I'm still not sure I won't get this problem. What do you think?
  • I had a knee replacement six months ago. Everything is going fine but suddenly my surgeon wants to take X-rays and order a CT scan. Is this really necessary?
  • I am a physical therapist and a big fan of aquatic (pool) therapy for my postoperative patients. I recently had an athlete referred to me for rehab following cell-therapy for a serious cartilage defect of the knee. I'm looking for any information I can find about the use of aquatic therapy with a patient like this.
  • I'm an athlete with a big problem. I have a deep hole in my right knee joint. I've opted to have a procedure called chondrocyte implantation. I'm trying to find out what happens after surgery. All I know is that I'll be in physical therapy for at least two months. Can you give me any more details than that?
  • I was an active physical therapist once but I've had a family and been out of commission for years. One of my teenage sons has iliotibial band syndrome. I used to know how to treat that but many things have changed in medicine. What's the latest treatment for this problem? I might still be able to offer some help.
  • I've heard you can have surgery for a chronic iliotibial band syndrome. Please tell me more. I think I may be headed in that direction.
  • I know smoking is not good for you. But it is an addiction and one that I can't seem to break. The reason this is a problem right now is because I have a huge hole in my knee joint cartilage. The surgeon assures me this one won't go away by itself and that I need treatment. A knee cartilage transplant has been recommended. But when I went on line to look at this procedure, there were warnings about failed surgeries in smokers. What do you know about this?
  • I'm really bummed. I had a surgery called autologous chondrocyte implantation or ACI for short. It was actually two surgeries by the time they harvested my cartilage cells, grew more, and then put them in the hole in my knee cartilage. It's been six months and I still have knee pain, loss of motion, and can't do my normal activities. I guess I have lots of questions. Do I just give it more time? Did I do something wrong? What's the next step? Do I need more surgery? Please tell me what you know.
  • It's weird my boyfriend and I both blew out our ACL playing competitive basketball at the college level. We both had surgery with the same surgeon and went through the same rehab program. Yet he is back on the court playing full blast and I'm still not ready. Is this a boy-girl thing? More of a "who is more competitive" thing? I try not to let it bother me, but it is.
  • I am an assistant coach of a women's basketball team at a small college. In the past, I've worked with both male and female athletes. I've noticed something I wonder about. When an athlete injures his or her ACL and has surgery, they don't all get back on the court in the same time frame. Some don't ever make it back. Is this a matter of personality, competitive edge, type of surgery, or something else?
  • Help me out please! I just saw my surgeon about having ACL reconstructive surgery. I'm not even out to my car as I text this to you. I need some answers quick. The surgeon told me that each type of graft tissue used has plusses and minuses. She said there isn't enough "sufficient" evidence to support the use of one over the other. What does that mean: sufficient evidence? Either it works or it doesn't, right?
  • When I was in my 20s I was very active in all kinds of sports from swimming to fencing to football, soccer, volleyball. You name it, I was in it! But now in my 40s, I'm paying a price for all that fun. My knees hurt constantly. X-rays show advanced osteoarthritis. Am I too young for knee replacements? I heard you have to be old enough so the implants outlive you. Is that really true?
  • I'm on a task force for our hospital to look at the number of adults receiving total knee replacements. There's been some concern that overutilization by the surgeons is becoming an expensive problem. I'm reaching out to all the list serves I receive orthopedic information from looking for any information I can find about national trends. Can you help me out?
  • I know this question has been asked many times before but I'd like to know what's the latest thinking or recommendations about graft type for ACL repairs. I had a hamstring graft (graft came from myself) and it worked out pretty good. Just wondering if that's still what they tell patients to get.
  • I'm four-weeks post-op following ACL surgery for a ruptured knee. I think I'm coming along but I'm wondering about how much motion I need to get back. My knees were always a little lax before surgery and now the ACL side is close to zero extension. But my other knee can straighten even more past zero. Am I going for zero or more? I don't want to be back in the situation where the knee is so loose, it's unstable and likely to blow out again.
  • I had ACL surgery last week and I'm now at the physical therapist's clinic starting my rehab. They are very, very pushy about getting my full motion back like right now. I'm doing my best and feel like I want to tell them to back off! Is this something I should talk to the surgeon about and maybe have him say something?
  • I injured my ACL in a stupid accident while shooting baskets in the neighborhood. Now I'm benched for the season in my senior year of college. The surgeon who treated me mentioned the risk of arthritis later and also suggested I see a physical therapist now to help regain strength and proper alignment. How important is this really? I'm pretty depressed and discouraged and don't give a rip. I'm not sure I have it in me to do a rehab program if I can't play.
  • I am a high school athlete working on something called a "senior project." We are supposed to take a topic of interest to us and explore or investigate it thoroughly. I have picked the subject of ACL injuries in athletes because it happened to me and to several of my teammates. I'm glad I found your website to help me. Can you give me a quick overview of what causes ACL injuries to help me get organized?
