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My husband has back pain from an accident at work. He says the pain has gotten better, but still he doesn't do the activities he used to. Is this cause for concern?

It might be. Some people with back pain develop a fear of activities perceived to cause more pain. This can lead to more disability over time. In the case of low back pain, research has shown that patients' fear of activities often becomes disabling and prevents them from working. Men who are injured at work have been shown to have relatively more fear of activities than some other groups.

If your husband was injured on the job, it's natural that he might fear work activities. This fear may spread to other areas, such as physical activities. Unfortunately, the less your husband does over time, the less likely he is to have a full recovery.

Talk with your husband and his doctor about your concerns. Working closely with a doctor or physical therapist may help your husband get back into his activities safely--and with less pain.


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