I really love my Pilates class — I go almost everyday. But I can’t help but wonder if there’s any real scientific basis for this technique. I’ve heard it has been around a long time but I couldn’t find much on the Internet to prove it works. What do you know about it?

You are among many millions of people who would agree with you. Pilates exercise is fun, fascinating, and almost addictive for some people.

Pilates is actually the name of the German born man (Joseph Pilates) who first developed this technique back in the mid-1900s. It was almost a lost art until about 10 years ago. And then the momentum behind the Pilates movement seemed to snowball. The word spread and now it is a technique that is offered in classes at the local YMCA, health club, fitness center and even physical therapy clinics.

Mr. Pilates believed that using his exercise approach, brain cells would be activated and even improve thought processes. His focus on precision, learning coordinated and rhythmical movement patterns, and breathing were meant to be for each individual person. But today’s approach is more of a group training in classes like you are probably taking.

According to a recent review of 90 articles published since 1995, there is a scientific foundation but limited evidence for Pilates. Actually, only nine of the 90 published studies were high enough quality to be considered in the review. But those studies did show that some of the Pilates techniques designed to align, lengthen, and protect the spine are effective in developing strength of the abdominal and trunk muscles.

As it turns out, the combined use of focus, breathing, rhythmical movement, and precision results in total body strengthening (not just the core or central muscles of the abdomen and trunk).

Weaker muscles start to contract and participate in the movement when stronger muscles are engaged. With improved muscle control comes better alignment and protection of the spine. The end result is the ability to perform even more advanced skilled movements with perfect balance and coordination.

Although it is believed that anyone of any age in any condition can benefit from Pilates exercises, research to support this with actual evidence is still lacking. It’s clear that any form of exercise is beneficial for your overall health, so don’t stop what you are doing!