  • X-rays taken today showed some damage to our son's knee diagnosed as juvenile osteochondritis dissecans. Our first stop was to your website to see what we can find out about this problem.
  • I lost my job two days before a scheduled total knee replacement. I decided to go ahead with the surgery anyway. I was forced by the lack of health insurance to get up and get going right away. I'm here to report to everyone else what a difference that made! My physical therapist said I regained more knee motion faster than anyone else she has ever had. Likewise for pain relief: I set my mind to get up and get going. I did and it worked. Please pass this on to your readers. Thanks.
  • Help me out here. My 82-year-old mother just had a knee replacement. The physical therapist came in (he looks all of 12-years-old) and is insisting she move that leg and get up out of bed. She is in terrible pain and wasn't all that spry before surgery. Should I say something or just stay out of it? I don't know what to do!
  • I'm in a real slump and need some perspective. Without saying too much, I am a player on a professional ball team. Ten months ago, I had an ACL repair with a patellar tendon graft (from the front of my knee). I thought I'd be back on the team full speed by now but I'm not. I see other players bounce back but I still have pain, swelling, and loss of motion and strength in that knee. What advice can you give me?
  • Is it true that people who have a patellar graft for a destroyed ACL will get worse arthritis than if we had gotten the hamstring graft? I know it's too late now that I went the patellar graft route, but I still wonder (especially on days the knee feels arthritic).
  • I had a new-fangled surgery called allograft meniscus transplantation. I'm three years out and doing great -- back to full work schedule, able to hop, skip, and jump, and even get out on the golf course a bit. At my final check up yesterday, the surgeon showed me on the MRI how the graft is pushing out of the joint. I don't have any pain or other symptoms so there's no apparent concern. But I'm doing a little Internet research of my own to find out if this could be a problem. What can you tell me?
  • I am going to have a meniscus transplantation in two-days. The surgeon briefly went over what to expect afterwards. Can you give me a few more specifics about the rehab part? What will I do? How long will it take? What should I be careful about?
  • I have a quick question for you. I'm 62-years-old and in fairly good shape. I visit the gym three times a week for weight training and I'm active in tennis, golf, and gardening. Last week as I was kneeling in the garden (or squatting, I can't remember which), when I started to stand up again I felt a ping in my left knee. It didn't hurt until later but now it's swollen and tender. What could be wrong?
  • I had a repair to my right knee meniscus. The surgery was what they call an all-inside technique. That was three months ago. I'm still having significant swelling and pain in that knee. And I know this seems weird but I swear sometimes it feels like a stitch is trying to work its way out. Is that possible?
  • I know this is going to sound weird but I'll ask anyway. Is there any connection between a full moon and ACL injuries? Both my sister and I tore our ACL during a full moon. We did a little internet research and found some evidence there might be a real connection. You have a much more scientific, medical approach. So what do you think?
  • I come from a family of athletes -- boys and girls. Half of my cousins, myself, and one of my two sisters have all blown out our ACLs. Is it possible this is hereditary or some kind of genetic trait? Have you ever heard of this before?
  • I am training for a half-marathon (my first) but I'm having problems with my left lower leg. I can't quite put my finger on it but the pain is steady and increasing over time. I don't want to stop training but I'm worried I'll make whatever the problem is worse. What do you suggest?
  • I've been told I have shin splints in both lower legs. What's the best way to treat this problem?
  • I'm 34-years-old, in great shape, and training for our local marathon. But everytime I go out running, I get a feeling of weakness in my right leg after about 25 or 30 minutes. There's pain but it's fairly mild. It seems to be getting worse slowly over time. I don't remember injuring anything. I'm worried I might have pulled a hamstring muscle. How can I tell for sure?
  • I pulled a hamstring muscle last season (I play college football). We are about to start spring training and I'm worried it might happen again. Is there anything I can do to avoid this?
  • I'm looking for any advice you can give me about what to expect AFTER blood injection. I'm having that plasma platelet business done on my knee for cartilage damage. The hope is to prevent osteoarthritis down the road.
  • I'm on a search for myself. I have damaged knee cartilage that lines the joint and I need help. So far, I've tried six months of diet and exercise to take pressure off the knee and improve my strength. The weight loss has been great but the knee still hurt. Then I let the surgeon shave the joint. That's supposed to help too. But I still feel like an old man with this gimpy, painful knee. What about this new blood injection platelet therapy? Can I try that if I've already had the knee scraped?
  • My sister just emailed me that she has a condition called pigmented villonodular synovitis of the knee. What is this? Is it hereditary?
  • What is the prognosis for a knee condition caused by pigmented villonodular synovitis or PVNS?
  • My father died six weeks ago at age 72. I'm still slogging through all his paperwork. I was reminded by some paperwork I found that he had a knee replacement three years ago. Looks like it cost him a fortune. Is it really worth all that money for a knee replacement in an older adult who isn't going anywhere? And then to die three years later -- ?
