More people are involved in weight training than ever before! We’re talking kids to seniors from age six to 100! Many teens have expressed a similar interest as your daughter in starting a weight-training program. Not too surprising, there’s been a huge increase in weight training-related injuries in the last 10 years.
It’s estimated that almost one million weight training-related injuries are seen every year in hospitals across the United States — and that doesn’t include injuries that are never reported or evaluated. So who’s getting hurt? What kind of injuries are being reported? Most of the injuries occur in men (82.3 per cent) but that’s also because many more men than women lift weights. This may change as more teens get involved in weight lifting.
Right now, the data shows an upward trend for injuries among three distinct groups: teens under the age of 13, women in general, and older men (55+). Men of all ages injure their backs and upper trunk most often. They are also more likely to overexert themselves (lift too much, too many times) leading to an injury.
There have been some deaths reported from heart attacks among men lifting weights. We are not aware of any deaths in teens from weights landing on them but there are some (rare) reports of this among men lifting without a proper partner to spot for them.
The largest proportion of injuries occur while using free weights. People drop the weights on themselves or hit themselves with the weights. The use of machines also requires some tips on training. It’s just as easy to overdo on weight machines as it is with free (handheld or dumbbell) weights. Most of the commercially available weight machines used in home gyms and fitness centers are designed for the average sized adult. They are not proportioned for short or tall, small or large people.
No matter what type of weights are used, the key is to provide your daughter with a safe training program under the supervision of a knowledgeable health care professional or fitness trainer. Proper instruction may reduce injuries and help all interested individuals advance at their own pace for a successful injury free outcome.