I am new to the diagnosis of fibromyalgia but I’m convinced my doctor is right and that’s what I have. She tells me it’s not just in my head — it’s in my entire nervous system. Could you help me understand this a little more? Why is my nervous system acting this way?

Your physician must be familiar with the new theories around conditions like fibromyalgia that generate pain, pain, and more pain. Even areas that have never been injured seem to get in the act. That describes a phenomenon called central sensitization.

Nerve cells called neurons in the spinal cord that transmit pain information from body part(s) to brain don’t just pass the information along — they remain excited about the information. They generate pain messages that are too much (intensity) for too long (duration).

At the same time, the person’s threshold (level at which a response occurs) lowers so there’s a faster response to less input. Not only that but other nearby tissues get in on the act. They aren’t injured or damaged but they set up the same pain-inducing racket in the nervous system. That phenomenon is called field-expansion.

Many questions revolve around risk factors or predictive factors. In other words, why do some people become so sensitive and others do not? Are there environmental, social, genetic, and/or psychologic triggers? What is happening at the cellular and molecular levels? Are there separate mechanisms for what turns the pain on and what keeps it going or sustains it?

Scientists have been able to find out that it’s not just a matter of some pain switch getting turned on in the hand or foot (or other body part) that’s injured. There’s much more to it than that. It appears that in some people, the central nervous system is overly sensitive. Words like hypersensitive, exaggerated, or ramped up are used to describe it.

The question becomes, what can be done about it? If we can understand the mechanism, it may be possible to turn it off — or better yet, keep it from getting turned on in the first place. We know now that various parts of the nervous system from the individual cells to the message pathways (like a relay system) and brain are adaptable and changeable. That’s referred to as neural plasticity.

Scientists may be able develop ways to work with neural plasticity. Right now, they are looking for ways to turn down the excitability of neurons in the central nervous system or even turn them off. If they are successful, it could give patients like yourself who have suffered chronic pain a new lease on life, and keep others from suffering the same fate in the first place.