  • I got a knee replacement six months ago (the rotating kind with cement). But I'm disappointed to say that although my knee moves much better than before and it feels better, I still have more pain than I was expecting or like. Am I stuck or is there a solution to this problem?
  • Years ago I worked as a physical therapy aid in a hospital where they gave treatments for knee arthritis using diathermy. Now I'm a patient with knee osteoarthritis and I don't see anyone using this modality. Why not? We always got good results with it way back when.
  • I've heard about studies where they use the real treatment and compare it against "pretend" or "sham" treatments to find out what really works for a problem. What has been done like this for knee arthritis pain? I don't just want a "feel good" treatment that doesn't last or a "pretend" treatment that fools my body into believing I'm better. I want the real meal deal.
  • How can you tell when it's too late for surgical clean up of an arthritic knee and when joint replacement should be considered?
  • My orthopedic surgeon is going to patch up a hole in my knee joint. She plans on using some cartilage from another part of my knee that doesn't get much pressure. Evidently there is a patch that goes over the hole once it's filled up. I understand that patch can be made of collagen tissue or bone. Which is better? I'm assuming the bone since it's stronger, but thought I would check it out before my surgery is done.
  • I've been reading up on a type of surgery used to repair holes in the knee cartilage. I don't mean the meniscus, but the cartilage that lines the joint surface. At least that's how it's been explained to me about what's wrong with my knee. I discovered in my reading that European surgeons have a better method for using transplanted cartilage cells. Why don't American surgeons use this too?
  • I am a senior citizen in a retired living facility. We put on exercise programs for one another on a monthly basis. Next month it will be my turn. I've decided to talk about the importance of exercise for knee arthritis. Can you give me some tips or pointers I can use with the audience?
  • My wife and I have always been active and try to make healthy choices. Even so, she is starting to develop knee osteoarthritis. This comes as a surprise to us because of our efforts to avoid such conditions. What else can we do that we aren't already doing to keep this from getting worse?
  • It seems like knee medial meniscal tears has become an epidemic in my family. I have two sisters, a mother, and an aunt who ALL had surgery for this problem in the last 18 months. They each tore the back corner of the meniscus on the side closest to the other knee. Maybe there's some significance to that clue. Most of my relatives are pretty overweight so it doesn't really surprise me that this happened. But just to be on the safe side, what can I do to avoid this problem?
  • I started practicing yoga about six months ago to help with a shoulder problem. The shoulder got better but I noticed my knee started acting up. The surgeon I saw diagnosed me with a very specific meniscal tear (the back inside corner). I don't remember injuring myself so I'm wondering if it's the yoga positions that have caused this. Any idea?
  • I am a newbie physical therapist looking for ways to measure results in my patients with knee osteoarthritis. The therapists in the clinic where I did my student internship always used the WOMAC. Are there other equally reliable tests that might be shorter?
  • I posted this question on our local physical therapy list-serve but didn't get any replies. I'm hoping you might have an answer for me. Is the WOMAC the only (or the best) way to measure outcomes before and after physical therapy for knee osteoarthritis? Are there other tools that have been tested that we can use? We are trying to find ways to measure results that are patient (or diagnosis)-specific.
  • When I went to the orthopedic surgeon for a knee problem, she shifted my leg around until there was a click in the knee. It was quite painful at the time, then it felt better. Now that it doesn't hurt so much, do you think I still need surgery to repair a torn meniscus? Maybe it will heal on its own.
  • How do I know when I should request an MRI for a knee problem? The surgeon thinks I have a meniscal tear that requires surgery. I'm not so sure. Would an MRI give any more information than we already have?
  • I'm a relatively healthy young adult (21 years old). I've been active all my life. I didn't play sports in high school but I like to hike, skateboard, mountain bike, and paddle board. Lately I've been noticing that my left knee cap slides off to the side and then pops back. Hurts like heck. I never know when it's going to happen. I did fall while hiking last summer. Could this be the cause of the problem?
  • Our 23-year-old son is still on our insurance policy (until he is 26) so we know a lot about his medical problems. He was a high school and college athlete who ended up with a bum knee. Last year he had an operation to reattach the ligament along the inside of the knee to the knee cap. It evidently didn't do the trick because he ended up with a very stiff knee. Now they are talking about doing a knee manipulation. Poor guy. Does this happen very often?
  • I'm writing because I'm concerned that it's been six months since I had a hamstring repair and I still have pain when I'm sitting. There's also numbness down the back of my leg but that's not as annoying as the discomfort with sitting. Is this normal? How much longer will it last?
  • I'm in kind of a pickle. My college-aged kids are coming home for Christmas and expecting to go skiing. About a month ago, I tore my hamstring muscle up at the top where it attaches to my "sit bone." I'm still gimping around and wonder if I have surgery would I be able to ski with my family six months from now?
