Many people support the use of stem cell research but government regulation (both in the U.S. and in Europe) has slowed the process of study in this area. Change in hard fought legislation such as the restriction of government funds to support embryonic stem cell research won’t change over night.
In the meantime, scientists have started looking elsewhere for solutions to the problem (e.g., whole blood, platelet-rich plasma). But for those who have stuck with stem cell therapy, here’s a little idea of the status of this area of study:
To date, there are over 1000 studies published in the area of stem cell research for tendon healing. There is every reason to believe from these reported results that although hampered by government regulation, advances are being made in the area of cell therapy and tissue engineering.
Even with obstacles, the ingenuity of scientists to think outside the box has moved the field of study ahead significantly in the last 20 years. Evidence is still fairly limited and long-term results are absent for now. This may change in time with more resources dedicated in the future to stem cell therapy.