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New Disability Profile Identified in Chronic Spine Disorders

Posted on: 11/30/1999
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is a personality inventory often used by psychologists. Scores on the test help predict which patients might improve with treatment. Surgeons started using this test some years ago to select patients who were good candidates for surgery.

Researchers from the Department of Psychology at the University of Texas (Arlington) have further classified chronic back pain patients. Using the MMPI in a large group of patients with chronic occupational spinal disorders (COSD), a new disability profile (DP) was discovered.

More than half of the COSD group could be classified as DP based on MMPI results. What makes the DP group different from other patients? The study showed they were 14 times more likely to be depressed or anxious. They were also five times more likely to have a separate diagnosable personality disorder. And the DP group was less likely to go back to work after treatment.

The authors suggest patients with COSD must be evaluated and treated for clinical depression when present. Without this important step, recovery or even improvement for patients with chronic pain disorders cannot progress. With the right treatment, a better response to surgical or nonoperative care may be the outcome. This conclusion applies to COSD patients who fall into the DP group when tested with the MMPI.

Robert J. Gatchel, PhD, et al. MMPI Disability Profile: The Least Known, Most Useful Screen for Psychopathology in Chronic Occupational Spinal Disorders. In Spine. December 1, 2006. Vol. 31. No. 25. Pp. 2973-2978.

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