  • I am getting set up to have a special surgery for my knee. It's called ACI. I'm trying to do a little research and see how other people who have this operation done come out. Do you have any suggestions where I can look?
  • I am really depressed over the poor results of my knee surgery. I have a condition called osteochondritis dissecans (OCD). I've had it since I was a kid and I probably waited too long to get help. I've had one surgery already that didn't work. I still have excruciating knee pain, tenderness, swelling, etc. Before throwing in the towel, I thought I would check with you good people and see what you recommend as a next step.
  • I'm retired now from teaching with enough time on my hands to start worrying about all kinds of things. One thing that came to mind is my ACL repair of 10 years ago. Is this like those knee replacements that wear out after 10 to 15 years? Am I going to need another ACL surgery when (if?) this one gives out? What can you tell me so I can find something else to worry about? (Just kidding).
  • Ten years ago, I had an ACL reconstruction using the hamstring tendon. It seemed to go okay. I can bike and walk normally again. The surgical side feels a little 'tight' compared to the other side but otherwise, I can't tell any difference. My sister is having this same surgery next week. She's asking me which way to go: hamstring or patellar tendon graft. Has anything changed in the 10 years since I had my surgery? Would you recommend one graft type over the other?
  • How well do hamstrings heal after surgery to re-attach the tendon to the bone at the bottom of the pelvis? I asked my surgeon this question but we got distracted in our conversation and I never did get an answer to that question. I guess I'm worried I'll go through all this and it won't heal at all.
  • I am a 45-year old "athlete" heading in to my first surgery for a hamstring tear in my bum. I put the word athlete in quotations because of my older age. But I fully intend to get back in the game. What kinds of things should I be aware of as I go into and come out of this surgery? I'm definitely hoping to get back to all my pre-injury activities (golf, tennis, running, skiing).
  • To brace or not to brace: that is the ACL question. I'm going to have surgery tomorrow(!) to reconstruct my ACL. I've been told by one person that I'll be wearing a brace after surgery to protect the knee. But then I heard someone else say bracing isn't necessary and just adds to the cost. Which is it, really?
  • I had ACL surgery two weeks ago. The physical therapist was there right after the operation getting me up and going. The next day, she set me up on a home program and I go see her 3 times a week. It seems like a lot of work. Is this kind of rehab really necessary? Won't the knee just heal and get better on its own?
  • Is it possible to have a meniscus implant done for lateral meniscal tears? I found a couple of studies on-line for medical meniscus but not lateral. I know this technique is pretty new so maybe it's not even a possibility. I'd like to find out.
  • I was in Europe last month when I suddenly found myself in need of knee surgery. I had an old meniscal tear that locked up on me while I was playing soccer with some friends. Wrenched the heck out of my knee and what was left of the meniscus. A surgeon here did an operation called a CMI, and now I'm headed home with a brace on my knee but no idea what's next. What is next?
  • I have a feeling that our 17-year-old son is going to miss out on his senior year of high school football because he's afraid he'll reinjure the torn ACL he spent all summer rehabbing. We can't tell if we should push him back onto the field or just let it drop. His surgeon and physical therapist say he's ready to go back if he wants to.
  • I'm a newbie to coaching high school football with my only experience really being that I was a high school player myself. But our tiny town doesn't have money to hire anyone so it's all volunteer for everyone. One of the other parents (also a former football player but he played through college) suggested certain players are more likely to experience ACL injuries. And that we should put them on a special exercise program now to prevent injuries. I'm all in favor but don't really want to admit my ignorance. What players are we talking about here?
  • I heard a report that injuring the ACL of the nondominant leg puts athletes at increased risk of future injuries. Is that true? and what's the explanation for it?
  • I am the head athletic trainer for an athletic department at a large university. We train, advise, and rehab men's and women's sports (basketball, football, soccer, golf, volleyball). We've started keeping some statistics that show our women are more likely to tear their ACLs and a large percentage of both men and women don't come back -- even after going through the whole rehab program. What do your experts have to say about why this may be?
  • My brother lives in Texas and I live in Illinois. We both had knee replacements at about the same time. We both got infections in the joint (yes, about the same time). The only difference is that he was treated with cleaning the joint out and could keep his implant. I had to have part of mine removed and replaced. Is this a difference in the actual problem or because we live in different states? I don't know what to think, but I do wonder about it. Maybe I should have gone there for treatment.
  • With all we know now about "superbugs", what is being done to find better ways of treating joint infections after joint replacement? My mother is having hip replacement surgery next week. I'm the family nurse (professionally and personally) and I need to get up-to-date on this as I normally don't work in orthopedics.
  • I've been struggling for six months now with a persistent infection in my knee replacement. I've had the replacement replaced and still it rages on. I'm trying some alternative care such as acupuncture, naturopathic medicine, supplements, and a diet free of sugar, wheat, dairy, and meat. The surgeon is doing everything she can to save the joint. What are the treatment options if all this doesn't work?
