As a store manager in a department store with an escalator, we are aware of the dangers to young children riding the moving stairs. Already this summer, we’ve had two children with severe toe injuries. Both were wearing Crocs that got caught in the stairs. We have a sign posted but we can’t stop people from taking their children on the escalator. Is anything being done to change the design of these shoes or take them off the market?

Department stores with escalators often have a sign posted that the escalator is not to be played on or ridden for fun when shopping. Safety is the store’s first concern. Injuries can and do happen on escalators. These kinds of signs rarely keep children from taking a joy ride. And even when accompanied by an adult, severe fractures, cuts, and even traumatic toe amputations have been reported in children riding escalators.

Many things have already been done to reduce these kinds of injuries. The manufacturers of rubber clogs have started a safety campaign called the Escalator Safety Awareness Initiative. Tags are attached to the clogs with safety information about escalators. Efforts are being made to improve the design and maintenance of escalators. Safety side plates are now part of newer escalator installations.

Children should never be allowed to sit on the escalator steps (or stand facing backwards) when it is moving. Trying to walk down the up escalator and vice versa is to be strictly forbidden. Any child wearing clogs must be closely supervised.

Young children should be assisted at the top until they have developed the skills needed to step off safely. All of the unfortunate escalator-related injuries involving clogs have been preventable. Parents can help prevent loss of toes, fractures, and crush injuries by following these simple suggestions.

Store managers are advised to ensure safety inspections, routine escalator maintenance, and regular lubrication of moving parts. Parents are reminded to keep children away from the sides of the escalator and face forward. Everyone in the store should always be aware of where the escalator emergency stop button is located.