
Shoulder Anatomy Animated Tutorial Shoulder Anatomy Animated Tutorial

55 years ago

Osteonecrosis of the Humeral Head

A Patient's Guide to Osteonecrosis of the Humeral Head Introduction Osteonecrosis of the humeral head is a condition where a…

55 years ago

Quadrilateral Space Syndrome

A Patient's Guide to Quadrilateral Space Syndrome Introduction Quadrilateral space syndrome (QSS) happens when the axillary nerve is compressed, or…

55 years ago

Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty

A Patient's Guide to Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty Introduction Shoulder joint replacement surgery (also called shoulder arthroplasty) can effectively ease pain…

55 years ago

Rotator Cuff Tear Arthropathy

A Patient's Guide to Rotator Cuff Tear Arthropathy Introduction The rotator cuff is a unique structure in the shoulder that…

55 years ago

Weightlifter’s Shoulder

A Patient's Guide to Weightlifter's Shoulder (Distal Clavicular Osteolysis) Introduction Weightlifter's shoulder is a painful deterioration of the distal end…

55 years ago

Shoulder Arthroscopy

A Patient's Guide to Shoulder Arthroscopy Introduction The use of arthroscopy (arthro means joint and scopy means look) has revolutionized…

55 years ago

Shoulder Dislocations

A Patient's Guide to Shoulder Dislocations Introduction A shoulder dislocation is a painful and disabling injury of the glenohumeral joint.…

55 years ago

Biceps Rupture

A Patient's Guide to Biceps Rupture Introduction A biceps rupture involves a complete tear of the main tendon that attaches…

55 years ago

Biceps Tendonitis

A Patient's Guide to Biceps Tendonitis Introduction Biceps tendonitis, also called bicipital tendonitis, is inflammation in the main tendon that…

55 years ago