  • I was told that there could be problems after my surgery to replace my know, the usual warnings everyone gets about infection, failure to heal, blood clots, heart attacks and what have you. I never imagined myself actually having any problems. But here I am two weeks later with a raging infection. I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow. What can I expect to happen next?
  • I injured my knee in a high-school football game and finally had surgery to repair both the ACL and the meniscus. Although I put it off until after college, the surgeon felt sure the delay would not affect the results because I was in such good shape. Now five years down the road, the meniscus has torn again and I wasn't even doing anything when it happened. Was I sold a bill of goods? Rehab after the ACL repair was a lot more (cost and time) than if I had just done the meniscus repair. I'm feeling pretty resentful right now.
  • I was just informed that my retorn meniscus is not all that uncommon. Yet I thought having the surgery to repair it would protect my knee and prevent early arthritis. It never crossed my mind that it might break again. Is this common?
  • What are the pros and cons of having the patella resurfaced during my total knee replacement?
  • Can you help me make a decision about my knee replacement? The surgeon thinks I should have the knee cap resurfaced at the same time the knee joint itself is replaced. But the final decision is mine to make. I listened to all the pros and cons and now I'm checking on the internet to see what else I can find.
  • When I was in high school, I had an ACL injury playing basketball on our girls varsity team. They did surgery and said girls just are more prone to this problem. Before my senior year was over, there were six of us on the bench with an ACL injury. Now my daughter is starting to play basketball (junior high level). Is there anything that can be done to decrease her chances of getting this injury?
  • My teenage daughter has been told she should have surgery to correct her Q-angle so she won't injure her ACL during sports activities (she's in volleyball, soccer, and basketball). Wow -- this seems pretty drastic. Isn't there some other way she can prevent this injury? I see other girls wearing knee braces. How about that?
  • I just found out that I tore my hamstring muscle. How long does it take to rehab and recover from this type of injury? We are mid-basketball season and I hope to finish out as many games as possible.
  • Our daughter appears to have injured her left hamstring during cheer squad practice. Should we ask for an X-ray, CT scan, MRI or what? We are not really sure how bad it is or what to do about it.
  • How realistic is it to expect cartilage replacement to turn around arthritis in my knee? I'm 42 years old and trying to avoid having a knee replacement. Would having a procedure called matrix autologous cartilage transplantation (my surgeon just calls it MATC) do this for me? I'm looking at all options.
  • I'm young and healthy but I have a bad knee. Dinged it up playing handball. Got a big hole in the cartilage that goes down to the bone. Too young for a knee replacement. Looking into these new treatments with Matrix cartilage transplantation. What does this do? How does it work? Does it work? What can you tell me?
  • Mom had a knee replacement two years ago. About six months ago, she started complaining that she didn't feel well but she couldn't pinpoint any specific problem. Her doctor couldn't find anything until one day, a hole popped open in the skin around her knee. All kinds of junk gushed out and they finally diagnosed her with a staph infection. They had to take the knee replacement out and she almost lost her leg. How is it possible for something like this to go on for so long and no one could figure it out?
  • What is the difference between septic and aseptic loosening of a joint replacement? I have a loose implant and they are doing tests to tell what I have but I don't know what it means or why it makes a difference.
  • I heard about the new blood injection therapy for knee arthritis and asked my doctor about it. He said, "Never be the first or the last" (to try some new treatment). I'd still like to consider trying this new therapy. What do you recommend?
  • I was on the last part of a three-week spiritual pilgrimage with a group in another country, when my knee arthritis started acting up. Our guide took me to the university hospital where we were staying. They gave me a treatment they called "blood injection therapy." I gathered from the interpretor that this is some way to give me my own platelets to stimulate healing of the tissue. I was amazed that by the time I got back to the United States, the pain and stiffness were much better. Do we have this treatment here? How does it work? Should I go for another shot?
  • My doctor told me after my total knee replacement, I won't need any special therapy or rehab. The physical therapists at the hospital will show me what to do before I leave and that's all that's needed. My sister (she lives in a different state) told me she had a special exercise program they called "functional." She says the reason she is doing so good is because they pushed her not to be afraid to move. Maybe I need that, too. What do you think?
  • The health club I go to has several different pools to choose from. I like going in the water because it makes my arthritic knees feel better. I've been just using the regular pool to walk and do my exercises. But they do have a pool with a treadmill in it that I could use. Is that easier or harder than walking on the bottom of the pool?
  • Do you think exercising in a pool for my knee arthritis is really worth all the mess and fuss of getting wet, having to shower, and redo my hair and makeup? It seems easier to just walk on the treadmill but my knees do hurt afterwards.
