More and more adults are being affected by osteoarthritis (OA) than ever before. It is estimated that over 25 million americans have been diagnosed with OA. There may be many more who don’t report their symptoms to a physician or ask anyone else for help.
There are two main reasons for this dramatic increase: people are living longer and many of them are overweight to the point of obesity. We used to think osteoarthritis was a joint disease caused by wear and tear. But that simple explanation doesn’t begin to outline the complexities of joints, their function, and dysfunctions.
With that in mind, physicians have turned away from just prescribing pain relievers and antiinflammatories. Now the approach is one of self-management. Patients are expected to work with their support team of orthopedic surgeon, primary care physician, physical therapist, and occupational therapist to preserve and protect their ailing joints.
That is done with a wide range of treatment choices from a simple shoe insert to correct joint alignment and walking stick to off-load the joint to the more invasive joint replacement. There are many other choices between those two options.
In addition to shoe modifications, supportive neoprene sleeves and stabilizing joint braces may be prescribed. Good nutrition and exercise are extremely helpful, not just with weight loss but with the health of the joint itself. Modalities such as heat, cold, electrical stimulation, and acupuncture can be used during acute flare-ups.
Offering suggestions at a social setting like bridge club can be a challenge. Many people just want to be heard and sympathized with. Often they aren’t really looking for suggestions.
If you are not an arthritis sufferer yourself, you won’t be able to report what has worked for you. But you can comment on what you’ve read on-line about the new self-management team approach, which we’ve just described.
It might be possible to redirect the conversation from complaining more toward getting others to describe what has worked for them and contributing what you’ve learned on their behalf. Good luck — with the bridge game and in being a supportive friend.