  • I'm going in to the dentist to have the last of my teeth removed for dentures. Since I have a hip and a knee replacement, I'll be on antibiotics to prevent infection. The dental surgeon explained to me that my joint replacements might get infected with this type of invasive surgery. But what I don't understand is the connection between dental surgery and my joints. Why wouldn't I just get a mouth infection?
  • I am on a college-level women's volleyball team funded through a scholarship. This is important information because it's the reason why I can't stop playing. But I have developed Jumper's Knee and the advice I was given was to stay off the leg and let it heal. Since I can't do that, I've been looking on-line for other ways to treat it. I found several mentions of blood injection or shock wave therapy. Would either of these help me? Should I try them both?
  • I've been told that I might get some benefit from "shock therapy" to my knee for a bad case of "Jumper's Knee." Is this really a safe method of treatment? Sounds gruesome but I'm desperate and willing to try just about anything.
  • My aunt is a Catholic nun who works way too many hours in their infirmary. She had a knee replacement four years ago and seemed to do alright. But last month, she developed an infection in the joint and has had to have intravenous antibiotics everyday for weeks now. Of course, we are all concerned about her. I'm doing a little research before I approach the head honcho over there about her situation. What can you tell me about stuff like how often this happens, what does it happen, and what should be done about it?
  • I'm so angry, I just don't know what to do or who to blame. After doing very careful research, we allowed my aging father to have a knee replacement. He's diabetic and overweight so we weren't sure this was such a good idea. Then he got an infection in the joint and the new knee implant had to be removed. Afterwards, we were told that men do have a higher rate of infection after knee replacements but no one has said why or if this was the case for Dad. We also found out that diabetics have more problems like this. What's your take on all this?
  • I was biking and hiking in India over the summer when I injured my knee badly. I was lucky enough to find my way to a large surgical center there where one surgeon was an 'expert' on knee injuries using a new grafting technique. Part of my quadriceps muscle was used to replace the torn ligaments. Now that I'm back in the U.S. and in rehab, I'm looking for any information that might help my physical therapist know what was done in the surgery so she can create a program to match. Can you help me? I don't remember the name of the clinic I went to but I know I was in Ahmedabad (western India, south west of New Delhi). Can your orthopedic surgeon contact someone and find out what was done?
  • I'm doing a little research to find out how to cure a chronically dislocating knee cap. I've tried the rehab route. It didn't work for me. I think my knee is too far gone. The ligament and the connective tissue (I think it's called the retinaculum) are both fully ruptured. That brings me to the possibility of surgery. But I'm finding lots of different ways to do this. I was surprised to see that even in other countries surgeons do it differently. I found one method using the quadriceps muscle that made sense to me. What do you think about this?
  • Do you think it makes any difference how they repair a broken knee cap? Well, the bone isn't actually broken. The ligament holding the knee cap in place along the inside is torn, so now the darn thing keeps popping off and it's a killer. I've seen two surgeons and they both have different ways to deal with this kind of problem.
  • What kind of rehab program should I expect to follow after reconstruction surgery for a chronically dislocating kneecap? I'm prepared for just about anything but thought I'd ask around a bit to see what the standard programs might be.
  • I was biking and hiking in India over the summer when I injured my knee badly. I was lucky enough to find my way to a large surgical center there where one surgeon was an 'expert' on knee injuries using a new grafting technique. Part of my quadriceps muscle was used to replace the torn ligaments. Now that I'm back in the U.S. and in rehab, I'm looking for any information that might help my physical therapist know what was done in the surgery so she can create a program to match. Can you help me? I don't remember the name of the clinic I went to but I know I was in Ahmedabad (western India, south west of New Delhi). Can your orthopedic surgeon contact someone and find out what was done?
  • I'm doing a little research to find out how to cure a chronically dislocating knee cap. I've tried the rehab route. It didn't work for me. I think my knee is too far gone. The ligament and the connective tissue (I think it's called the retinaculum) are both fully ruptured. That brings me to the possibility of surgery. But I'm finding lots of different ways to do this. I was surprised to see that even in other countries surgeons do it differently. I found one method using the quadriceps muscle that made sense to me. What do you think about this?
  • I am most distressed over the turn of events with my knee. I tore my ACL two years ago playing basketball in a college-level tournament. Biggest disappointment of my life. Did rehab and ended up in surgery anyway. Due to the long period of inactivity, I gained quite a bit of weight. Ended up retearing the reconstructed ACL. It's possible the added weight was part of the reason for this unfortunate result. I'm afraid to have another surgery if it's just going to go bad on me again. Is there any way to predict what may happen with a second surgery?
  • Can you please explain to me the main reasons why people (like me) who have ACL reconstruction surgery end up rupturing the new ligament and having to start all over again? I can't help but wonder if there was something I did (or didn't do) that could have prevented this from happening.
  • I know they say now that taking a torn meniscus out is a bad idea because people get knee arthritis sooner and worse as a result. But are there times when people who have a torn meniscus that isn't removed still get arthritis?
  • What is it about a torn meniscus that increases the risk of developing knee osteoarthritis? I'm thinking if I understand the whys and wherefores of my injury, I may be able to avoid this extra problem. What do you think?
  • I'm a little surprised and a lot disappointed by the results of my ACL surgery. The surgeon used the patellar tendon graft technique. My knee is stiff and the scar is ugly. With all the changes in modern technology, can't they find a better way to treat torn ligaments?
  • I know you have probably answered this question before but could you please give me a quick run down on the pros and cons of ACL reconstruction techniques? I know there are two different tendon grafts that can be used (patellar or hamstrings tendon). Which one do you advise using?
  • I've been monkeying around with a hip problem for months now. I've seen the doctor four or five times. Each time, there's a different test ordered. First, there was an examination with poking and prodding. Then it was X-rays, and then an MRI. So far, they think I may have something called FAI. Now they want to inject a numbing agent (like Novacaine) into the hip to see if the pain is really coming from the hip joint. Why is something like this so difficult to figure out?
  • I read somewhere that being young (less than 18) and female increases my risk of a re-tear of an ACL repair (which I had done about six months ago). Can you tell me why these two things are the reason for another injury? I am both female and turning 18 this year and I definitely don't want to go through this again!
  • I heard from several other patients in the clinic where I am going for my knee problems (ACL tear) that one surgery may not be enough to clear up the problem. Can you tell me what else might happen and if I might be one of the unlucky ones to have this happen?
  • When I was at the surgeon's office being evaluated for arthroscopic surgery, the surgeon was telling the intern it was possible to go through the back of the knee but they would do an MRI first. How are these scopes usually done if not from the back?
  • I'm looking for any information I can find about an exercise program for a torn meniscus. I'd really like to try and avoid surgery. The doc tells me it is a "horizontal medial meniscus" tear -- if that helps you any.
  • I'm faced with the decision of doing a rehab program for eight to 12 weeks for my knee versus the quick-and-easy way out (surgery). The problem is a horizontal tear in the meniscus (along the back part closest to the other knee). I know there's always a downside to surgery and I know if the rehab stuff doesn't work, I can always have the surgery. But I HATE to exercise. What do the experts advise in a case like this?
  • My husband is going to have a unicompartmental knee replacement next week. I didn't go with him to the doctor's but he came back with a glowing report on why it should be done without cement. Does this seem like the best way to go to you? If I question my husband, he will only get angry but I'd like to know he's really getting the right thing.
  • Can you help me sort out two things? I've been advised by my orthopedic surgeon to have a unicompartmental knee replacement (thing number one: should I do it?). A cementless implant will be used (instead of cement). That's thing number two: is cementless better?
  • Years ago, I was in a car accident and damaged the posterior cruciate ligament of my right knee (hit it against the glove box on the passenger side). I opted NOT to have surgery but now I'm wondering if that was such a good idea because that knee is getting pain from arthritis. Is this a typical pattern with these kinds of injuries as time goes by?
  • Is it possible to rehab a PCL injury and still remain active? I like to golf, play tennis, and even pickup a game of basketball now and then. The knee doesn't bother me all the time -- it just seems to flare up occasionally. I don't really want surgery but if that's what it takes to keep on going, so be it. I've had this injury for quite a while now and have just been sitting on it so-to-speak without doing anything.
  • I've heard that if I have both knees replaced at the same time (for severe arthritis), the cost is less but the risks are higher. What can you tell me about this?
  • I am agonizing over the decision whether to have both my knees replaced at the same time or do them one at a time. How do other people make this decision?
  • What's all the hype about preventing ACL injuries? The cross-town high school rivals are spending lots of time doing exercise programs to prevent knee injuries. We think it's a more valuable use of time to get out there and run the plays to perfection. But I have to ask, is it really possible to get my players in better shape so they don't crash and burn with ACL tears? Last season, we lost six key players to this problem. Please don't mention the town where I live. Thanks.
  • I'm working with a group of green college freshman on our community college basketball team. I've been reading on the Internet that ACL injuries are on the rise but can be prevented. What can you tell me about this? I'd like to start these guys out right this year.
  • I am having a debate with my parents over whether or not my grandparents (who are both in their 80s) should have joint replacements. I see this as a huge cost to society (myself as a tax payer) with very little return. So they feel better for a few years before they die. This may sound heartless but when I saw the cost of one knee replacement (in the thousands), I couldn't help but wonder. What's the current thinking on this one?
  • When news reports talk about indirect cost savings of surgery (like I heard one report on how knee replacements cost millions each year but save taxpayers billions), what are they referring to? I'm considering a knee replacement and I would like to save as much money as possible. Maybe this will help me.
  • I am the kind of person who gets every possible cold, flu, and virus that is going around. If there is a complication for anything -- I get it. This concerns me because I am scheduled to have ACL surgery next week. I am taking extra vitamin C, avoiding sugar, and eating lots of greens in an effort to boost my immune system. Is there anything else I can do? What am I missing?
  • Do you think it makes any difference whether I have a hamstring or patellar tendon graft for an ACL tear? I know that the patellar tendon graft sometimes makes it difficult to kneel after surgery. Are there any problems with the hamstring tendon graft?
  • What in the world caused me to develop a cruciate ligament ganglion cyst? I have never heard of such a thing before but the MRI was pretty clear as to what is the problem and why my knee has been hurting for so long.
  • I would like to know straight out what's the prognosis for someone with a rare knee problem called a tibiofibular joint cyst? That's what I have and what I'm going to get a second opinion about. But my cousin told me to check out your website first, so here I am.
  • I am a 23 year old male who is slated to have surgery for a meniscus repair next week.  My uncle has had the same surgery and he continued to have the same problems after the repair.  Why did his not heal properly?  Should I be concerned as well?
  • I am a 52 year old female who loves to downhill ski, hike, and mountain bike. I recently tore my meniscus and my surgeon wants to perform a meniscectomy.  Why does he not instead want to perform a meniscus repair as I've heard meniscectomies are linked to arthritis?
  • I am a 30 year old male who recently tore my ACL. I need to return to my job as a roofer and want to heal quickly. What is the best choice of graft site for my ACL surgery?
  • Should I have my ACL repaired right away or is it safe to wait until the end of the summer when I have more free time to rehabilitate?
  • What should I consider if I am thinking about getting a total knee replacement?
  • Is there a reason why people younger than fifty have higher rates of total knee failures and resultant revisions in one year?
  • What is the difference between an autologous chondrocyte implantation and an osteochondral allograft transplantation? I have a large cartilage tear that goes clear down to my bone and my surgeon is suggesting I have an osteochondral allograft transplantation.
  • I am a 25-year-old competitive kick boxer. Six months ago I tore my medial meniscus and some of the cartilage under it. I have been strengthening and getting ready for surgery but am trying to figure out what surgery will be best for me. I want to be able to get back to my previous level without having to worry about having arthritic knees when I’m 40.
  • If I have a bad knee and my doctor is suggesting that I have it replaced, would platelet rich plasma help me?
  • My physical therapist is suggesting I try a valgus knee brace to help with my knee OA.  Is this recommended and will it help me?  They are very expensive.
  • I am 50 years old and generally active however have been limited lately by my knee pain.  My doctor says I have osteoarthritis.  What are some things that I can do to keep my pain to a minimum and keep moving as long as I can?
  • I am a soccer coach for a girls' competitive soccer team. I am interested in putting together a ACL injury prevention program for our soccer club. What is the most effective program?
  • I am a young athlete who has seen many friends tear their ACL. I do not want to have this happen to me. Is there anything I can do to prevent ACL injury?
  • What should I have prepared when I go see a Doctor about a surgery for my knee pain and cartilage repair?
  • What can I take away from this article?
  • How do you measure anterior laxity of the knee?
  • If I think my knees hyperextend will I have an ACL tear?
  • I recently tore my ACL and have been attending physical therapy for strengthening for the past month with good results.  My therapist brought it to my attention that I might not need an ACL reconstruction.  I thought if you tore it you needed to fix it.  Is this true?
  • After I have my ACL repaired how long will it take me to return to playing soccer?
  • How effective are physical therapy exercises for reducing knee pain?
  • Why do my knee caps hurt when I run, squat or descend stairs?
  • My daughter is 16 years old and has recent torn her ACL. I have been doing research on the different graft options, and what is the best choice?
  • I tore my meniscus and ACL, should I try to have the meniscus repaired?
  • I live in a rural area and am planning to have my knee replaced soon. There is not a good option for in home physical therapy, but my doctor has recommended a clinic that will set up tele rehabilitation sessions. Is this as good as having a therapist come to my home, or should I try to get into town to see one?
  • I am considering having therapy following my total knee replacement be through video conferencing, what is the difference from face to face, and are there any down sides?
  • My 14-year-old son got hit really hard in his thigh at football practice yesterday. There is now a big, hard mass underneath his skin and he has a nasty bruise. Is there anything I can do to help this? We went to the doctor and he had an x-ray which showed no break.
  • I am an active 40-year-old male and have had persistent knee pain for awhile now. My x-rays show some degeneration in my joint. Physical therapy alleviates some of the pain but there still is that dull nagging ache every now and then. Are there options other than a new knee joint?

    *Disclaimer:*The information contained herein is compiled from a variety of sources. It may not be complete or timely. It does not cover all diseases, physical conditions, ailments or treatments. The information should NOT be used in place of visit with your healthcare provider, nor should you disregard the advice of your health care provider because of any information you read in this topic.

    All content provided by eORTHOPOD® is a registered trademark of Mosaic Medical Group, L.L.C.. Content is the sole property of Mosaic Medical Group, LLC and used herein by permission.